Not Worth It

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Another few weeks pass and i have finally became clean , Finn and I are planning a winter wedding , well i'm planning he's just agreeing with me.

I was mad at Tommy for a little while but he was only trying to do what he thought was the best for me , i would do the same for someone i love , not as harsh but i get it.

Tommy gifted Finn and I a new place just outside of Small Heath 3 stories 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms as an engagement gift , Finn had been getting paid more by Tommy and I started working for Tommy again , but less in the shop , more hands on like helping John and Arthur , and some days i take car of Tommy's horses.

"Hello Charlie" I greet the young boy who is staying the night with Finn and I , "hello" he says excited running into the house "thanks again for minding him tonight" Tommy said "it's no problem really , i love having him around" i say smiling "Jayne i need you at the shop tomorrow around 3" Tommy says "yea ok" i say before he leaves.

Charlie and I waited on the bed waiting for Finn to finish his shower to ask him an important favour , Finn left the bathroom drying his hair with a towel.

Charlie and I gave him the puppy dog eyes , Finn knew we wanted something , "what is it" he asks "Charlie has to ask you a question" i say smiling "go on" Finn says as he sits next to the young boy "can you go to the bakery and get us croissants" Charlie asks "it's 7 in the after noon" Finn states "better hurry closes at 8" i say laughing "you're lucky i love you two" Finn says before kissing me on the lips and then giving Charlie a forehead kiss "be back soon" he says before leaving.

Charlie grew tired as i read to him , he fell asleep and i made my way downstairs for a glass of water, before the dog began to bark at the back door , i take peak to see what he was barking at and i see a tall man standing there watching the house.

I locked the doors and windows before i ran for the phone , i called the Garrison knowing one Shelby would be there "Hello" i hear Harry say "Harry are the boys there" i ask "oh hello Jayne ye John and Arthur are here" he says "get one on the phone now" i say panicked "Hello" i hear Arthur say "Arthur there is someone watching the house , it's just Charlie and I here and i need you here now" i say my voice shaky as i noticed the figure moving closer "we're on our way" he says before he hangs up.

I noticed more figures appear behind the first one , i run up the stairs to Charlie "hey buddy we have to play a game , ok stay quiet for as long as you can and hide until Uncle Arthur and John get here ok" i say placing him in the wardrobe , i closed the doors and went to get Finn's gun , before i could get downstairs i heard someone break the back door , i couldn't let them find Charlie so i made a quick plan.

I ran out the front door and they all followed , the house was surrounded in woods , i ran into the forest and heard them following behind "get back here you bitch" i heard one scream , before my foot got stuck on something and one of them grabbed me , i twisted and turned in an attempt to get him off of me , i pick a rock up smashing his head before i heard Arthur call my name "come on she's not worth getting our eyes taken fuck the money lets go" one of the said before leaving me lying there under this fat old man , i could barely breathe but managed to push him off of me.

"Arthur" i call out , they find me and John helps me up off the ground, "where are they" Arthur asks "i don't know and i don't care , we have to get back to Charlie" i say as i start to walk back , the boys begin to follow after me.

"Charlie darling the games over come on out" i say before he runs into my arms "hey buddy" i say smiling , it was late so i put Charlie to bed , Finn still didn't arrive home yet , i was beginning to worry.

Arthur and John stayed and had drinks with me whilst we waited for Finn , he arrived home 3 hours later , he was drunk and clearly had taken something else.

I let out a frustrated scoff as he walked in , "where were you" i ask "i saw Isaiah while i was out and we had a few drinks" he slurred.

"For fuck sake Finn" i say running my hands through my hair as i stand up "what" he asks as he tries to kiss me "get off of me" i say as i push him away "what's your problem" he spits , "i needed you tonight and while i was here-" i say before he cuts me off "why do you always do this" he shouts "do what Finn" i ask "ruin my fun" he says "oh i ruin all of your fun" i ask "yes" he replies , "your a fucking asshole" i shout , before he raises his hand at me , i flinch before John pulls him back "what the fuck Finn" he shouts "take him back to Tommy's , i'll stay here" Arthur tells John.

I sit back down into the chair after Finn and John left "can i ask you something" Arthur asks "go on" i say "has he ever hurt you" he asks "no never" i reply. 

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