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As the weekend came to an end, the peak of Shouyou's heat had passed, and, with his medication close by, he was able to return to school. Ukai and the little ginger had arrived late to practice, and the moment they opened the doors, everyone was shocked.

"He wouldn't let me go this morning. I couldn't even get him to put some decent clothes on," Ukai sighed out, casually setting his and Shouyou's bag onto the coaching table. Shouyou clutched his arms and legs around the coach's chest tighter at the commotion.

He wore a simple, light purple sweater with short, black shorts and white knee-high socks. "I'll take him back home after practice, but, right now, there's no one there to watch him," Ukai told the team to begin warm-ups as he laid a blanket onto the floor near the bleachers.

"Here, Shou, lay on this for now," he softly stated, attempting to pry the ginger from his abdomen. When it didn't work, Ukai exhaled again, turning to Takeda with pleading eyes. The sensei chuckled, and dug into one of his pockets, pulling out a small bag of cat treats.

Upon hearing the familiar wrapper, Shouyou's ears perked up, and he peaked over Ukai's shoulder, licking his lips hungrily. "I picked up some treats from the supermarket on my way here, Shouyou. Do you, maybe, want some?"

Hurriedly, the ginger scrambled off of Ukai, rushing over to Takeda and pulling at his shirt with a glimmer of hunger in his eyes. "Ahaha, you gotta lay down, first."

Immediately, Shouyou dropped himself onto the blanket, his eyes still staring at the delicious treats in Takeda's hand. Ukai's instructional shouting at the team echoed around the gym as the sensei gave Shouyou a small handful of the fish-shaped treats.

After licking them all up, the ginger focused his attention on the flavor of the treats, and Takeda took this as a chance to seal the munchies up and push them back into his pocket while taking hold of his clipboard.


"Alright, ten-minute break time!" Ukai shouted, and everyone quickly walked off the court to wipe themselves of their sweat and rehydrate. "Awe~" Tanaka pulling at Daichi's sleeve to catch his attention and pointing to the little ginger cuddling up against a blanket.

Daichi bent down, noting that Shouyou was panting quietly, and softly began petting his fur. "Away, you guys! He needs his meds unless you want him to rip your pants- You know what? Nevermind."

Ukai shooed the two away and bent down, lifting Shouyou up and into a sitting position. Almost immediately, the ginger reached up to Ukai's face and stuck his tongue out, but he was pushed away at the last second.

"God, that was close," the coach sighed out, taking a hold of the warm bottle of medicated milk (Kiyoko gave the bottle to him and helped him warm the milk in the culinary classroom) and holding it out to Shouyou.

"Huh?" Ukai noted that the ginger's pupils seemed to be dilated, and turned to Takeda with a pained, concerned look on his face. "What was in those treats, sensei?" he asked. Quickly, the sensei fumbled with his pocket, pulling the bag of treats out and attempting to read the back.

"I-I can't really see the ingredients..." Takeda said while pushing his glasses up and squinting.
Here, I can read it," Daichi stated, holding his hand out and allowing the sensei to place it on his palm. "Tuna, shrimp, catnip, carrots-"

"Wait, how much cat- Woah, shit!" Shouyou scrambled out of Ukai's grip and leaped onto Daichi, the shock causing the male to stumble back. The ginger ripped the bag from his hands and turned it over above his mouth.

About half of it got in before Tanaka quickly swiped it away from him. They all stood in shock as Shouyou relaxed his head on Daichi's shoulder, munching softly on the treats.

"Um, there's 50% in each treat. It says to only give your cat two or three per day," Tanaka finished, handing the mostly empty bag over to Takeda.

"How much did you give him?"

Everyone stared at the nervous sensei with an awaiting look, and he gulped. "At least ten," he finally stated, his voice small. Just then Shouyou wrapped his arms around Daichi's neck and pulled him down and onto the ground.

His movements were swift and fast and random, but adorable, laughter began spilling from his lips. Baffled, Ukai quickly stumbled to his feet. "Shou, off, now!"

He firmly shouted, but his command was ignored and Shouyou attempted to pull off Daichi's practice shorts but was stopped. Daichi tried to sit up, but the ginger hissed, sitting on him when Ukai tried to pull him away and growling at his owner.

He grinded against his senpai's thigh, his tail coiling itself around his leg, and his ears flinching as a breathy moan left his lips. Taking the ginger's distraction to his advantage, Daichi sat up as best he could, looking at his coach for help.

Hardening his gaze, Ukai rushed to his bag and took his ultimate weapon against Shouyou out: the spray bottle. The second the water hit him, he hissed and ducked behind Kageyama, drying himself on the back of his jersey.

"Oi, Boke! Stop it!" Kageyama turned around, angrily grabbing onto Shouyou's soft hair and shaking him around. Shouyou answered with a growl, and the team laughed at their usual antics. "Ow! Your stupid claws are-"

Kageyama's sentence fell short and the ginger's grip loosened, and he slid to the ground. Whines and cries began to voice from him, and Ukai quickly brought the bottle to him, holding him up and watching him drink its contents.

"That's enough excitement. Everyone, back to practice! Butterfly Drill, ASAP! Don't forget about the training camp Friday!"

Before the team could set up the drill, Asahi stood beside the coach with a look of hesitance and uncertainty.

"Um, Coach, do you think... do you think Shouyou's going to be able to keep up? Well, I, um! I mean, like, he missed the first couple weeks of volleyball practice! And, er, now he's miss-missing this week, too, so I was just worried..."

Ukai watched the rambling male, looking between him and the dazed Shouyou. "My gramps trains with him. Even back at the store, he practices out in the back. I think he knows he'd miss a lot of practice because of his heats, so he tries to make up for the missed time."

Asahi smiled slightly and nodded his head in understanding. "Now get out there, big guy!" With a hearty slap to Asahi's back, he shouted a 'yes, Coach!' before standing at his full height and jogging onto the court.


Meow For Me | h.haremOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora