New Home

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I've been working for the Shelby's for a month now and I quite like it. I've grown quite fond of Tommy, as he has of me. He let's me eat lunch with him and Charlie. I overheard him tell Polly it's because I look very thin and that he was worried about my home life. I eat a lot to be honest but it's nice of him to care. 

Later before i leave work, I knock on Tommy's office door. He invites me in and tells me to sit. "Is there anything else you would like me to do before I leave?" I ask him. "No. That will be all for tonight, thank you Jayne".

I arrive home and walk into the house. The sound of voices fill the hallway, leading to the kitchen, where the door is slightly ajar. My father wasn't usually awake this late, but these voices sound unfamiliar. I push the kitchen door open to find my father and three men in suits sitting around the table. 

"Ah, here she is. Come meet my new friends, Jayne". Something about this doesn't feel right. "Hello everyone" I say, backing away from the doorway. "You see, Jayne, I owe these men money. Now, we both know money doesn't come easy to me, so this money I owe is money that I don't have. But, these men are kind men, and they promised me no harm if I promised them a night with you". 

As soon as I hear those words my heart drops to my stomach. "What?" I ask in disbelief. "No. No, you can't do that". One of the men pushes his chair out and starts to walk over to me. I turn on my heel and run back towards the front door. As I fumble in my bag for my key, two large, rough hands grasp my shoulders.

The man pulls me back from the door, pushing me towards my room. "PLEASE, NO! PLEASE DON'T LET HIM!" I beg, but no one comes to help me. "YOU OWE THIS TO ME JAYNE" my father shouts back from the kitchen.

The man throws me onto my bed and gets on top of me, kissing my neck while taking off his belt. A single teardrop rolls down my cheek as I try my hardest to push him off of me. I look around my room for something I can use. I spot my lamp on the nightstand and reach my arm out to it. My fingertips brush against the base of the lamp.

Shit. I'm not close enough. I slowly shift my body over towards the nightstand. He doesn't seem to notice. I get hold of the lamp, raising it level with his head. I swing the lamp

He falls to the ground unconscious i run through the house , picking my keys from the ground , my father notices i was at the front door , i get out and follows me screaming at me "get back here you little bitch" he screams as ride away on my back 

I was so scared i didn't know where to go until i remembered something


"Jayne can i speak with you" Tommy asks me as i sit eating lunch "yes" i say as i follow him to his office "sit" he says , "Jayne if anything were to happen and you ever need help or a place to stay please Jayne don't hesitate to come to me" he lighting a smoke "ok thank you Tommy" i say before leaving

I went straight to Tommys house i bang on the door crying and panicking "Jayne what happened" Finn asks letting me in "are you hurt whose blood is this" he asks as he sits me down "i - i " i couldn't speak "TOMMY IT'S JAYNE SHES HURT" Finn shouts into the kitchen 

"Jayne" Tommy says holding my face in his hands trying to calm me "what happened" he asks "i went home and he was awake but he is never awake at this time and there were 3 men and one man took me into my room and i tried to push him off but he was to strong and i hit him over the head with my lamp and then - i -i came here" i say quickly trying to hold back sobs

"John , Arthur" Tommy shouts before they walk out and see me "come on" he says the boys followed him without hesitation "im coming" Finn says "no look after her" Tommy says before leaving

"You should shower get the blood off" Finn says holding his hand out for me to take , he lead me up to a bedroom that looked unlived in , "the showers in there and i will be downstairs if you need me" Finn says before leaving 

As i wash the blood off i keep seeing those moment replay in my head , i had to distract myself , i turn the water to the hottest it would go and sat down , i let the water burn my skin until it was red 

It helped , it made the flashbacks go away , i couldn't sit still i went to find Finn and found him in the library'drinking a glass of whisky "hey" i say , he turns to look at me and stands up , i didn't know what it was about Finn Shelby but he made me feel safe even just looking at him "hey" he replies , before i run into his arms , he hugs me tightly 

"Would you like a drink" he asks "yes please" i say before he sit opposite me , we sat in silence it wasn't awkward it was comforting 

Tommy and the boys arrived soon after , they had blood all over them "don't worry Jayne your safe now" John announced "what happened" i ask "your father had left before we arrived but the other men were easy to kill" Arthur said i was speechless my father was still out there what if he comes for me "boys can i talk to Jayne alone" Tom asks before the boys leave "Jayne , if you want and you feel comfortable i want you to come live here with Charlie , Finn and I what do you say" Tom asks "really" i ask my eyebrows raising "yes i want you to be apart of this family" he says "yes , ye thank you Tommy" I say before i go up to bed   

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