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Itachiyama won, and Karasuno did the required punishment for losing. Once that was over, however, Shouyou raced over to Sakusa. His eyes sparkling with admiration. "You're so cool!" He reached out to the curly-haired male but said male instinctively stepped out of the way.

Shouyou's turned his head in confusion, now noting that Sakusa was wearing a mask. "It's cause I'm sweaty, right? Dirty? Dirt's gross," the ginger stated, now licking at his arm to rid himself of his sweat.

"Er, yeah," Sakusa agreed, watching Shouyou's pink tongue trail up his small forearm. Now that he had such a close-up, he could really see the ginger's cat-like features, which he still found hard to believe.

They weren't fake. If they were, they wouldn't twitch and move so naturally, and he had canines that were much too sharp to be store-bought. Soft little pads rested on the tops of the underside of his fingers and palms, which Sakusa was very tempted to squish for some reason.

His little whiskers were also adorable. They looked clean. He looked clean, other than the sweat dripping from his skin, but there was hardly any. Cats don't sweat, after all, so that must be from the human side of him. "There, my arms are clean!"

Shouyou brought his head up, scratching down his throat a few times before straightening himself once more. "Hey, can you show me how you did that? The 'floop! Whoosh!' thing with your wrist?"

Floop? Whoosh? Oh, my spike... Sakusa crouched on the floor and motioned Shouyou down. He eagerly squatted down to see Sakusa push his hand against the floor. His finger's touched his wrist.

"Oh my gosh! That's freaky!" Shouyou laughed after, still staring at Sakusa's bent wrist. "Freakily cool! Super freakily cool!" Without comprehending anything, the ginger reached out and poked at Sakusa's wrist. "Woah!" He giggled after that, pulling his fingers away.

"Shou, come here! We're leaving!" Ukai shouted from across the gym. "Oh, I gotta go, um..."


"Okay, then, bye, Sakusa-Senpai! Thanks for showing me your wrist, ahaha!" Shouyou's words rang in his head, and his wrist burned with his touch. Not because of the germs, no, because of how warm he was.

He felt clean and nice. Warm, he thought. He hadn't felt human warmth in a long time. Well, he could settle for a half-human.


"Are you tired, Shou?" Sugawara questioned, running his fingers through Shouyou's hair. His tray has long been emptied and put away, and now he had his head buried in his arms on the table.

"Mhm," he hummed, lifting his head only to lay in on Sugawara's arm that was resting on the table. The silver-haired male smiled at the attention. "Shouyou!" A voice sounded from behind them, the familiar scent that caught Shouyou's nose caused him to turn around and smile.

It wasn't coming off of the person who called out to him, but the person behind him. "Kenma!" The ginger stood and pounced onto the gamer, rubbing against his body happily and inhaling his sweet scent. "What am I, diet water?" Kuroo wept into his elbow.

Shouyou licked Kenma's forehead, his hair being nudged to the side by his small, button nose. The ginger continued licking all over Kenma's face, but when he got to his lips, the pudding head froze and slapped a hand over them.

"S-Sorry," he muttered, looking anywhere except Shouyou. Taking a soft hold of Kenma's arm, Shouyou began licking his skin, and Kenma looked at Kuroo for help, his cheeks burning. "Ah, right!" Kuroo pat down his jacket, pulling a small treat bag out of it and shaking it.

Almost immediately, the ginger's attention was turned and he latched onto Kuroo's arm, trying to pull it down so he could reach the treats. "Ah, you gotta give me a hug first~" Teasingly, the black-haired male held his arms out, not expecting the ginger to all but throw himself into them.

"Geez, I didn't know you were that eager to get a hold of me, ahaha~" A whine left Shouyou as he stared up at Kuroo with his big kitten eyes. "Okay, okay~ Here you go~" Kuroo dipped his hand into the bag, but his wrist was grabbed.

Daichi leaned in, out of earshot from the Neko. "Those don't have catnip, right? He gets a little, er, energetic, and, um..." He leaned closer. "Horny," he finished, pulling away and pursing his lips.

"Well, damn, now that I know that, we should've gotten some with catnip," stated Kuroo, rubbing his chin with his fingers and biting his bottom lip. Daichi stared at him, unimpressed.

"Anyway, he can have as many as he wants. They're catnip-free." Kuroo turned back to the teary-eyed ginger. "Say 'ah~'." Immediately, Shouyou opened his mouth, causing the black-haired male to blush at the action.

"I didn't actually expect you to, ahaha~" He dropped a few treats into the ginger's mouth and watched him chew them happily. Sugawara frowned at the lack of attention. Everyone did. "If you want, you're gonna have to work for them~"

Kuroo suavely whispered in Shouyou's ear, causing the Neko to nod his head in understanding as he swallowed the last of the treats. "Hey, Shouyou!" Atsumu called out, and curiously, the ginger turned his head, only for his eyes to fall on a small plate of cut bananas.

"Psst, psst, psst," Osamu sounded, and Shouyou walked over without hesitation. Atsumu picked a piece up and held it out on his finger, smiling. "Don't worry, there's nothing in them," he stated.

Shouyou took a hold of Atsumu's wrist to hold it steady and brought his finger into his mouth, sending a shiver down the blond's spine. When the slice was gone, Shouyou pulled away and licked his lips staring at Osamu, who held the plate.

"Oh, right, here you go," snapping out of his trance, the grey-haired male put some of the slices onto his palm and held them out, allowing the ginger to lick them up.

"Oh, wait, I wanna feed him too!" Bokuto shouted, plopping down beside Shouyou and holding out a slice of cantaloupe.


Kaori walked into the cafeteria after drying her hands from the dishes, seeing Shouyou surrounded by people and panically looking for an escape. Her mother instincts kicked in, and she raced over, bumping through the crowd and pulling him away.

"Give him some breathing room, guys!" She scolded, huffing and placing both her hands on the ginger's cheeks, massaging them gently. He leaned into her hands, his eyes watery as relief flowed through him.

"Geez, do you want me to walk you back to your dorm?" Taking a deep breath, Shouyou tried to speak, but, in the end, he simply shook his head, a soft smile on his face. He bumped his head against her chest as a thank you. She smiled.



When Shouyou's sleepy or tempted, he tends to show his more cat-like side :) Also, I think the FBI agent watching my computer is pretty freaked out, watching me search hundreds of things about cats and then what HQ!! characters smell like and visiting a thousand different websites discussing it '^^

It's all worth it in the end... hopefully...

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