Part 1 - Jisung

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I never really celebrated my birthday much because I didn't like to make a big deal of it. So, when someone called me the night before my birthday, I was pretty sure it was one of my crusty aunts wishing me a sad happy birthday while I cringed and pretending to be grateful. What I didn't expect to hear was a guy's voice.

Lee Minho's voice.

I don't know how he could have got my number, but as soon as I knew it was him I wanted to hang up, which I couldn't do unless I wanted to be killed. 

"What do you want?" I said as nicely as possible. Which wasn't very nice. He didn't answer for a couple of seconds then said - "come to my house." Um, what the fork? Also, how am I supposed to know where he lives??? But at that moment for some reason, I didn't feel like being rude to him for once because i could hear him breathing kind of heavily down the phone, and that was worrying. What if he was in some serious trouble? Maybe he hurt himself? I chewed my lip, considering whether i should go and check if he was OK or not.

"Why did you call me? Don't you have a lot of friends?" I said as I shrugged on my jacket. Yeah, OK, maybe i sounded kind of bitter, but the guy ignores me for three months and I'm supposed to run to his house as soon as he calls without even asking why? It's was my birthday the next day too. I could hear his breathing get louder. 

"Just come quickly, you idiot," he snapped.

I gritted my teeth but if he was dying I guess I would feel a little more sorry for him. "Tell me where you live."

My parents were already asleep so I left without waking them up. As I felt the cool air of the night in my hair riding my bike down the street, I had a strange thought - I felt more relaxed than I had felt all week, just alone and feeling the sweet autumn breeze. When I pulled up in front of Lee Minho's house, I couldn't help groaning. He actually was rich. The house was taller than my insecurities and every brick was immaculate. Why would this rich boy need my help? He probably had a whole team of doctors working specially for him or something.

Oh well, it took me some time to get here, so I might as well see what happened. I left my bike lying on the lawn and knocked on the big front door. It opened and I saw Minho staring at me with a weirdly blank expression on his face, his eyes glazed.

"What the-? You're not sick!" I felt cheated. "Why did you call me if-" Before I could finish my sentence though Minho pulled me into his house by my wrist and shut the door behind us. "What are you doing?" I whispered-yelled furiously. He didn't even answer so I was started to get creeped out when he pushed me against the wall and kissed me like a maniac.

Like, an ACTUAL maniac. I've kissed other people before (two girls and a boy) and I had never kissed anyone like this before. He kissed me like his mouth depended on mine and soon my lips were going to shred because he was going so hard. I tried to push him off, but his arms were made like STEEL. His whole body was pressed against mine and I felt like I was going to drown.

"Stop!" I tried to shout, which was pretty much impossible when you are being lip-locked by someone twice your size so it came out as 'sffp' and he still didn't even then. I was starting to feel lightheaded. Finally, he released me.

"What are you doing?" I yelled, so loudly I could hear my voice vibrating against the walls of the empty room.

Minho wiped his mouth slowly, not looking at me. Then his eyes met mine and I flinched a little because his gaze was so direct. "You can get out now," he said.

Excuse me??? What the hell did he just say?

"What did you just-" I started to say.

"Get the fuck out," he said louder. I flinched his harsh voice. His eyes glared at me up and down.

"You're the one who called me here and- and did something weird first! Now you're telling me to get out?! You must be crazy, Lee Minho! I can't believe I came all the way here for your bullshit!" I was so angry I could only see red in my line of vision. I wanted to strangle him.

"I don't care. Get out of my house or I'll call the cops."

I was so stunned I didn't know what to do, but there was no I was going to just turn and leave, that would be giving into this prick who was so up himself. I stamped on his foot really hard, then left and closed the front door so hard it shook. I could hear him shouting inside.


As I picked up my bike and mounted it roughly for the cycle home I accidentally trampled over something that broke with a tinkering sound. I didn't even stop to see what it was because my mind was boiling over with anger and I couldn't think straight. I cycled back home, the memory of what had just happened so clear in my mind I shivered with disgust several times and nearly fell off my bike. What a jerk!! He called me all the way over to his house to kiss me???  When he clearly can't stand me and I'm not so hot on the idea of him either? And does that mean he's gay? But doesn't he have a girlfriend?

"AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" I shouted to the howling wind as a lady walking her dog (why was she walking her dog so late at night??) stopped and stared at me. My mind was whirling. So- so when he called me and he was panting, was he- was he jerking off to the thought of me?!

I finally toppled off the bike and into a ditch. I lay there for a few seconds, too seething with anger to get up immediately. Ugh, Lee Minho that son of a bitch. How was I going to face him at school now? What if he told everyone I had kissed him and people think I'm gay???

In the distance, somewhere a church tower clock chimed twelve o'clock.

And some people still ask me why I don't like to celebrate my birthday!!! 😤

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