Scene 10 - Awoken

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We are now back on the Zanquara spaceship/planet. The Doctor continues his conversation with the aliens via the shining square light. Kate, Osgood, the Colonel, the unconscious Commander, and the rest of the army remain where they were before.


This region of our home was chosen for us to meet you because of its uninhabitable for us to sustain we life forms. Much as we have observed the humans of the Earth cannot live in certain areas. And because this area is safe from our homes, we can greet you safely without any threat against our urban lands.


Ah, don't worry about that. We quite understand. But it seems like quite a few of you have come to visit, which is good. You see Colonel, they're not harmful at all. And I must say, especially coming from a Time Lord, I have to compliment you about matching the dimensions of the interior of your ship to your planet. Even the Time Lords are at times jealous of your intelligence.


Thank you, Doctor.


And it's nice to meet an alien race who has for once come in peace to this planet. As you may know, we have encountered many hostile life forms on this planet.


Yes. Many attempts have been made to invade the Earth. All of them have failed. But I do have to admit, sometimes I think that one day the humans aren't going to be invaded like they already have. They will be the invaders. Take like today, for example, we come to your planet, and the humans start killing you off in masses.


That will continue, Doc.

We have heard the voice of the now conscious Commander, taking the Doctor by surprise. He had now stood back up, rubbing the dirt off his uniform.

May I remind you all that I am still technically in charge of this operation? And you will follow my orders, like them or not.

Kate quickly pulls up her pistol, aiming at the Commander. The army then load their weapons at her.




No, Kate. You don't stand a chance with those many guns pointing at us.


No sir. These beings are soft. They would never strike harming us. They might have stunned me for a little while, but they do that again and I'll see that their planet is burnt to a cinder.


Kate. Put it down.

Eventually, she puts the gun away.

Trust me Commander, you don't want to see a world burnt into a cinder. Especially when you see your home planet turn into an unimaginable hell.


Then everybody does exactly as they're told. The Quandraphils aren't going to harm us. They're too soft and nice to fight back, aren't you, in there, hiding!

There is no response from inside.

You see Doc, they will listen to me and follow my instructions. Maybe when it's all over I can use one of those blobs to play soccer with, like the old days when they played soccer with a pig's bladder? And come to think of it, why do you call your football soccer when it's soccer?


There is absolutely nothing hilarious about your disgusting comparison.


Are the aliens just going to let themselves be bullied like this? Can't they stand up to it? They could teleport them all down.


They're too friendly you could say. That's one of the problems of sometimes being a little too kind.

Ariel has returned with a camera he carries with him, materializing from Earth.




As you were, soldier. The film has been processed?


Affirmative, Commander.


Come and take a look, Doc. And the rest of you. Now we will see whether these monsters really are monsters or not? Something that I think you said, Doc. Appearances can be deceiving, can't they? If they look horrible, what do you think they'll better be like?


More humane than any of your men, Commander.


We will see then. Play it Ariel.

Everyone is cramped up together around the screen. We see the footage of the floor where the Commander and Ariel were. Montgomery watches the footage with the smug facial expression again. We hear the dialogue from that scene before we see suddenly the green blob launch out and cold-bloodedly attack the Commander. It is then shot at and dies. The footage finishes. The Doctor looks devastated at the footage, and the Commander continues smiling at the Doctor. We feel that there is growing suspicion among the men about the Quandraphils via an unpleasant atmosphere. The fear had struck again...


It's edited. It must be.


Is it? Then where is your evidence? How else can you disprove that I was attacked, Doc?

The Doctor looks angrily at the Commander again, as the army was convinced now that the aliens were truly hostile...

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