True Love

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Day of the Party

I woke up that morning, Oliver's arms wrapped around me. I try get up but he just hugs tighter "not yet" he says, his voice tired and raspy , "I have to get to work" I sigh "skip work" "I can't" I say as I sit up. "Fine, but I'm taking you out tonight, birthday girl" Oliver says, getting up off the bed "you remembered?" I ask with a smile. Oliver walks towards me.

"Of course I did". He stops behind me, slipping his arms around my waist, pulling me in from behind. He leans in and begins to kiss my neck. "no, no, not now" I say, pulling away. "Come on, you can be a little bit late" he grabs my hand and tries to pull me onto the bed.

"No" I giggle. "You act like we didn't do it for three hours last night". I button up my blouse, staring him in the eyes "you know, you can say we had sex for three hours" he teases."I have to go" , I kiss him on his forehead and pick up my shoes. "I'll see you later".

Finn and I haven't spoken since last week. I'm not quite sure why, but he won't even look at me. I miss it to be honest. Purely just the conversation that I miss though, nothing more.

I open the door to the betting shop and head over to my desk. I sit down, placing my bag on the floor beside me. "Up". A voice from behind me startles me.

"Pardon?" I turn around. "Up. I'm taking you somewhere". Tommy waves the set of car keys in front of my face. "Where to?" I ask, getting up of my chair. " You'll see. Arthur, Finn! Come on" Tommy shouts.

After an hour, we arrive at the gate of an open field. "Why are we here?" I ask, receiving no response.

"Oh wait, are we cutting grass? Well, thank you boys, this is amazing" I say sarcastically. Arthur shakes his head. "Nah. That's not why we're here".

"Seriously. Why are we here?" I ask. "See that horse over there" Tommy says, pointing towards a beautiful white mare. "Happy birthday Jayne".

"How did you know?" I ask, turning to face them. Finn clears his throat. "Ada. She.... uh, she told us" he says, rubbing the back of his neck. He looks up at me, holding eye contact for a couple of seconds.

I smile at him then look at Tommy. "So, that horse is-" Tommy cuts me off before I can finish. "She's all yours".

I can't help but run to Tommy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I keep repeating myself as I bury my face into his shoulder.

"Where's mine?" Arthur holds his arms out to me. I leave Tommy and go hug Arthur. Finn walks over and joins in. We all laugh, sharing a hug.

I slip out of their arms and make a run for the field. "Jayne, what are you doing?" Tommy asks as I hop the gate.

"Riding my new horse" I shout, running towards the horse. "I'll meet you lot back at home".

I slow down as I get close to her. I walk towards her slowly, offering out my hand to gently pet her. She truly is a beauty.

I get up onto her back and begin to ride. She goes from a trot to a gallop with ease, her technique smooth and effortless. As she glides through the field, I can feel the wind in my hair. I feel like I'm flying.

I feel like I'm free.

The whole day was amazing. I named my horse Storm. After hours of riding, i head back home. I go to the Garrison, knowing that I would find at least one of the Shelbys.

I tie Storm up and enter the pub. "Harry, where are the boys?" I ask, resting my elbows on the bar. He nods towards the small room beside the bar. "Thank you".

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. "Come in" Tommy says through the door. I push it open and walk in.

"Hello boys" I say, smiling. "Well, have you named her yet?" Arthur looks at me, swirling the whiskey in his glass.

"Yeah. Her name is Storm". I sit and pour out a glass of whiskey. "What time is it?" Tom asks. Finn takes his watch out from his pocket. "Half four" he replies.

"Jayne, Oliver told me he wants you to meet him at the betting shop at five".

"Right. I better get going incase he's early". I down my drink and leave the Garrison. 

I walk into the betting shop and see Oliver sitting at my desk. "Hey" I say, taking off my coat. i walk in and see him sitting at my desk with a big box sitting the table "hello" i say smiling "there's my beautiful birthday girl" he says as he stands up he was in a suit "and why are you dressed up" i ask him as he pulls me in by my waist "im taking you somewhere fancy" he says smiling "like where" i ask "its a surprise now open this" he says as he looks at the big box i open the box and there was an amazing dress it was blue and it had layers to it "oh my god it's beautiful" i say smiling "go upstairs and put it on" he says smiling "i have to shower first i'll be quick" i say before i take the box and go upstairs after i showered i put it on it fit perfectly

I go downstairs and Oliver is waiting at the end of the stairs he looks at me strangely "what" i ask him "your beautiful" he says smiling as i get down to the end of the stairs and he links arms with mine he takes me to some club "your taking me dancing" i ask him "something like that" he says as he takes my hand we walk in it was quiet which was weird unusual for a dancing club

"Surprise" everybody says as i walk in everyone was there i smile "you threw me a birthday party" i ask Oliver "nope Ada did" he says smiling "of course she did" i say smiling

After saying thank you and hello to my guest Oliver pulls me to the dance floor he holds my hand and rest the other on my waist i place my other hand on his shoulder and he slow dances with me "may i" Finn asks after dancing with Oliver for a few minutes "you may" i say "i'll get us drinks" Oliver says he didn't like that i was going to be dancing with Finn but excepted it because it was my night

I wrap my arms over his shoulders he wraps his hands around my waist "Jayne" he says "yes Finn" i say "i just want you to know i still love you and i don't care how long it takes you will be mine again one day" he admits "Finn" i say "im not finished" he says "he might be the man you love now but i intend to be the last man you love , i want to grow old with you no matter what it takes" he says before he rests his head on my shoulder "Finn i love you but im not in love with you" i say "thats ok Jayne one day you will" he says

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