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"Come on, Shou!" Ukai shouted from downstairs, jingling the keys in his hand to signal the Neko down. Soon, a panting, disheveled Souyou came bounding down the stairs with his suitcase, smiling brightly to his dad.

"I'm ready!"

As Ukai drove them to the school, Shouyou munched on some mackerel that was packed away for him. "Thanks for breakfast, Dad!" The ginger exclaimed, popping the lip back onto the container and tossing it on the back seat.

"Sure thing, Bud. But you wouldn't have had to eat it from a bowl if you would've woke up on time!" Chuckled Ukai, ruffling up Shouyou's curls. "I said sorry, Jeez!"


"Shouyou!" Nishinoya called out to him, running over and nearly toppling the ginger to the ground. "Noya-Senpai!" Shouyou giggled, wrapping his arms tightly around his senpai. He helped Ukai load the luggage onto the bus, and Tanaka was the one to embrace him afterward.

"We got you something, Kouhai!" The smaller of the chaotic duo exclaimed, holding a small bag out to the ginger. Ukai left to talk to Takeda. "Huh? But, why?" Shouyou tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Well, we had the idea in class, and we went all~ the way to Tokyo over the weekend to get it!" Nishinoya shook the paper bag a little, an anticipating smile growing on each of their faces.

"You didn't have to do something like that for me..." Shouyou stated guiltily, gently taking the bag from Nishinoya's hand. "You're way worth it, Shouyou!" Tanaka replied, giving the Neko a soft pat on the back.

With a soft laugh, Shouyou pulled the contents from the bag, and his cheeks flushed red. "U-Um..."

"Oh, this goes with it! I got it customized!" NIshinoya quickly dropped the heart-shaped charm into Shouyou's hand, causing him to nearly explode in embarrassment.

At the top, it simply said "Shouyou" along with his birthday, but at the bottom, it read "Property of Karasuno" in bold letters. "U-Um, Senpais..." At all the commotion, Sugawara peeped over and peered over Shouyou's shoulder.

Immediately, he took hold of Nishinoya and Tanaka's heads, gripping them harshly and causing them to yelp. "Why on Earth would you get him a leash and collar?" Sugawara's displeasure was evident.

"We-We didn't want him to get lost at-at the training camp!" Nishinoya exclaimed, tears pricking in his eyes. "Y-Yeah!" Tanaka agreed, also on the verge of tears. To all of their surprise, Shouyou began laughing, his cheeks still bright pink.

"Thank you so much, Senpais!" A beautiful grin spread his lips apart and shown his teeth, causing Sugawara to stop his assault on the second years and gape at the sun-beaming ginger.

"Can you... help me put it on please?" He turned around, holding the collar over his shoulder. On pure luck, out of the three that surged forward like a murderer was after them, Nishinoya managed to get to him first.

"I'll help you, Shou!" He giggled out, clipping the charm onto the orange and black leather collar and bringing it over Shouyou's head to clip it properly. "Is that too tight?" He questioned, his gaze falling to the ginger's thin neck. A burning sensation began to flow into his cheeks.

"Nope! It's perfect! Thank you so much, Senpais! I love it!" As if to show it off, Shouyou took a step back, twirling in a circle with his arms out wide and a smile on his face and oh my God he's so cute-

As the senpai's fawned over the cute little Neko, Shouyou ran off to Ukai, pulling at his sleeve and pointing to the collar with that bright, adorable little smile of his, but the coach didn't seem too fond of the idea.

The second the rest of the first years arrived and Shouyou left to show them his new collar, Ukai slid his thumb across his throat, his glare hardening on the two second years, who gulped thickly. Totally worth it...

"Hey, Shouyou, um..." Asahi approached the Neko with a look of uncertainty, causing the ginger to turn to him in curiosity. "Well, do you... can I sit by you on the bus?" Shouyou giggled while nodding his head enthusiastically.

Once everyone was safely boarded, the bus began its journey to Shiratorizawa.




"Seriously, I heard he was nearly 7 feet tall!" Konoha exclaimed, raising a hand way above his head as an exaggeration of whatever it was that he was talking about. "Hey, hey, hey! What's going on over here?!"

A pepper-haired male placed his hands on his hips, readying himself for the gossip. "I heard Karasuno has a new member, and that he's a literal beast!" Yamato informed his captain, who gasped and turned to the setter of Fukurodani: Akaashi Keiji.

"I've heard a few things about him during one of the soccer matches my sister made me go watch. They said he was the living image of a monster! Scary!" Konoha placed his hands on either side of his arms as a shiver ran up his spine.

"Oh~ I wonder if he's any good against me!" Laughter left the captain: Bokuto Koutarou's mouth as they boarded the bus waiting to take them to the training camp. Akaashi, though he wouldn't admit it, was slightly anxious to see this dubbed 'Monster Member of Karasuno'.


Once the bus arrived Shouyou meowed loudly, shaking Asahi awake and standing up to help everyone sort out the luggage at the back. "Ugh, I'm still tired," Sugawara groaned stepping off the bus with his bag and looking around.

It seems rumors spread fast because all the other teams were waiting outside their bus, different expressions on everyone's faces. Sugawara felt a tug at his jacket and turned to face Kenma.

"Where's Shouyou?" he questioned, watching as the rest of the team slowly began getting off the bus. "He'll be out soon," was all Sugawara could manage to say.


"Here, Shou, I'll take your stuff to your room. Go ahead and say hi to everyone," Ukai stated, causing Shouyou to smile widely and hug him, giving him a heart-felt thank you before skipping down the aisle of the bus.


"I don't see him, 'Kaashiii~" Bokuto whined, continuing to peer at the bus as the seemingly last member got off. Soft giggles filled their ears, causing everyone to quiet down. A little bundle of sunshine peeked through the doors of the bus before glancing around as if looking for someone.



*takes deep breath*


*takes another deep breath to calm down*

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