Part 15 - Lee Know

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I felt Jisung fidget beside me.
"One of you explain, or Jisung is going to be grounded and... Minho? Was it? I'll have no choice but to call your parents."

I stiffened. Good luck with that, I thought.

"It's not like you're thinking, Mom. We were just messing around. I swear." Jisung sounded so genuine even I believed him for a second. My face grew heated thinking how it would have been if his mom had come just a minute before.

Ms Han nodded subconsciously, maybe believing him or at least trying to, but I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"That's not true."

Jisung shot me a warning look, which I ignored, and Ms Han focused her attention on me.
"What do you mean?"

"Me and Jisung are dating. I'm his boyfriend."

Jisung gave me a I-CAN'T-BELIEVE- YOU-JUST-FUCKING-SAID-THAT look which I also ignored.

Ms Han had turned white. "What did you just say?"

"I'm sorry, and I know that must have come of a shock to you, but I don't really want to keep it a secret especially from our parents." I forced the 'our'. "I really don't have any bad intentions to Jisung at all. I really like him. I hope you can accept us as a couple, Ms Han." I thought back and quickly added, "but we were really just messing around before.*

She shook her head, dazed. "I'm not sure how to process this," she said slowly. "Why haven't you said anything about this to me before, Jisung?"
He shot me a murderous look before saying "Mom, I'm sorry, I would have told you, but I was... I was just afraid. I didn't want you to know I'm gay."

She swallowed. "I'm your mother, Sungie. I would accept you no matter what. I just - for now, I'm going to need some time to see what I think about the two of you being together."

Jisung looked at her amazed. "You really don't mind that I'm gay?"

"Of course I don't mind," she said. She looked troubled but she managed to smile. "You know, my first crush was gay, too. I was really upset when I found out. I cried for hours."

"Really??? You never told me that."

I sensed I wasn't needed, so I got up and said "bye" real quick and quiet so they wouldn't hear me and made a beeline for the door.

I turned around. Jisung gave me a quick hug and said "call me later, OK?" I nodded and he smiled at me small. Then I opened the front door and left.

I took a deep breath, wondering if I should have brought my inhaler with me.


"This is really cute."
I looked over. It was teddy bear holding a mini banner that said Go To Prom With Me? The teddy bear had big eyes just like Jisung. I smiled, it was so cute.

"Stop drooling over a teddy bear! Minho! That's fucking nasty."
I hit Chris on his shoulder. "This one is really cute. I'm going with it."

"You're lucky you have a date, man. I can't think of anyone to go with. I don't like anyone."

"Go stag," I suggested, picking up the teddy bear and playing around with it.

"Sir! Please don't play with the toys if you won't by them. They're very delicate," said a store worker, rushing over to me.

"Oh, I'm going to buy this one," I said. "Could you get it wrapped for me?"

He nodded and took the teddy bear. Chris let out a low whistle. "Rich boy privilige," he said in a low voice.
I hit him again but this time using a random light saber I found on a shelf.

"Sir! Please don't play with the light saber unless you're going to buy that, too," said the worker sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and put it back.

"Maybe I should get this," pondered Chris, holding up a red box of chocolates that said 'be my prom date' "and just stick it randomly in someone locker, so whoever gets it will be going to the prom with me I guess."

"That's actually not a bad idea, you know," I said, while privately thinking it was a terrible idea but whatever Chris just likes to go with the flow.

We bought our separate things and left. I couldn't stop smiling at the adorable teddy bear. 

"Minho! If you don't fucking stop I swear I'm going to report you for animal cruelty," said Chris.

"What? Why? I'm only smiling at it."

"Yeah, like a creepy child molester or something."

"What the-! What child molester??? That's creepy, man." I thought for a minute. "Oh, and by the way, Chris, we should only hug on birthdays."

He turned to look at me. "That's so random." Scrutinising me, he said, "Is it because you're going out with Jisung now?"

"Maybe," I said. But it was mostly because I only wanted Jisung's hugs to feel special. 

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