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"Ah, Kenma! Kenma!" He exclaimed happily. When the pudding head heard the familiar voice, he turned to it and began walking at a fast pace, throwing his arms around the bubbly ginger, who practically melted in his grip.

"I missed you, Kenma!" Shouyou giggled out, his tail wrapping around Kenma's arm unconsciously. "Same. I missed you, Shouyou," answered Kenma.

"Woah, hey! Don't forget about me!" Kuroo pulled Shouyou away from Kenma suddenly, and the ginger giggled, hugging him back and enjoying the extra height.

"You're not 7 feet tall! You're hardly 5 feet! Hey, why are you wearing these?" Someone voiced from beside him.

Before anyone could stop him, Bokuto tugged at Shouyou's tail, causing a yelp to leave the ginger's lips. His ears fell back against his head as his hand reacted before his brain could, and he scratched Bokuto's arm.

Still hissing under his breath, Shouyou bent down slightly and barred his teeth, his tail flicking as he back up behind Kuroo. The pepper-haired male held his slightly bloody arm in his hand, staring at Shouyou in shock.

"Ah, yeah, bro... I guess your coach hasn't told you about Shouyou yet, right?" Slowly, Kenma approached the ginger, holding a hand out to him and trying to calm him down.

"Hey, Shouyou, it's okay. He just didn't know..." he tried, his eyes expressing worry. Shouyou's head flicked to the side, gripping tighter onto Kuroo's jacket. It took him a few minutes to calm down a bit more, but when he did, he peeked from behind the bed-haired male again.

"I'm, uh, These aren't... fake," he stuttered, peeping back behind Kuroo, who felt like he suddenly had to protect Shouyou from everything and anything. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I swear, it was an accident..."

Tears began to form in Shouyou's eyes, and he quickly rushed through the crowd of onlookers, hoping to find his owner or teammates. "Bokuto-San, you need to think before you do stuff," Akaashi scolded.


Shouyou wiped away his tears, telling himself that he'd go back and formally apologize to the male later. When he took a step into one of the hallways, he noticed Kiyoko. Just as he was about to call out to her, another voice reached his ears.

"You're quite the looker~ How about you and I go on a date or something? My treat~" Seeing that she was uncomfortable, Shouyou quickly made his way over and stood between them, but he was carelessly pushed away.

This happened multiple times until he became fed up, and leaped high in the male's view. The moment he landed, he pouted and let out a huff of air, glaring at the male. "You're making Kiyoko-Senpai uncomfortable! Leave her alone!"

He took Kiyoko's hand for support and offered her a bashful, angelic smile. She internally cooed. The male licked his lips, looking Shouyou up and down hungrily. "Damn, I want you instead~ What's a cute little cosplayer doing here at a volleyball training camp anyway?"

The ginger's ear twitched in annoyance at the comment, and he turned away with his hand still attached to Kiyoko's. "Wait... Are those... real?" The male followed them, reaching out to touch Shouyou's ear, but was stopped. "I wouldn't do that, bro, ahaha!"

Bokuto laughed out, clutching the male's hand harder than was needed. Bandages were wrapped around a part of Bokuto's arm, and the male quickly took note of it, He pulled out of Bokuto's grip and cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Hey, Kitty! My name's Terushima by the way! Find me when you get the chance!" With that, the male set off in a different direction humming some random tune as he went. By the time Bokuto turned back in Shouyou's direction, he was gone.

"Aw, man! Akaashi's gonna be mad I didn't apologize!"


"Awe~!" Fukurodani's manager, Kaori, cooed, petting Shouyou's head affectionately. "He's so adorable~!" Shouyou purred loudly at the attention, stretching out on the bench and burying his face into her thighs.

Yukie, Fukurodani's second manager, smiled while stretching Shouyou's legs over her lap and scratching his back softly as she bit into her rice ball.

Shouyou had just finished helping the managers make dinner for all the teams since there was no practice today, and was now drowning in affection and love as repayment. Well, it was more than okay with the managers.

Now, they were sitting in the cafeteria and waiting for the teams to scramble in. Kiyoko returned after taking everything out of the ovens with Yachi at her side, and they bent down and also started playing with Shouyou.

With all the warmth surrounding him, the ginger easily fell asleep, his purring only becoming more audible and showing his amount of comfort. "He really is like a cat," Yachi giggled out, rubbing just above Shouyou's tail bone.

"He likes being rubbed here," she stated, watching Shouyou's tail stiffen slightly as his butt lifted into the air. His ears twitched in his sleep at the pleasure. "Awe~" All the girls cooed, cuddling with the sleeping ginger more.

The coaches walked in first, and when Ukai saw Shouyou, he only sighed, smiling softly to himself, but his expression soon turned into a worried one.

"He didn't, um, force you guys, right? He can be kind of pushy for attention sometimes..."

The managers quickly shut down his worry, stating that it was their idea in the first place, and Ukai let out an exhale of relief. "That's good, th-"

Ukai was cut off by a stampede of hungry volleyball players and quickly got in line for his plate before it all disappeared. "Thank God we ate early." Kaori awkwardly laughed at all the pushing and shoving players, running her fingers through the ginger's hair.


"Hmm?" Bokuto dropped his plate onto one of the tables and made his way over. "He-He didn't scratch you?" The male pointed out, holding the bandage on his arm with a frown. "No, he didn't because we didn't try to pull his tail off," Yukie stated, biting into another rice ball.

Bokuto's hair drooped, and he depressively made his way back to his table, muttering something about Shouyou not liking him or something. "Bokuto-San, what's wrong now?" Akaashi sighed out, placing his plate beside the pepper-haired male.

"Shouyou doesn't like me!" He sobbed, stuffing a bunch of food into his mouth and faceplanting onto the table.


Meow For Me | h.haremΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα