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Please, don't say that! It was all my fault! I should've locked the door or something! I wasn't thinking right! I'm never thinking right! Please, forgive me, Bokuto-Senpai! I'm so sorry!!

Instead of handing the notebook to Ukai, Shouyou crawled to the edge of the bed, holding it out hesitantly to Bokuto. His footsteps echoed around the room as he took a gentle hold of the notebook, eyes watering as he read over the words.

"Shouyou..." His frail voice whispered, and he wrapped his arms around the ginger, almost immediately being pulled away from him by Daichi and Akaashi. Shouyou didn't allow this so easily, jumping off of the bed and into Bokuto's arms, beginning to whine.

Finally having enough, Ukai stood, taking Shouyou away once again and placing him on the bed. "Shouyou," he began. "I shouldn't have brought you here." His words made the ginger freeze, now staring up at him in shock.

"Bokuto should've controlled himself better, and I should've kept a better eye on you. You guys are young and filled with nothing but sexual desires." Placing his hand on Shouyou's head, the neko sat up and leaned into the touch.

"I'm just glad we won't be expecting any little kittens running around anytime soon. I can hardly handle you." A smile spread across Shouyou's face, despite the last bit of tears dripping from his eyes.

"You... Do you want Bokuto to be in trouble?" Everyone, especially Bokuto, stared at Shouyou expectantly as he wrote down his answer. The tension in the room was thick, heavy.

Of course not. It wasn't his fault. Plus... I really liked it. I just want to know if Bokuto-Senpai liked it too.

Bokuto slid down the side of the bed, putting his face in his hands. "Fuck, yes, yeah..." he mumbled. "It was so good..." A growl erupted in Ukai's throat, but he buried it. Everyone else stared at Bokuto with eyes of pure envy.

That's probably why they're so mad in the first place. Because they weren't Shouyou's first.

"... pai..." Shouyou's slightly scratchy voice tried to announce, but his brows furrowed in discomfort, and he could only crawl over to the taller male and place his forehead on his black and white hair.

Ukai sighed. "I fucking hate handling teens. They're so fucking horny." Kiyoko, who was beside him, laughed softly into her hand, wiping away the last of her tears.


After formally apologizing to the coaches and Shouyou, everyone began separating into their dorm rooms. They had no choice since Shouyou had begun trying to breed them again. "We don't need to tell the team about this, right? Or, maybe we should..."

Sugawara gripping at his t-shirt, frowning deeply. "Shouyou... said he liked it, you know..." Daichi trailed off, watching the wall as they continued walking down the hallway with a brain-full of thoughts. "I know, but we can't do that kind of stuff to him just because he likes it."

Taking a deep breath, Sugawara ran a hand through his hair, his eyelids falling just slightly. "It's wrong..."

The two fell into an uncomfortable silence for a minute, until Daichi finally broke it. "That entire time, Bokuto just had this euphoric face. Like, "holy shit, I finally did it". Yeah, he looked guilty, but, if you looked closely enough, it was plain as day."

"Yeah, I think that's why Ukai got so mad. I'm just glad he didn't impregnate him." They made it to Daichi's dorm room, hearing a crash and some shouting behind the door. The broad male sighed. "Atsumu must've come to pick a fight with Osamu again. See you later, Suga."

They parted ways with a wave, and Sugawara let out a deep exhale. "God, I want him so bad..." he muttered, putting a hand on his forehead absently.

"I want that little kitty..." Everyone had this thought in their minds as they prepared for bed. They couldn't stay mad at Bokuto, though. After all, if they were in his shoes, they would've done the exact same thing as him, whether they'd admit it or not.


"Ngh~" Shouyou whined, rolling over in bed and sitting up to glance around. I want more. His instincts whispered in his head, which rolled in a complete circle, his neck popping in the process.

"Mnh~" He slipped from the bed, legs shaking slightly in need. Glancing around, his cat-like eyes traveled over each of the managers before turning toward the door. More. As he placed his hand on the doorknob, he found that it wouldn't turn.

He tried again. Nothing. "Grr~!" He growled at it, baring his canines as if to make it move. He began nearly hysterically pulling and twisting on the doorknob, only to come up with the same result.

It was locked.

He looked around for a key of some sort, only to come up empty-handed. Crying, he slid down the doorframe, curling in on himself.

Ugh, I feel horrible.


When he heard shuffling, his ears perked up, and he saw the door beside him opened. It was only a sliver, but he stuck his hand through it and widened it enough for him to slip out and race down the hall.

Shouts ensued behind him, but his panting blocked most of them from his ears. As he turned a corner, he crashed into a body, already telling it was a male from their strong, broad build. Without thinking, he pulled them into a supply closet and closed the door.

Steps ran past the room, and Shouyou sighed, a whine mixing in with it. The person pulled the string above them, turning on the dim, yellow light and finally getting a view of Shouyou's flustered face.

"Oh," he muttered, gulping thickly when Shouyou began trying to pull his pants down. "No, you don't wanna do that, you horny kitty." Whining again, the ginger rubbed up against Osamu's body, licking and nibbling at his shirt.

"I heard that Bokuto snuck into your room yesterday. Guess he didn't satisfy you..." A smirk appeared on the taller male's face as he held Shouyou's face in his hands and brought them closer together. Shouyou's rough pants hit his face, and he gulped again, throat dry.

"If he didn't hold back, then why should I?" Osamu placed a deep kiss on the ginger's lips, smirking when a breathy moan escaped Shouyou's mouth.

"Why don't I show you how it's really done?"



So, I think I'm a little more comfortable adding more smutty scenes in this now : )

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