Part 11 - Lee Know

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I was only going to have one drink, but one became two, and then I stopped counting and stopped caring. Chris kept telling me to slow down but I ignored him. After a while, the whole room started to look hazy.

I couldn't believe I had been so stupid. Of course Jisung didn't have any feelings for me. Every time I thought about this other girl he must like, his words came back to me again and I felt this short stab of pain in my chest so I would take another drink to try to forget it.

Some time close to the end of the evening I looked up to see Jisung standing in front of me. "Jisung? What are doing here?" I asked, slurring on my words a little. Looking at his face made me feel light-headed all over again. Changbin's words drifted into my mind. Just because you're in love with yourself, it doesn't mean everyone else is as well. 

Why can't you be in love with me too, Han Jisung?

The last thing I remember seeing that night was Jisung's face, then everything else was a blank.


When I woke up the next morning I felt too warm so I pushed my blanket off. Then I realized I wasn't in my bedroom, I was lying on the living room couch. I got up but my head felt heavy and my eyes hurt so I lay back down again.

"Wait! Minho hyung don't get up so quickly. You have a fever and probably a hangover too. I made you some hangover soup and I'm going to call the doctor, I was just waiting for you to wake up."

I looked up with an effort and saw Jisung bending down next to me. He was wearing my shirt and pyjama trousers which were at least three sizes too big for him. He looked so insanely cute I couldn't help but pull him into a hug and just lean my head on his shoulder; he smelled like he had just had a shower.

"H-hey! Minho hyung, stop," he stammered, trying to get away but I didn't let him. 

"Let's just stay like this for a while," I said.

He was silent for a couple of moments then said, "Hey!"


"Your fever must have broken! You're sweating."

I blushed. "That must be just because of this blanket. It's so thick, you don't know how to differentiate a summer and a winter blanket Jisung? God's sake."

He grinned at me. "What, the mighty Lee Minho can't stand doing something like sweating? Dude, it's totally normal, even I sweat."

For some reason I don't know but when he said that I started to think something pretty weird and inappropriate so my face went totally red and I quickly hid under the (thick) blanket.

He shook his head. "Minho hyung, now that your fever's gone, you should have some soup and we'll get ready to go to school or we're going to be late."

I groaned and shifted a little but didn't get up. Jisung untangled my arms from around him and went to the kitchen then came back with a bowl.

"Say aaah~" he said.

I opened my mouth wide and he fed me a spoonful. "Honestly, you're like a baby, hyung," he said, wiping soup from around my mouth. "I had to change you and feed you medicine yesterday too."

"Since when do you call me 'hyung'?" I said, desperate to change the subject.

"Since yesterday," he said. Then he paused. "Don't you remember what happened yesterday?"

"I don't remember anything."

"Not even that you kissed me?"

I froze. "What?"

He refused to look away from my eyes. "I guess you really don't remember." 

"I kissed you yesterday?" I said, disoriented.

"Just finish your soup," he said, his voice sounding cold like it did before, "because I need to quickly go back to my own house and get my school uniform."

I started to feel that pain in my chest again as he spoke; after finally getting closer to him, I couldn't stand being pushed away again. Before I realised what I was doing, I had pulled the bowl of soup out of his hands, put it on the table, and kissed him right on the mouth.

He stiffened, startled, but I didn't let go until he responded and kissed me back. I let myself melt into him and pushed him into the couch.

"Minho... stop," he said against my mouth, trying to push me away.
I didn't stop. I kissed him harder. Then I pulled away from him.

"I like you, Jisung," I said, stroking his hair softly. "Why don't you know that?"

He shivered. "I- I like you too."

"What?" I felt my body tense. "But I thought you said you like someone else."

"I know I did, OK?" He sighed. "But that was a lie. I like you, you doof. I've liked you since that day before my birthday when you kissed. I tried not to, because you're popular, and I'm not, and-"

"Shshshhshshhs..." I stopped his mouth by kissing him again. "You know, I was worried about that too, but now I realize it's so stupid because it really doesn't matter. If we like each other, we should be together no matter what, right?"

He bit his lip. "I guess."

I intertwined my fingers with his. "Let's forget about school today. I want to take you somewhere."

He didn't refuse or pull his hand away. Slowly he nodded. "OK."

I felt a real genuine smile form on my face for the first time in a long time.

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