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The boys and I walk into our house after being at the studio for over 2 hours. "Isn't Kylie here" Nick ask "she should be" I answer before walking upstairs and into my bedroom to see her going through my drawers "what are you doing" she jumps at the sound of my voice "you're back"

I nod "yeah , why were you in my drawers" I ask and close them "just looking for a charger" I look over at my bed "it's right there" I point "oh silly me" she smiles and grabs it "but umm how was the studio" she sits down making me sit next to her. "Good , we got a lot of things done today"

She nods "that's great , new music coming out means more fame" she says before smiling "uh yup" I say "that's now really the point though" I shrug "more fame means more money" she tells me "what does that have to do with anything" I ask

"More...... uh date nights and stuff" she replies
"Anyways , I think Maggie is coming over soon" She adds "she's probably just gonna hang with Brandon so I'll be with you" she lays her head on my shoulder "what do you wanna do" I ask "we can go shopping" she brings her head up and says

"I just got home" I complain "online shopping is a thing , you know" she states "right , online shopping" I nod "don't you wanna just lay down and watch a movie" I suggest "it's calling multitasking" she grabs my phone

"Why my phone" I ask "your card is on here" she unlocks it "why my card" I look at her and she looks at me "I'll get stuff for you too" I roll my eyes and lay back into my bed as she's about to shop for the next at least 3 hours.


Devin and I are currently in my car on our way back to my house. I just picked him up from practice. "Thanks again" he thanks me "of course" I stop at a red light and look at him "what are we doing when we get to my place" I ask "I definitely need to shower and then we can maybe have some fun" he grabs my hand "is that all you ever wanna do?"

I start driving again before he speaks again "I mean no but I like to do it" he answers "every time you come over that's what we do" I add "Do you not want to" he ask "I mean I want to but damn , you are always right to the point" I say "like I said no wasting time" he tells me.

We walk into my house "I'm gonna shower and I'll see you after" he kisses my cheek and walks into the bathroom before I walk into my bedroom.

(1 hour later)

Devin walks in dressed and sets his phone down before putting his lips on mine right away "you just walked in" I say In between kisses "you don't play about wasting time ever" I giggle as he kisses my neck before we are interrupted by his phone ringing


I look over at it "who's Trina" I ask and he looks at his phone "uhh my ... sister" he says "oh , you didn't tell me you had a sister" I say "well I don't really talk about her much" he chuckles "but anyways back to where we were" he goes to kiss me but I push him back "shouldn't you answer that"

He shakes his head "I talked to her like 10 minutes ago , it's fine" he kisses me and I just take his word.

A while later we are laying in my bed as I lay on his chest "is it just me or does this get better every time" I ask "it gets better every time" he chuckles "I do have to get going" he slides right from under me "why" I ask "I got a lot of football shii to go over"

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