Part 21 - Lee Know

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I was allowed to go home the next day. I felt better, but not that great, because even though Jisung had skipped school, he had a shift at All Caf he couldn't miss, so Changbin had to give me a ride home. "Listen, if you ever feel even slightly short of breath, you have to use your inhaler, OK?"

I nodded. "OK."

I decided to meet Jisung at All Caf when his shift was over. I noticed Jisung working at the back, making coffees. Jeongyeon was serving some old ladies tea but when she saw me she walked over and gave me a big smack.

"Ow! What was that for?" I said, rubbing my shoulder.
"You idiot! You had me so worried. I heard what happened from Chaeryoung. Don't you know the two of us are friends?"

"I'm sorry for worrying you, your Highness," I said with rolled eyes.

"Well... I'll see if I forgive you just yet. In the meantime, I think there's something you're forgetting."

"What is that?"

"Your job here, remember? You told me you'd work for me."

Shit. I had forgotten about that. "OK. When do you want me to start?"

"Right now. We're short on staff. Oh, and... Minho?"


She gave a smirk I didn't like the look of.

"There's just one other thing."


"You have to be kidding," I said, staring into the mirror horrified.

"No, I'm not," she said.

I was wearing an apron that almost reached my knees, my jeans... and nothing else. I was totally bare-chested. The apron covered most of my chest but I still wasn't all that comfortable with it.
"Do we have to do this?" I whined, covering my chest with my arms.

She slapped my arms away. "Yes! I'll literally have girls, like, fighting to get in here. It's a great idea."

"I feel stupid," I muttered.

"It doesn't matter what you feel because you look hot."

"I have a boyfriend, Jeongyeon! I can't do this."

"I don't think your boyfriend is going to mind," smirked Jeongyeon. "Hey Jisung, come in here!"

Jisung came inside. "Yeah, Jeong-?" Then he was cut short when saw me. I felt totally exposed. His eyes were bugging out. "What the...? Minho, what the hell? Why are you-"

"It's only for a while...? Aw come on, Jeongyeon, I look so fucking stupid."

"You made him put this on?" said Jisung, turning to Jeongyeon.

"Yeah, but only because..." She trailed off.

"Wow! This is awesome. There are going to be girls everywhere. But I think you should... uh..." Jisung reached up to remove my apron as I stared at him open mouthed. "Like, the apron is covering too much."

"So you don't care about this at all?" I said, so shocked I didn't even care that my full chest was on display.

"No, I mean of course if you're uncomfortable, you don't have to do it," said Jisung, retying the apron around me but loosely so when I'd bend down you'd be able to see my tiddies.

I felt hurt that he didn't even care about the fact that a bunch of thirsty girl would be able to see me shirtless. Feeling a sudden prick of jealousy, I took the apron off again and put it away. "No, it's fine. I'll go like this," I said, though I was cringing inside with embarrassment.

His eyebrows raised in surprise. "If you're sure? OK." Then he and Jeongyeon went out to to the front, leaving me alone with the apron and a mirror that was telling me this was not a good idea.

I scowled at Jisung's retreating back. I considered putting the apron back in before I started my shift, but I really wanted to show Jisung what he'd bee missing if I didn't. Feeling totally naked, I left the back room with the apron only tied around my waist.


It didn't take long for word to get out that I was working at All Caf shirtless. Jeongyeon was right - girls crowded around the doors and every table, ordering coffees and cakes and some bolder girls even demanded I serve them. Kim usually frequented the table closest to the counter. She also often came to me to try to initiate a conversation but mostly I blew her off, saying I was busy with the work.

I sometimes worried whether it was illegal or if the school found out I'd be expelled, but it was a small worry amongst the annoyance I felt when Jisung seemed totally indifferent by the swarms of girls trying to get my attention. Also, I highly doubted I'd be arrested for working without a shirt on. As soon as each of my shifts were over, I'd race home, not giving the girls the opportunity to waylay me after and not even waiting for Jisung.

One night the coffee shop was emptier than usual, as most of the girls in our school had a basketball meet and didn't come to the café. I was wiping down table, feeling a little more comfortable now that there was hardly anyone in the shop, when someone said my name.

"Minho hyung."

I turned around to see Kim sitting at her usual table sipping a coffee and smiling at me. (No, I don't know how she was sipping coffee while also smiling at me. She somehow managed it.)

"What is it?" I asked, resigned. I was pretty annoyed at the way she spoke to Jisung even if he did bash her pretty well. She uncrossed her legs and walked to me.

"How long is your shift?" she asked.

"I have ten minutes left and then I'm wrapping up," I said shortly.

"You wanna come to my place?"

I stared at her. "Whaaaat???"

"I said, do you want to come my place."

"Kim, I have a boyfriend," I said, wondering if she didn't care or was just really stupid.

"But I thought you guys weren't together anymore."

"We are together," said Jisung from behind me.

Kim looked mildly surprised. "Jisung? What are you even doing here?"

"I work here," he said, coming next to me. "And don't hit on my boyfriend, or you can't come here anymore, Kim."

She scowled and stormed away, but not before giving Jisung the dirtiest look I have ever seen, slamming the door on her way out way harder than necessary.

Jisung grinned and pulled me to him by the dangling strings of my apron, unperturbed by Kim's look. "So... do you wanna come over to my place?"

I blushed. "Stop it, Jisung." I was still mad at him for having zero interest towards the fact that I had served at least a hundred girls over the past week without wearing anything above the waist.

"No, I mean it. Do you want to come over? My parents aren't home because they've been on their anniversary honeymoon for the past two days. So do you want to?"

I made my face expressionless although inside my heart was jumping. "Sure."


Being in Jisung's house knowing that we weren't going to be interrupted made me feel way more kinky than usual. Jisung seemed totally calm and normal about it. It was as if he had just asked a friend over, not his boyfriend.

"Hey, you want someone thing to eat? Or we could order pizza if you want."

I didn't answer him, I just grabbed him by the shoulders and walked him to his bedroom, then pushed him onto his bed. "Minho, what are you doing?" he said, laughing nervously.

"Would you mind if we... if we did something tonight?" I felt embarrassed saying the words, even though I'd had sex with Chaeryoung at least twice. Jisung's face went totally red. Then he allowed himself to smile small.

Without answering me, he pulled my shirt and kissed me.

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