Scene 2 - Cleaning

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We begin at St. Luke's University in Bristol. In the office, the Doctor is busy at the desk going through his 2,000-year diary, going over some notes and details. The entrance is opened, and Nardole has begun dusting the office door handle with a feather duster and carrying another small brush, wipes, and other dusters and cleaning equipment. A bucket of water is left by the door. Nardole closes the door and leaves the brush and other cans of cleaning equipment by the bucket.


Nardole, my room is fine. Leave it alone.


I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid I must do something about this dust building up. You leave your rooms in a right mess, you do. Dust gets everywhere with you, sir. It's because you're out joyriding with Bill and not looking after what's in the vault.


My stuff in here is fine. Just don't touch anything that is delicate.


I should have known better than to get a thank you from you, sir.


Yes, you should have.


Don't worry. I'm only doing you a favour in the long term. When something about our prisoner downstairs happens eventually, I'll be the one who has to clear up the mess.


Oh, Nardole, don't get all soppy and sentimental like that.


No. No. You just sit there nice and comfortably sir. No need to get up. You just sit there with your feet up reading about all the times you've let the prisoner do something stupid again and threatened the whole of the galaxy.


Well, if that's the attitude, then fine. I will.


Am I the one who has the unappreciative attitude, sir?


Yes. You should be happy to work for me. You're my valet, Nardole. Now clean! And be careful with my stuff!

Nardole tries to calm down as he continues cleaning. Bill rushes excitedly.


Doctor! Doctor! You'll never guess what?

She has opened the door and knocked the entire bucket of water over. SPLASH! It goes all over the cleaning items, much to the Doctor's frustration, sighing displeased. Nardole is similarly unhappy.

Oh. Sorry.


No, it's alright, Bill. It wasn't your fault. You weren't to know it was there because it was Nardole that clumsily put it there for an accident like that waiting to happen.

Nardole sighs grumpily again.


The army is out there. Black jeeps and men with machine guns in red hats. And they're coming into the Uni.

We see the soldiers and the vans outside the University. The armed men hurry to the main building of the campus. They are UNIT soldiers and hurry their way through the corridors towards the Doctor's office. A few of them enter into the study, and several stay out. The guards remain neutrally stood by the entrance, as Bill and Nardole act confused.

What are they doing?


It's a UNIT strike team.

Kate Stewart and Osgood arrive in. In this outfit, Osgood comes with the Fourth Doctor's scarf, 11's Bow Tie, 7's jumper, 10's red converse shoes, and the jumper previously seen in The Zygon Invasion combined with her white scientific jacket seen in The Day Of The Doctor.


Well, we meet again, Doctor.


Kate. And Osgood. Or a Osgood.


So, I'm guessing you know these guys?


The Doctor has all kinds of friends and associations throughout the universe. The Unified Intelligence Taskforce has had a long association with the Doctor and his battles with alien threats.


That's right. The Doctor has been coming to Earth and helping us for decades. Sometimes he's needed our help, and sometimes we need his help.


And I'm guessing that in the present circumstances, you need my help. And so you were able to track me through the TARDIS' artron energy and find us here. Well, considering I have a poor attitude for saving the galaxy, apparently, looks like I can do with some action and protecting this planet and everyone on it. These are my new friends; Bill and Nardole. Bill, Nardole, this is Kate Lethbridge Stewart and Osgood. So, Kate, what can we do to help?


We need to head over to Cape Kennedy Space Centre at once then. We will arrange for your TARDIS to be taken along immediately. I will brief you on the lowdown when we're on our way.


Hoping that we aren't nearly blown out of the sky again by any more doppelgangers.


Hold on, woah, woah, woah, woah, Cape Kennedy! We're actually going to Cape Kennedy?

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