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I don't think I mentioned this, but the teams are staying in the dorms at Shiratorizawa because they're away from the school and they're big enough to hold everyone. They're used for training camps and stuff for the clubs :)


Atsumu quietly placed his phone onto the nightstand in between two of the beds and delicately lifted the sleeping ginger in his lap onto the empty bed beside them.

For now, Tendou and Bokuto shared a bed, with Iwaizumi getting one to himself. He won the rock-paper-scissors match they had. Everyone was asleep except him.

The moment he removed his shirt and crawled into the queen-sized bed beside the ginger, he felt him scoot closer to him and curl up against his side. "Awe~ Shouyou's so cute~" he whispered to himself, reaching under the blanket and petting the ginger's head softly.

Atsumu was lulled to sleep by the soft purring and warmth radiating from Shouyou. Pure bliss.


I-I can't breathe?! Panicked, Atsumu's hands flew to his face, only to feel something that was definitely not a part of him. Snickers and camera clicking could be heard from around the room.

"Mmh!" He attempted to shout, sitting up and causing Shouyou, the culprit, to plop onto his legs. Startled, the ginger shot up, glancing around the room in a frenzy. "Were you trying to kill me?!" The blond wheezed out, holding his throat as he sucked in large amounts of air.

"No..?" Dismissing the male's erratic behavior, Shouyou bend into a downward dog pose on the bed and stretched his body out, his back popping satisfyingly as he yawned.

As he did this, he felt something poke inside his mouth and flinched away, staring at the culprit with a 'what the fuck' gaze.

"Your tongue feels like a cat's!" Bokuto exclaimed, his finger still held in the air. Iwaizumi walked forward and slapped the back of Bokuto's head. "What the hell, dude?! Do you seriously go around sticking your fingers into people's mouths?!"

Tendou was laughing like a mad man, tossing an arm over Shouyou's shoulders lazily. "We should probably go eat breakfast and check the schedule for today," Iwaizumi stated, walking over to his bag and pulling his practice clothes out before slipping his pants off.

Shouyou stared at him blankly, still half asleep and not realizing exactly where his gaze was. "Oh~ Get that eye candy, Shouyou~" Tendou sang near his ear, causing Iwaizumi to blush slightly and turn to the Neko who was, supposedly, checking him out.

The ginger didn't reply to any of the male's stares, only closing his eyes and faceplanting into the bed. "He fell asleep?!" Bokuto shouted, scooting onto the bed and shaking Shouyou. When he didn't answer, the pepper-haired male, turned to everyone with broken-hearted eyes.

"I killed him!" He cried, burying his face in the ginger's hair. Atsumu finished putting his clothes on and shooed Bokuto away. He dug through his bag, pulling out a bag of skittles. "Watch this."

He went to the other side of the room and shook the bag, causing Shouyou to jolt up, his ears twitching continuously as he searched for the origins.

When he found it, he jumped over the beds and onto Atsumu, who held the bag out of his reach. With a whine, Shouyou gave up trying to reach it, sliding down from the blond's waist and hugging his legs on the floor.

Both the ginger's arms and legs were wrapped around Atsumu's legs, so escape wasn't an option. "If you get dressed, I'll give you some," he bribed, hoping Shouyou wouldn't realize that it wasn't actually treats.

"Ah, okay!" Quickly, Shouyou scrambled to his bag, practically ripping his clothing off and giving everyone a perfect view of his beautiful body. "Shit..." Iwaizumi muttered to himself, his cheeks flushing as he turned away.

Tendou only hummed as he rested his arms on his knees, staring shamelessly at Shouyou with a smirk. Noticing this, Bokuto quickly jumped onto the bed beside the ginger and held his arms out, blocking the view from the leering redhead.

"That no fun~" He whined, also stripping his clothing to prepare for the day. A knock at the door caught their attention, and Iwaizumi was the one to open it up. "Is Shouyou awake yet? He didn't kill anyone, did he?" Ukai questioned.

"Almost!" Atsumu exclaimed as the coach walked into the room. The moment he did, Shouyou leaped over the bed and into his arms. "He has a bad habit of sleeping on people's faces. Right, Shou?" Shouyou smiled bashfully.

"I try not to, but it's just so comfortable, ahaha~" Ukai chuckled at Atsumu's unimpressed face, giving him a good slap on the back. "Hang in there, Bud. You still have another two and a half weeks of this."

"I'd rather have him on my face in another way," muttered Atsumu, thankful that Ukai didn't hear it.

"In what way?" Shouyou asked, and the taller male froze. The coach turned away from his conversation with Iwaizumi and curiously looked over toward them. "Ah, um, nothing. Nevermind..."

A certain red-haired- male smirked. "Oh~ Didn't know you had a side like that in you, At-su-mu~" The blond grit his teeth in embarrassment and put a finger to his lips, a loud 'shh' sound coming from him.

"Anyway, I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria. Make sure you check your schedule." With a wave to the others and a kiss on the head to Shouyou, Ukai left the room. "Hey, Shouyou! Let's go to the cafeteria together!"

Before the ginger could respond, he was lifted onto Bokuto's shoulders by his thighs, and the taller male didn't waste the opportunity to give them a good squeeze. Thick, he thought to himself, his grin widening.

He left the room before the others could say anything, and the ginger quickly sent them a wave. Bokuto ducked under the doorframe and walked confidently down the hall. "Man, I hope we're going against each other today!" The taller male exclaimed, his voice cracking slightly after 'man'.

"Yeah! That way I can see Bokuto-Senpai's awesome spike! You're the fourth-best in the nation, right? That's so amazing! I wanna be as awesome as you!"

Bokuto's ego = inflated.


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