Part 3 - Jisung

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I dreaded the next day so badly, I wanted to pretend to be sick to stay off school, but I knew my mother was going to see straight through it especially since I looked perfectly fine.

Well, maybe not perfectly fine. When I looked in the mirror, an almost unrecognisable Han Jisung looked back at me - the result of tossing and turning in bed all night worrying if Lee Know would tell the whole world we kissed. My eyes were grey and hollowed out, and my hair was randomly pointing everywhere.

My father had already gone to work but my mother took one look at my pale face and didn't even say anything - she just pointed back to my room. "Get some rest, you look like you're dying," she said.

I pouted. "Muuum ~ you're the best ~" I tried to wrestle her into a hug even though she hates physical affection, but to my surprise she hugged back.

"Are you sure you'll be OK alone? I have a meeting at work today," she said worriedly.

"I'll be fine," I said. I planned to spend the day sleeping.

She ruffled my hair. "Happy birthday, kid."

Sheesh, worrying about that jerk Lee Minho had totally wiped the fact that it was my birthday from my mind.


At around twelve o'clock I was pulled from a beautiful dream by the sound of Ke$ha singing her lungs out. I got up and answered my phone.

"Who is it?" I groaned, my eyes still closed.

"Open the door, you idiot!" someone said loudly in my ear.

I looked at the phone. "Open the what now?" Then I heard the sound of the doorbell ringing faintly but insistently. I got out of bed and went to the front door.

"Felix?! What are you doing here?" I asked as my Australian friend shook his head at the sight of me and pushed past me into the apartment. Following him was Seungmin who also came in and Jeongin who pulled me into a big hug. "Happy birthday, Jisungie~"

I let myself be leaned into the hug. Usually, physical affection makes me feel better, and Jeongin is good at hugs, he knows how to squeeze all your worries away. For just a moment I made myself forget all about Lee Minho as he wrapped his arms around me.

"OK, can you lovebirds please take it to a different room," Seungmin said, disgusted.

"We're not lovebirds," Jeongin blushed as he pulled away from me. Seungmin grinned and wrestled him into a headlock.

"I know you're not. I was kidding." He laughed. "This cute little boy is so fun to tease."

"Now who's being lovebirds? Come on, the chicken is getting cold," called Felix from the living room.

I perked up. "You brought me chicken?" OK - physical affection and chicken, the two best remedies of a bad mood. Felix grinned at me. He knows I love chicken.

As we all looked at the plates of fried chicken in front of us, Felix quirmed under Seungmin's gaze.

"Didn't I specifically say 'cake'?" Seungmin sighed. "It's his birthday today."

"Sorry," said Felix sheepishly. He produced a pack of candles from his pocket. "I got the candles though."

"What use are candles when we don't have a cake?!" Seungmin said as Jeongin laughed. I smiled at my three friends. "It's fine," I said. "I'd rather have chicken. I need something spicy that will burn my mouth today."

We stuck the candles in the chicken anyway, as a celebratory birthday meal.


Much later, after the boys were all gone and I had reverted back to my bed to get some more sleep, I heard someone banging on the door. For a second I was scared thinking someone was going to break into the house then remembered that when I slept I was deaf to the world around me. So it must be Mom tired of knocking patiently. As I got up, though, I saw on the clock that it was still only three pm. Why was she back home so early?

Yawning, I put on my slippers and went to open the front door. Then I just stared with my mouth hanging open.

"Lee Minho?!"

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