Part 13 - Lee Know

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After we walked back out of the graveyard, Jisung stretched. "You wanna go get a coffee? I barely slept last night and I'm tired as hell."

I smiled; I could tell he was trying to get my mind off what I'd just said. Then I looked at him closely. "You do look really tired. We can just spend the rest of the day at my house, sleeping, if you like," I suggested. 

He shook his head. "It's fine. Coffee will wake me up. Besides, I'm hungry too, so we should get some food. You have, like, three packets of instant ramen in your kitchen and that's it."

[a/n: yeah I know you know Lee Know's supposed to be the cook of skz 😖😖😖 but the way my story turned out, it's Han always doing the cooking so let's just say the roles are reversed in the ff djfsjhfkhsdk]

"Let's go to All Caf, I owe Jeongyeon." I didn't say it but I'm pretty sure she suspected me and Jisung had a crush on each other so she tried to push us together. If it's because of her method that we're together right now, then I definitely do owe her big time.

All Caf was almost at this time of the morning; just Jeongyeon behind the counter and her side worker Mina, besides a few customers. Jisung went and ordered two cappuccinos while I sat at a table. I noticed Jeongyeon smirk over at us.

When Jisung came back to the table he was looking at his phone with a grimace. "My mom called me at least thirteen times this morning. Oh God, she even left voicemails." He played the voicemail, wincing as his mother yelled at him to get his ass home immediately from Jeongin's house or he'd be late for school. Then he noticed my face. "I mean, I could just turn this off and we could have fun the rest of the day. I won't get in that much trouble." 

It sounded tempting but I shook my head. "It's fine. I prefer that my mother barely cares what happens to me, but yours sounded really mad. I think we should go to school. Tell you what, go home and say something like you overslept your alarm, and I'll call Jeongin and tell him you were supposedly at his house yesterday, OK?"

"OK," he said, taking a sip of the cappuccino. "I'll see you at school... hyung."

I grinned. "See you at school, baby." His face went pink but he didn't say anything. "Also, I'll pay for it, you just don't worry about it and leave."

"Thanks hyung, I'll treat you to a coffee sometime too," he called out as he rushed out the door. 

Jeongyeon sidled up to me. "Baby, huh?"

I groaned. "Why are you eavesdropping? Don't you have a coffee to make or something?" but secretly I was pleased.

"Can't you see how slow our business is right now? And if you have made things work with that little quokka, then you've got me to thank."

"Thanks, Jeongie," I said, rolling my eyes but smiling.

"Hmmm," she said, looking me up and down.


"You wanna be really thankful?"

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

"Work for me. Your looks would bring girls into the shop in droves. I've already heard how popular you are at your school and on social media, and I don't even go to school. Please work for me, please please please," she whined, wheedling.

I sighed. "We'll see. You barely did anything to credit our relationship, it was mostly me," I joked.

"Well, I did help a bit! I'll pay you extra if you want."

I shook my head. "Pay me the normal amount. But I'll work here if you want me to." If I could be with Jisung, I didn't mind working here.

She whooped and gave me a big hug. "Thank you, Minho! You're the best."

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