Scene 3 - Commander Montgomery

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We now view the magnificent complex of Cape Kennedy. After viewing a fantastic view from above at an angle looking up to the main block, we cut to the entrance of seeing the UNIT troops arrive in their vans. A van stops and is opened, revealing Osgood, Bill, Nardole, the Doctor, and Kate. All kinds of troops are around the perimeter or follow as a convoy for Kate and her team.


Woah! So cool!


You know Kate, UNIT is still the same god-damn military organization still fooling around with tin soldiers and your little firearms. You're following in your father's footsteps well still.


My father would find that a compliment coming from his former scientific advisor. He knew you used to hate it all, but this is our planet, remember Doctor.


Oh, well, looking from an outside perspective I know how it really is. And I'm only trying to help and advise you. I never officially did resign as scientific advisor though, Kate. And science can go under the psychological thinking and process of the human mind.


Doctor? Mam? This way.

The Doctor is being led by Kate and Osgood directly ahead, with Nardole and Bill greatly admiring the view around them. The setting will be dressed as closely as possible as to the real complex itself. Many UNIT guards stand around the circumference and around the Doctor and his friends for security reasons.


You got yourself a base set up here then?

A truck with a TARDIS on board pulls up behind the truck that the Doctor and his friends arrived in. Many men hurry around as they will begin to take the TARDIS inside. We open up in a setting similarly designed to that of the UNIT HQ in The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky, mixed with the NASA base from The Empress Of Mars. Kate and Osgood lead in front of the Doctor, Bill, and Nardole, as large sliding doors, open out allowing their entrance. We see many officers, programmers, and scientists working at control desks and consoles.

A rather pompous American military Commander is in charge of the operation. He is tall and portly, sticking his belly out with a big greasy, arrogant smile and hands behind his back. His voice is loud, and the man can be summed up as an idiot – always acting first and thinking later, placing his own needs first. An army officer, Ariel, rushes up to him to be instructed orders. This man is a soldier from the military himself, a trusted officer to Commander Montgomery. He always stands to attention, and swiftly acts like a stereotypical soldier. Another officer is beside the Commander – Colonel Stow. He is the Commander's aid and acts like Montgomery's yes man. He is quieter than his boss and acts instantly on his word. Kate and Osgood introduce the Doctor and his friends to the Commander.


Doctor, may I introduce you to Commander Montgomery. He is in full charge of the operation at hand.

The Commander confidently puts his arm out for it to shake.


Pleasure to meet you there, Doc! I've heard so much about you from Lethbridge Stewart and her father! I hope you don't disappoint my expectations, Doc. But I know what you nuts can be like. And what have we got here? A kid and a fatso! You need to shape up there, man! Ha, who ate all the pies then.

He laughs to himself, as Bill and Nardole feel insulted.


Are you supposed to be in charge here? Well, you haven't made yourself look too good when it comes to first impressions. You should know by now with your experience in the military that appearance can be deceiving.

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