Part 22.5 - Jisung

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When I woke up in the morning, Minho had already gone. He had left a little note for me on the desk telling me he still had a morning shift at All Caf so he'd left early, but he didn't wake me because there wasn't school today due to a teacher training or something. I lay in bed for a while, reliving every delicious moment of yesterday night. A smile spread on my face before I even realised it.

A small while later I went down to have breakfast. Just as my toast jumped out of the toaster I heard a knock on the door. Minho couldn't be don't with his shift already...? I went to open it, smoothing down my bed hair.

It wasn't Minho; it was Jevian.

"Jevian? Why are you here?" I was surprised. "How do you know where I live?"

He didn't reply, he just leaned into me and kissed my lips. I was so shocked, I didn't move for a couple seconds. We were still standing on the doorstep in full view of everyone! As he tried to deepen the kiss, I pulled away from him roughly.

"Jevian, what are you doing?" I hissed. I didn't invite him in and he didn't make any movement to come inside. He looked down and then back up again at my face.

"I still like you a lot, Jisung."

I felt my heart grow heavy at what I was about to say to him. He wasn't a bad guy, just that I didn't like him anymore, not in that way. "I'm sorry, Jevian."

"Why are you sorry?" He didn't understand. "You like me, don't you? You kissed me back that day, you know you did."

"It was a mistake. I'm sorry, but I didn't mean it, because I just didn't realise what was happening then." I squirmed as I realised how idiotic I sounded. "Jevian, please don't be mad. We could still be friends."

He didn't say anything for a moment. Then he said, "I wish I could turned what we had that summer into something more so I wouldn't be regretting letting you go now."

I felt sadness, but also a type of closure. Jevian's and my past had come to an end now; it was time to wrap that part out. I'd always remember him fondly and as the first best kiss I had. He smiled at me and then came close and for a minute I felt myself seize up, but I was only to hug me.

"You and Minho make a really good couple." I didn't ask him how he knew; at this moment I found I was used to him knowing things without asking. "I hope we don't meet again after today, Jisung. I don't want to see you and be reminded of this hurt again."

"Maybe I just wasn't the right person for you," I said. "Thank you, Jevian."

He just smiled and said nothing before leaving.


That night I went to Minho's house, because my parents were going to come back from their anniversary honeymoon tomorrow and this might be the last night we could spend together. I didn't want to have sex with him; I just wanted to fall asleep, in his arms.

It was so late by the time I got there, Minho was already asleep in his bed. He hadn't called me or texted me once during the whole day and suddenly I felt worried that he'd somehow seen what happened earlier. I watched him sleep for a few minutes. I could feel the guilt of not telling him, crushing on my chest. I hoped he hadn't actually seen.

"Minho..." I whispered. "Today, Jevian came to me and he kissed me."

I paused slightly. "I didn't kiss him back. I don't like him anymore. We broke our ties and he won't come to see me anymore."

"I hope you forgive me."

I made to get up when suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down next to him. "Wait."

"You were awake???" I hissed.

"I woke up because you started talking."

"Oh," I said. "Sorry."

"I'll only forgive you if you do one thing for me," he whispered, burrowing into my neck.


"Go on a date with me."

A world of my own - MINSUNGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ