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As i laid there i began to feel dizzy and light headed "Ada" i say as i try stand up "stay sitting" Ada told me , i collapsed my eyes began to roll "Jayne stay awake" Ada said "Ada im tired" i barely get the words out before i passed out.

No i was not proud of this moment in my life , i realize now it was quite immature something a Shelby man would have done , i was just angry Thomas saw the extreme pain i was in and still let me believe i had lost the love of my life.

I woke up in the hospital alone and confused , i sat up and looked around thats when the confusion disappeared , i got up out of the bed walked out into an empty hallway , i walked back into the room i had woke up in and grabbed the clothes left on the chair across from my bed , as i undressed i noticed the bandage on the right side of my stomach and peeled it back revealing a deep wound.

I snuck out without being stopped and left on the next train back to Birmingham , i walked through the streets of Small Heath noticing it was like a ghost town , i went home and made my way quietly into the house , after making sure no one was home , i packed a bag and left again.

As i walked through the dark streets , i felt a hand grab my arm "give me everything you have" a raspy voice said "get off of me" i say trying to free myself from his grip "hold her while i check her bags" the man told someone else , i elbowed him in the face and tried to run before one of them grabbed me and pushed me to the ground before kicking me in the stomach , i screamed in pain before the other man told him someone was coming.

I layed there crying holding my stomach before i heard a familiar voice "Jayne" it was Finn he had dropped to his knees beside me "Finn" i say weakly "it's ok" he says picking me up and bringing me straight home , he placed me in bed and told me to just hang up he was going to call Tommy and Polly.

While Finn and I waited for Tom and Polly to come he cleaned up my face and my wounds , he kept apologizing , i shouldn't have gotten so mad but i was more frustrated than anything "why don't we elope" Finn asks "what right now" i ask confused "tomorrow , unless you want the big wedding" Finn says "you know what i think i do i want the big wedding , i've always wanted a pretty dress" i say smiling "so when , what date" Finn asks "december 17th" i say "thats less than 2 months away" Finn says "yes i know , Finn i am sorry for getting mad at you" i apologize "it's okay i understand why" he says before kissing me.

Day of the wedding

As i sat doing my hair and make up for the my big day i couldn't help but feel so excited that was until Beth burst in the door "you can't marry Finn" she says frantically "what why not" i ask confused "that night at dads when the men were there they were peaky blinders" Beth say , i couldn't speak , i sat there thinking back i had never noticed the hats on the table until that moment.

I burst in the church doors storming towards Finn "how could you " i ask Tommy "what" he asks confused "the night you killed those men at my house they were peaky blinders how could you Tommy i trusted you" i say before he stands up "Jayne please let me explain" Tom asks "no , i want nothing to do with you" i say "ANY OF YOU" i scream holding back tears "Jayne" i hear Finn say softly before i look at him "I'm sorry Finn but i can't be with you" i say before running out , i went home packed and left for america where i knew i would find Michael.

I arrive at Michaels door in America , he opens the door and see's me standing there red eyes from crying his face turned from a happy smile from seeing me to worried "can i stay here" i ask softly "ye of course come in" he says smiling.

I told Michael everything that happened and he understood why i couldn't marry Finn , i loved Finn but that night has haunted me ever since it happened to think Tommy would have put me through that and never told me hurt even more.

Princess of BirminghamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ