Scene 7 - The Fear

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The blob lies dead on the ground with a bullet in it. The Commander and Ariel pant heavily, pretending they have endured suffering and attack. The Doctor, his friends, and the rest of the army have made it back to investigate what has just occurred.


What's happened?


That... that blob thing... it just came out of nowhere, and just attacked us. It came to attack us in cold blood! That thing leapt out of nowhere and jumped on my chest and squealed like it was going to rip me up. But Ariel was here when I was briefing him classified information about... err... erm, his job. And he was quick-thinking enough to shoot it dead in self-defence and saved my life!

The Doctor raises his eyebrow in suspicion.


Oh really?


Doctor, here's the creature.

The Doctor and Osgood bend down to look at the dead creature.


Are you alright, sir?


Fine now, thank you Colonel.


It seems way too basic to be the dominant life form here. I've never seen a Quandraphil so I don't know what they look like. But it looked friendly enough.


We'd like to see your video footage. You carry dashcams on your person, replay the incident for us.


I'm afraid we can't do that. Top security that footage.


But we're the Unified Intelligence Taskforce here designed to investigate new and unusual encounters such as that blob that you just killed.


Well, before our films can be given into the hands of UNIT, we need to process it back at Cape Kennedy. Security, you understand.


Commander, security is our number priority here...


Look Kate, may I remind you that you are under my orders, and you will obey them without question. Take this back to Cape Kennedy, Ariel.


YES SIR! But... err, the trouble is... how do I get down again?

Ariel, with his dashcam on his person, suddenly flashes away with the whooshing sound effect.


Well, that's how you get down. Seems as though you can only return if you want to. Or if they send for you as they did for us.


These creatures are lethal. They are hostile to us. We must attack and destroy them first before they destroy us! They are evil! A threat to mankind!

The army officers have begun agreeing with him, nodding their heads and making noises in agreement.

Let us find more of these things and blast them all to bits!


Oh, look, what have I already told you?


These creatures are hostile and are a ruthless species. We need to face these monstrosities in person and see that they're all wiped out for good.


Yes! Yes!


No. No. You're afraid of the unknown. That's all it is. Because something is different you are scared of it and so you lash out.


You can't prove that Doc.


Oh I understand humans implicitly, Commander. And you are no exception. That is why you are so determined that you want these creatures dead.


I'm afraid there is nothing you can do to stop my authority. The fear has now convinced my men that there is a real threat here because there is one here!

There is some more rumbling in the rocks. The men begin panicking, as the Doctor pushes his friends away. The army aim at the moving rocks in fear. Their guns are aimed! The rocks slide away as we are revealed to more of the friendly green blobs.


No. No. Read their body language, you stupid humans! They're offering the hand of friendship!


Open fire!

Many, many, many, many bullets shoot at the creatures, killing them instantly. We see armies of them launching out from the rocks headed towards them! The Commander stands with his arms behind his back again, watching the slaughter arrogantly and with a beaming smile on his face. Nardole covers his ears with a terrified facial expression.


They're swarming! We can't fight against this many! Why don't we retreat back to Earth?


And look like we're running away like rabbits. We will never back down!

The intensity intensifies of creatures.


It's a colony. They only want to talk with you!


Why don't they understand?


Because they're friendly beings, Bill. They don't understand these war-like methods of retaliation.


Can't we stop the Commander?


Don't even try it, Bill. Violence is never the answer.


Men! They're swarming too much for us! Retreat! Retreat!

They all then hurry away forward to escape as the intensity of blobs increases. They run! We change back to CaptainThunderWho in his lair again. He remains directly addressing us in the centre of the camera.


By now, the fear had infected the men. They were panicked and afraid of the unknown. So far, so good. And shortly, the Doctor and I were about to have one more showdown...

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