Forgive and Forget

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"Hey Arthur i need to get to the shop , could you just watch Charlie for a little while" i say as i walk into the kitchen "yeah no problem" he replies "i'll see you later" i say before leaving.

I walk into the shop and sit at my desk , when Pol and Tom walked in "how's Charlie" Tom asks "he's fine , he's with Arthur at the moment" i say "i assume John told you about last night" i continue "yes , he did" Tom says "what happened last night" Pol asks "just some assholes broke into the house last night" i say "what" she exclaims "everyone is fine Pol honestly" i say , before Finn walked in.

"Jayne" Finn exclaims "hello Finn" i say coldly "i am so sorry about last night" he says "it's ok" i say "please Jayne i wasn't in my right mind" he tries to explain "i have work to do Finn" i say dryly , barely looking at him "Jayne please" he begs "not now Finn" i snap , before he leaves.

I didn't speak all day after that , i had nothing to say to anyone , i went home where Finn sat waiting for me.

"Jayne , i really am i sorry" Finn exclaims "im sure you are Finn" i say coldly as i pour myself a whiskey "please just forgive me" he begged "i do Finn , i forgive you" i say as i sit down , before i see a tear run down his cheek "what's wrong" i ask concerned , he couldn't get any words out.

I stood up and hugged him as he sobbed into my shoulder his arms hung around my waist , "it's okay" i say softly "no , it's not , after everything you have been through and i do that , i'm so sorry" he said "Finn , i forgive you" i say once reassuring him "just promise it won't happen again" i continue "i won't" he says.

I found myself restless that night , i thought about it for awhile i decided i needed a break from Birmingham , i packed a bag quietly and left the house not knowing where i was going i didn't care   , i left a note for Finn telling him i was going away for a while and not to look for me , i just needed time alone for awhile , it was dark when i began driving and it began to get bright after a few hours of driving.

I ended up in Manchester , thats where Beth , Jay and Eli had moved to , i stayed there with them for a few days , Beth never asked questions , she just welcomed me with open arms .

After a few days i left to go home , i had gathered my thoughts and i was ready , i loved Finn i always had and i was just scared he might get sick of me.

I walked into the house , it was late around 9 or 10 "Finn" i called out "Jayne" i heard him say as he came down the stairs , he pulled me into a tight hug "where were you" he asked "i just needed time to think , so i went to see Beth" i say "think about what" he asked "i thought about that maybe one day you would get sick of me  , and then i realized you waited years for me so the chances of that are slim" i say slightly smiling "i could never get sick of you" he reassures me.

I woke up in Finns arms the next morning , i was really lucky with Finn i had to stop trying to get away from him , i knew i would fall apart if i had lost , i just get scared i shouldn't but i do.

"Morning" i heard Finn say "morning" i reply "can we just do nothing today" i ask Finn "if that's what you want , yes" he replied softly , there was a question i had always wanted to ask Finn but never really had the courage but i needed the constellation of knowing why.

"Finn" i say as i sit up "what's wrong" he asked "nothing , i just have a question" i say "go on" he insists "why did you wait for me , ya know when i was with Oliver" i ask him , "because i loved you , when we first met it was only about winning a bet with Isaiah but i got to know you , and i realized you were funny and smart and you never really tried to be like everyone else , you had your own way of doing things , and i've always admired that about you" he explains with a soft tone of voice.

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