Chap 26; After a long night

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"It's calm, for now"


⚠️ mentions of abuse, mentions of death and violence ⚠️

"Angels have been spotted all over the dimension sir."

Azradan slides down on his chair and rubs his temples. The room around him is dark as usual, candles of red wax being the only bright thing in the room. The old wooden chair creaks as he sits on it, but it was expensive and he values it a lot. Outside the huge windows with thick red curtains over them, the demon dimensions moon is standing proudly on the sky. Other than that, it's cloudy and dark, slightly cold and very unpleasant like always.

Most demons and servant vampires in the Earth clan have returned to their bedchambers to study or rest their eyes, it's that time of night. Several guards and high officials still roam the palace hallways though, whispering and plotting new plans. Azradan is one of them, he doesn't rest very often. He is always awake and always aware of everything and everyone. Tonight when the clouds block the sky, the moon shining through and the cold freezing up the windows, one of his spies returned from the shifter dimension. Bad news, he's afraid.

"Looks like they've got a head start. I won't let those cowardly angels throw their meaningless influence and strength over that shifter dimension. Not after they've stayed hidden in their own dimension for so many years. Looks like I have to go ahead with my plan faster than I first imagined"
Azradan speaks to himself, both angry and intrigued.

If the angels have started appearing again, after hundreds of years in self made exile, he's going to put it to good use. Why rule the demon dimension when he can have it all? Angels and demons have fought ever since they were created. Even their Gods fight. This time won't be any different. Angels and demons are complete opposites and will never get along.

Azradan will just have to stop this angel expansion the hard way.

"Prepare the troops, and send out five squads to attack the angels in the shifter dimension. We're going to send them a little message"

"So what's your name?"

The night is over.

The sky is no longer dark, the moon is hidden behind the clouds. Instead it is early morning. The sun is slowly gliding up the horizon, birds are singing their morning songs and the grass is all wet from the nights frost. The salty smell from the sea and the strong breeze carries different scents and feelings through the air. The trees seem to bloom with fresh leaves and flowers, the sun shining through and tickling the animals and shifters awake. Those that have slept under the stars. Those that have slept near dead angel corpses, near their new mates.

Yesterday evening was eventful for everyone. Maarya, Helga, Acasea and Delilah slept near each other, comforting the angel who just wouldn't speak to them, wouldn't tell them who she is and why these angels are chasing her. Geir and Vorigan couldn't stop staring at each other, but there was clear awkwardness and tension between them. The air was thick and their stares were maybe not completely friendly. The longer time they spent with each other, as the minutes passed, it became clear that it would become a difficult relationship for the both of them. Avoiding argument, the shifter and the vampire fell asleep high up in different trees, both secretly longing for their new mate.

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