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(7 days before tour)

Zion rest his hand on my thigh "look" he says and I realize he got his damn Tesla driving by Itself again. "Zion" I whine "what" he ask "you know I don't like that" I say "but it's cool" he says "no it's scary" I say "baby it's fun" he puts his hands in the air "please stop" I give him that look

"Oh fine" he stops and starts driving "thank you" I smile "anyways , excited for Tour" I ask "very excited" he nods "I love tour" he adds "and getting to see the fans , I'm ready" he gets all excited before looking at me "but I'll miss you so much" he says "I'll be down for a show or two" I nod "you gotta come to the Canada tour" he says "I will"

He smiles "you can meet my family finally" he says "and then come to the Orlando show so I can meet your family" he says "those two shows are in the same week so you can stay for a week then come back to la and I'll be back a month later" he says
"Kinda sad" I poke my lip out "at least the last show is in La so you can come to that too"
He says "then we can come straight home"

I nod at him explaining everything to me. "Sounds like a plan" he parks the car in front of the house "they know we are back on right" I ask "yeah" he nods and opens the front door for me to walk in "hi secret keepers" I wave at the 4 boys sitting in the living "Tabitha listen" Edwin goes "I know , you guys are so sorry and you wish you would have told me" I say and they nod

"we are sorry" Brandon says "it's okay , if I can forgive Zion and I can forgive you guys" I smile "good cause we don't wanna be on your bad side" Austin says "never" I sit down with Zion "one week till tour" I look at them "we are so excited" Nick says "I'm excited for you guys" I agree "are you coming to any shows" Austin ask "Canada , Orlando and LA" I tell them "damn only 3"

I nod at Brandon's question "just 3" I lay on Zions shoulder "but I will talk to you 5 after every show" I smile "that's a plus" Zion says . "You guys are gonna kill it" I say "these last 7 days are gonna be fun" Edwin says "and we have to have sex all 7 days before you leave" I look at Zion "eww" Austin says "you sure you can handle all that" he ask

"No, but we'll see" I smirk "I don't wanna break you now" he shake his head "I Don't mind" I shake my head and he laughs before kissing my cheek. There's a knock at the door "I'll get it" I stand up and walk up then open it "oh you have some nerve" I look at Kylie "oh I see he got to you real fast" he says and I tilt my head "you faked a pregnancy and got caught fast" I giggle "embarrassing"

She nods "you think you are all that don't you Tabitha" she ask "I sure do , I am not the one Kylie" I shrug  "You got nothing on me" I shake my head "you are the embarrassing one Tabitha, you got back with someone you lied like that" she says "you talking about him lying? You told him you were pregnant and you aren't and never was" I say

"You even used him for his money" I point at her "get your finger out my face" she demands "Kylie,  do something" I tell her . I feel someone come up behind me "what are you doing here" it's Zion. "Oh Zion just here to see if you came back to this bitch and looks like you did" she says "this bitch?" I question "I've tried for so long not to beat that ass but you got one more chance" I start to get angry. "Don't call me that , Call me a bitch one More time and see what happens" I add

"Ya know Zion can't you see you two don't work" Kylie ask "Kylie get out of here" he says "good luck with her" she nods "you're gonna need it" she says "and for you , I suggest you start acting right cause Tabitha I will do something" she says "like what , show me , please show me Kylie" I say "I'm not gonna waste my time on you bitch" she says . Didn't I say not to call me that.

I don't care anymore . This girl ain't pregnant so fuck it. I punch her right in her damn face making she trip over the porch steps and fall back right onto her ass. "You dumb bitch" she says again. I mean my gosh she just can't learn.

I run right over to where she's sitting at when she fall and I just start swinging and swinging . I don't stop . That's until Zion comes over "Ight Ight Tab" he pulls me right off and I push my hair out my face "look at you" I say and point at Kylie struggle to get up "oh umm Kylie you have a little blood right there and right there and oh also right everywhere"

I laugh "don't you ever step up to me" I say as Zion carries me to the door "stop at Zion" he stops but still has me in his arms "I told you not to call me bitch and not only do you do it again but you do it twice , stupid ass" she gets in her car "if I see you again imma beat that ass Kylie" Zion takes me into the house and I hear Kylie pull off .

He sets me down and runs his hands down his face "oh Tabitha" he looks at me "what? She deserved it" I say "gotta go wrap ya hands up" he says "why" I ask "you got blood on them" he points "this is Kylies blood not mine" I giggle and I look at the boys "hey"

(Tour day)

I wake up next to Zion sound asleep and hits me that he's leaving today. It sucks that I won't see him till the Canada show which is in a month. But I'll get to meet his family . I'm nervous and it's a whole month away. Then Zion meets my mom and sister. Zion and I have gotten so much more serious these last couple months. That's my fuckin husband man.

I turn to look at Zion "z" I shake him "i don't wanna leave" he whines "baby you have to" I sit up "how long I got left" he ask "2 hours but the airport is 30 minutes away and you all gotta get ready and Shii" I say "so we got like a hour left" he looks at me and I nod "that's enough time" he says "for what" I ask "oh you know exactly what"

(1 hour later)

I'm driving the boys to the airport now. "Tabitha we gon miss you" Austin says "aww imma miss you guys too" I smile "remember Brandon and Nick hated you" Edwin ask "we did not , we just strongly disliked her" Brandon says and I giggle "but that's like our best friend now" Nick says "exactly" I say and Zion smiles at me.

I park my car and they get their things out the trunk and backseat. We walk into the AirPort "we got like 3 minutes" Edwin says "well let's say our goodbyes now" I get sad and Austin hugs me first "I'll miss you boys" I say "but you guys are gonna do amazing" i hug them each for a couple seconds "I'm very proud of you 5" I look at them . An announcement comes over the whole airport.

Their plane will be going in 2 minutes. "Call me when you get on and off the plane and then call me when you guys get to your tour buses" I say "okay mom" Brandon jokes "well" I say "we will be over there and let you two say goodbye" Nick says and I wave to them before looking at Zion "I don't like this part" he says "yeah me neither" I wrap my arms around his neck "I'll see you in a month" he says and I nod "yeah you will" I look into his eyes

"This sucks" he says "it does but you're going on tour , it's gonna be great" I say and he sighs "I love you" he says "I love you" I kiss him about what felt like 1000 times. "One more" he says and I giggle before doing so "now you gotta call me every hour" I say and he laughs "I'm serious" I break apart "at least text me every hour" I suggest "promise"

He kisses my forehead and then my lips a couple of times "I love you so much Tabitha" he says "I love you too Kuwonu" I kiss him again before he grabs his things and walks past me to meet with the boys. Ugh I'm about to cry . I hate crying what the hell!

Feels like we are saying goodbye and won't see each other for years. Meanwhile I'll see his tall ass inna month . Still really sad though.

I look back at them and he blows me kiss . I pretend to catch it and put in my pocket and I can tell he just chuckled a little . I smile before he slowly starts disappearing into the crowd of people.

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