"Hell would have to freeze over"

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2 months later

Things with my father have gotten worse he's getting closer everyday no one else has died yet , I haven't spoken to Finn in weeks i haven't tried nor has he , i don't know what it is but lately i've started to feel less and less empathy and care for others less i've killed at least 10 men by now and every time i become less and less like myself nothing seems to upset me anymore my temper has gotten worse and by now all i want to do is kill my father i will be the one to kill him

Recently i have been writing distant relatives from France there are from my mothers side of the family and they are nice people they told me i can visit when i want i have decided that after i kill my father i will go over for a few months get away from the polluted air of Birmingham get away from Finn and seeing him everyday

"Jayne come on we have a lead on your father" Tom says as he walks into the office "lets go then" i say as i take a gun from my desk drawer "Jayne" i hear Aunt Pol say "yes" i say as i turn around to her she places her hands on my face "be safe" she states "trust me Pol i will if anyone is dying today it will be my father" i explain "good" she says smiling "see you later Pol" i say before leaving with Tommy

As we drive Arthur Finn and Johnny Dogs follow behind us i become curious "Tom" i say "yes Jayne" he says "why does Pol look at me like that" i ask him "like what" Tommy asks "like she has known me forever" i say "Pol had a daughter , Anna was her name Pol says you look like her" Tom explains "had" i say "she died before Pol could meet her" Tom says "how does she know what she looks like then" i ask "Pol has a gift she can see ghost" Tommy says "oh alright" i say before looking out the window again.

Tommy stops at a warehouse Arthur Finn and Johnny stop and get out "here's the plan" Tommy says "we go in there you boys will follow behind Jayne and I never let your guns down not for a second Jayne will be the one to shoot her father are we clear" Tommy explains the boys nod before we go in Tommy and I slowly walk in

We slowly walk through we hear people speaking i look around corner i nod to the boys to assure them my father and his men were in there "3 2 1" Tommy counts down we all go in we start to shoot at the men they try shoot back but miss us they all fall , my father stands there calm and unphased "hello Jaynie , you've grown" he says looking me up and down it sent a chill down my spine to hear him call me Jaynie "Jayne put the gun down" he says "no why would i do that" i ask him "im your father" he states "ever since you nearly had me raped you've been dead to me" i explain "they would've killed me" he says "your a sick fucker" i state "oh little Jaynie i may be dead to you but you are not dead to me so what do you say we kill these men and you come to America with me and we can forget about this" he states "hell would have to freeze over before i went anywhere with you" i say narrowing my eyes at him "i thought you would say something like that" he says as he pulls his gun out and shoots me " Jayne" i hear Finn shout behind i fall Tommy shot Luca in the head

He shot me in the shoulder , Tom helps me up "Jayne" Tommy says worried "Im fine lets just go home" i say as i hold my shoulder my knees grow weak i collapse Finn helps me up and puts my arm around his shoulder and helps me into the car he sits beside me i start to lose a lot of blood "Tommy" Finn shouts as Tom drives as fast as he could "I'm fine" i state my voice shaky "Jayne for fuck sake your bleeding out" Finn states

Tom carries me into the betting shop Finn clears a desk and Tom puts me down "what the fuck happened" Polly asks at this stage the pain starts getting bad the adrenaline starts to wear off i start to scream in pain "Finn get some a bottle of rum now" Tommy says "HURRY THE FUCK UP AND GET THIS BULLET OUT OF ME" i shout in anger and pain Tommy takes my shirt off takes his hat off Finn brings the whiskey Tom pours the rum on the wound i scream out i start to bite down on my teeth "here bite down on this" Finn says putting his belt in my mouth Tom them takes his blade and cuts a wider hole so he can take the bullet out "hurry Tommy shes going to bleed out" Pol states "im going as fast as i fucking can right now Pol" Tommy shouts he finally gets the bullet i sigh in relief i breathe heavy my eyes feel tired they start to slowly close "stay awake Jayne" Tommy says i couldn't help but help but close my eyes 

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