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I been sitting on my couch for the last 2 hours sobbing. This is it , that was it. No more Zion and I. That hurts to think about , it hurts so bad. When I'm down and sad or upset I always go to him to cheer me up and make me happy but this time I can't do that. He lied to me repeatedly. He kept a big ass secret from me and idk if I can get over it.

He's having a kid with Kylie. Im sure she's not that fur along so he has to be with her for at least another 8 months and they co-parenting for 18 years. If he would have told me right away I wouldn't have left. I would still be hurt but I wouldn't have left. He hid this from me that's why I left. I'd be lying if I say I wasn't jealous.

I obviously am , of course I wanted to be the girl to have Zions babies and all that. Him having a kid with someone breaks my heart it does but he didn't cheat and it's not like he meant to. Like I said if he would have told me when he found out , I'd still be at his house. I'd still be upset but I would have to accept it. But he didn't tell me. Who knows when he would have told me.

Then the boys knew this whole week and never said anything. Edwin and Nick knew since the day I told them to spy. They lied and told me nothing happened that day. I'm hurt and I keep saying that but I don't know what else to feel. I still can't believe it. He's gonna be a dad. Literally, Zions gonna have a baby.

There's nothing that can take my mind of this situation. I don't know what I'm gonna do.


I run my hands through my dreads in frustration.
I lost her , I fuckin lost her . That's it and there's nothing I can do to change what's happening.
I look at the boys and we all make eye contact "why didn't you guys tell her" I ask "are you serious right now" Nick ask "why didn't you tell her" He ask

"what am I gonna do" I shake my head "what can you do" Edwin says "she's gone , she doesn't want anything to do with me ever again" It starts to hit me. "I don't have Tabitha anymore" this is what I was afraid of. "Listen man it's gonna be okay" Austin says "okay? Really? No it's not gonna be okay" I tell him "I just lost the love of my life and I have a whole baby on the way with someone else"

I sit down at the kitchen island "Tabitha doesn't want to be with you and who knows if you will ever talk to her again" Brandon says "bro" I say "but like you said you have a baby on the way and you need to focus on your child" He adds "I don't even want this baby" I say "well this baby hasn't done anything wrong , you impregnated her anyways" Nick says "shut up" I say

"we aren't saying to be with Kylie" Edwin says
"And we also aren't saying to give up on Tab" He adds "but you are gonna be a dad and it may seem like it's the worse thing right now but hey once you see the baby , you're obviously gonna love that baby and be happy" Nick says "Yeah" I agree "and just give Tabitha time, wait till she's ready"
I listen to the boys lecture me and talk to me about my life but all I can think about is Tabitha.

I know this baby will be my number 1 . That's my child but , right now I can't get T off my mind. I wanna call her so bad but I know I can't and I know I shouldn't. She's hurting right now and that's my fault for not telling her , I can admit it. She does need time but I don't even know if she's gonna ever wanna talk to me again . What if the time she needs is forever.  Anything could happen.


"I mean I knew something was going on" I tell Rachel as she just got back from seeing her family. She is sitting on my bed as I walk back and forth at the bottom of my bed. "But I didn't know it was something like this" I shout "maybe talk to him" she shrugs "talk to him? Really? He doesn't deserve to talk to me" I shake my head "if I got pregnant by Devin I would have told Zion" I add

"But wouldn't you be scared he would leave you" she ask "I mean yeah" I nod "well he was too" she says "no I shouldn't feel bad for him" I cross my arms "You just need time to yourself , take time to process this and recover" she smiles "and when and if you're ready you can talk to him" she goes one. I flip onto the bed "but for now just do you"

(Zion)(3 days later)

"Kylie I don't know" I say for the 5th time "you are literally not even 3 months pregnant yet , we don't need to think about names yet" I add as we sit in my room "why did you even come over" I ask "to talk about our baby" she says "okay talk" I tell her "the baby will obviously live with me , you can move in if you want or visit whenever" she tells me

"but I want you at my house everyday for the last month so you are there when I go into labor" I nod "I have tour in 50 days" I say "for how long" she ask "2 months" I answer "when you come back I'll 6 months pregnant" she says "then when you come back we can find out the gender" she says "yep" I say "don't sound real excited"

I look at her "cause I'm not" I snap "to bad , this isn't the baby's fault that Tabitha left" she says "and it's not my fault either" She adds "it is your fault" I say "you the one who couldn't pull out in time, weak ass" she crosses her legs "I don't need this" she says "Zion regardless if Tabitha is staying around or not you still have a baby on the way"

She makes eye contact with me "I don't care how you feel about me but you won't abandon our child" she adds "I know , and i won't" I tell her "good" she stands up "I have to go" she grabs her purse and stands "when is your next ultrasound appointment" I ask "in 2 weeks on Wednesday" she hesitates but says "well I'll take you"

She looks at me "no" she refuses "why not" I ask "because" she says with sas "I don't get why I can't come with" I stand up "I said no" she walks to my door "I will talk to you later" she walks out my room and leaves the house. That's weird, why can't I go to see our baby at the ultrasound appointment.

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