A Haze

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" Arthur and Finn are dead" when i heard those words leave Tommy's mouth my whole world crumbled to pieces , my knees went from under me and i began to cry , Polly held me tight as i rocked back and forth screaming in pain one minute we had been cheering on Bonnie Gold in his boxing match and within the flash of the eye he was gone.

The following days after Finn died i could barely move , i just laid in bed and cried that was when i wasn't asleep.

As we stood in a field where Finn and Arthur were going to be sent away the gypsy way , before they lit the carriages which held Arthur and Finn's bodies i stepped up to speak and Linda spoke for Arthur

"I never thought i would live to see this day , Finn was the person who saved me from myself , Finn will always be apart of me , you may be gone Finn but i will never forget you , i'll see you again Finn , and i know i will see you again , and the words i should've said when you were here will forever haunt me" i say holding back painful sobs "no words can explain the way i'm missing , one day you told me not to cry when you died , but the feeling is so overwhelming , i just want to be beside you again" i say before i lost complete control of myself , my knees gave way again and i sobbed into my hands before Michael got on his knees and hugged me tightly , i stood up when someone lit the carriage on fire , i began to scream and Tommy had to pull be back.

Suddenly a women walks through the field with a white flag , without thinking i took my gun out and pointed at the women "why did they kill him" i scream through a sob "and eye for an eye" she says "he didn't do anything" i say before Tommy grabs the gun off me "go back to the Garrison with Michael" Tommy asked me "fine" I snapped before spitting in the woman's face and leaving.

Michael held me as i cried , "i can't believe he's gone" i say through painful sobs "you know Finn would hate to see you this sad , he wouldn't want you crying over him" Michael reminded "i know" she says as she sits up and wipes her tears "i remember when i first met Finn it was here , he had been drinking and the boys were teasing him because he had three and was already throwing up"  Michael says smiling.

We talked about every great moment we had with Finn , it helped to talk about him in a happy way.

They went to the betting shop where Tommy and Polly were waiting "Michael your going to New York tonight pack you stuff your train leaves at 7" Tommy says as soon as we walk in "Jayne you have to come with me" Tommy says "why where are we going" i ask "i'll tell you on the way come on" Tommy rushed "one second" i say before hugging Michael "i'll write you i promise" i say before leaving with Tom and Polly.

"We have to go meet a man , Luca Changretta he wants me to sign everything i have over to him" Tommy explained "Tom you can't you worked so hard for everything have" i say as we keep a brisk pace "i know Jayne but i can't have anyone else die that i love , that includes you so don't do anything stupid when were there ok" Tom told me "ok Tom" i say.

When we arrive we were clearly out numbered there was no way we could fight them off even if we wanted to "look at that all thats left of the peaky fucking blinders" Luca spoke as Polly Tom and I stood in front of him , walking towards Tom and snapping his fingers before a man walked to the table and leaving documents down "you will sign everything you have even taken or made throughout the years you will sign them all over to me and my family" Luca says "or she's going to die right here" Luca says pointing at me "ya see my mother knows you , she said it would be worse for you to live and take away everything that you have , search em" he said before 2 men began to grope Pol and I , it took everything in my power not to slap him across the face.

"So sign every fucking one of them on your knees" he told Tommy , Tommy stayed standing where he was before Luca knocked the table over "get on your fucking knees and sign" he said aggressively "a friend of mine once said" Tommy said getting down on his knees "big fucks small , so i had to find someone bigger then you , so i found two families in brooklyn who want your companies" Tommy said "but if they fight against you they'll start a war between the families" Polly said "but if you died in a vendetta in Birmingham by the hand of a book maker , they could take over your business without a war" Tommy said "these men Mr. Changretta work for the highest bid , they now have new orders" when i heard Tommy say all this i knew he had a plan , a better plan that even if Luce tried to make a new it would never be as good , i felt a small smile spread across my face "is that right" Luca says turning around , before turning back to Tommy pulling a gun out when Tommy knocked it out of his hand.

They began to fight when i saw someone walking in through the door , in that moment i thought i was dreaming i saw Finn and Arthur walking in the door , i felt my eyes well up seeing Finn standing there , as Arthur raised his gun , i turned away closing my eyes , before Finn ran over and hugged me , i pulled away and slapped him across the face "what the fuck Finn , i thought you were dead do you know what the past few days have been like for me" i asked him , yes i was happy to see Finn alive but he put me through hell "Jayne it wasn't his idea" Tommy says "no i don't care you could've told me you saw the wreck i was and said nothing" I say before trying to walk away "Jayne wait" Tommy says taking my arm in his hand "get off me Thomas" i say tearing my arm away from him and leaving.

I went to London that night just looking for trouble i don't know why but i just wanted to get into a fight , and i can't remember exactly what happened but i ended up getting beaten up and stabbed in the stomach , somehow i made my way Ada's , i was banging on her door leaning against the door frame before she finally opened the door "Jayne what's happened" she asks concerned "i got in a fight and now i'm bleeding" i slurred before taking my hand on my wound "come in hurry" she said before she sat me on the couch.

After cleaning me up she called Tommy , she thought i was asleep but i just layed there and listened "Tommy she was attacked or something i don't know , she's been drinking" Ada told Tommy after a moment of Ada not speaking she said her goodbye and told him to hurry.

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