chapter 15

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A.N*this ones a bit short but you'll see why ;)*

stunned you forget what you were going to say. someone actually picked up, but was it your dad or someoen else...

'hello, who is this?' you ask the person on the other end.
'it's james, how can i help you?'
'oh so you found my number darling... so how's it going back at home,you doing alright?'
'oh it's been fine, you know you and mum left without saying anything without any text or calls, and now you have the audacity to pretend you care.'
'we.. we did this to keep you safe.. we're in a bit of trouble but we're sorting it out, that's why we left without saying anything, we both really do care about you.'
'spare me the lies... just tell me one thing... are you ever going to come back or are you going to just cut ties completely?' anger lacing your voice.
'it's hard to say.. but i think we will come back...not anytime soon even though we want to we can't risk your safety... please delete this number... i'll keep your number somewhere but don't try and contact us again... goodbye and if we never come back just know we love you.' the line goes silent once he hangs up.

tears stream down your face at the realisation that there's a possibility you'll never see your parents again. you might never get to hug your mother or father again. you curl up in a ball on your bed, hysterically crying, not holding any emotion back, just letting it all out, all the pain and suffering being let out. you fall into a uneasy sleep filled with nightmares mixed with happy memories from your childhood.


you're rudely awoken the next day by a loud banging on the front door. without even bothering to sort your hair or wash your face you run downstairs to shout at the fucker at your door.... what you don't expect is the person you're met with when you yank the door open..

'what the fuck do you...' you cut off mid sentence when you see who it is. you give them a look of disapproval and try and slam the door in them, only for them to stick their shoe in the door to stop you from closing it.


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