Back Again

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We laid together until the phone rang , "I'll get that" Finn says as he gets up , I turned around and began to fall asleep again before Finn came back up "I have to go Tom wants to meet with Arthur , John and I" he tells me as he starts to dress , i sit and look at him i admire his body he was like a sculpture his body was perfect.

"What" he asks smiling "nothing" i say back looking down at my hands smiling hiding my blushed cheeks "what do you want for dinner" i ask him "anything you pick , now i have to go , i love you" he says as he kisses my lips "love you" i say before he leaves.

I went to the betting shop where Polly and Lizzie sat , i sat down and opened the book "a women came looking for you today Jayne" Polly said "who" i ask "didn't leave a name , she was tall long brown hair olive skin" Polly described the woman , i instantly felt my heart drop to my stomach "did she say where she was staying" i ask eagerly "ye the b&b down in artillery lane number 4" Polly adds "i have to go" i say as i get up and leave.

I rush down to Artillery Lane , i begin to bang on the door and then she opened the door , she stood there looking down on me , "Beth" i say "hello Jayne" she says , my jaw was basically on the floor "would you like to come" she asks "no" i snap before turning away and storming off.

I got back to the betting shop and sighed as i sat in my chair "you alright" Lizzies asks "do you have a sister" i ask "yes" she replies "my condolences" i say before we all got back to work. 

Instead of going home after work to make dinner i went to The Garrison and ordered a vodka straight "there you are" Finn says as he walks over to me "here i am" i say with a sigh "are you alright" he asks "fine" i say clearly pissed off "what's wrong" he asked as he sat next me "nothing" i say , taking the angry look off of my face "just a crazy day" i say forcing a smile do you want to talk about it" he asks "nope" i say finishing my vodka "ok" he says as he places his hand on my thigh.

 After a little while of just sitting in silence while Finn spoke to Isaiah I saw her walk in , "oh for fuck sake" i sigh "what" Finn asks , i stand up and walk over to her , i slap her across the face , which then grabbed Finn's attention , he quickly came over confused "what's going on" he asks "why , why did you leave me there , you know what he would do and you left why" i shout as tears rush to my eyes "i'm sorry Jayne , i went to look for a safe place for us and then you didn't write to me , i thought you hated me"  Beth admitted "i didn't hate you but now , now i can't even look at you , you knew what he was like and you didn't care" i say lowering my tone "i did , just the longer we didn't speak the harder it was to reach out" she admitted "so why are you back" i ask dryly "i missed you" Beth says before i scoffed "yeah well i missed my big sister when , dad would get drunk and mistake me for mum , i needed you and you left without caring" i say "sister" Finn questions "no i don't have a sister" i say before a man walks in with a small child in his arms "Jayne , this is Eli my husband , and Jay my son" Beth introduces "so you left me to start a fucking family" i question , i didn't wait for her answer i stormed out in a temper.

Finn followed me out "Jayne stop please talk to me" he begs "Finn , if i stop walking im going back there and rip her head off" i say "ok then talk to me" he says "what's there to talk about , she left me after mum died , she left me with that dickhead" i say before i stop "im going to kill her" i say before i begin to storm back "no , Jayne this isn't worth it" Finn tried to convince me out of it "so you think it was ok she left me to be rapped and beaten" i ask him "that's not what im saying" Finn says "ok so let me have a go at her" i say "Jayne"  he says before i cut him off "shut up Finn" i say before storming in 

"Jayne" she says before i push her over , i straddle her and begin to punch her before Tommy pulls me off "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME" i shout as i cry "I NEEDED YOU AND YOU LEFT" i scream through a sob "get out" Tommy tells her , he pulls me into the private room and sits me down "what happened , who was that" Tom asks "my stupid fucking sister" i say wiping my tears "you have a sister" he questions "yeah , i didn't think i would see her again" i say "how long has it been" Tommy asks "6 years" i say , after that Tommy and i spoke about what happened while she was gone and why she left , Finn brought me home and made me a cup of tea and ran me a bath to relax.

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