Chapter 20

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After the truck tour was disturbed by a call from the Microwave, Riker had to leave to attend to his work. On the other hand, I was left to wonder why he named their secret bases after kitchen appliances.

'Can I come in?' I asked as I entered Tiago's cubicle.

'What's the purpose of asking when you end up just budging in?' He narrowed his eyes as I sat on his bed. 

'Courtesy.' I grinned.

'Where'd you learn the good manners? From your parents huh?' He joked. I felt a pang in my chest at the mention of my absent parents. I wasn't ready for sarcastic jokes and Tiago realized it when I didn't retort.
'I'm sorry, but if it makes you feel better I never knew my parents to begin with.'

I had to tolerate the pain of his vile words and take that opportunity to ask him about the little that he knew. Then maybe I could deduce whether to tell him about his dad or not.
'On that matter, what do you know about your parents.' I asked him.

He took a few sighs and pained grunts before he let me in on all the detail.
'I obviously don't remember mom as she died a few months after Eldon and I were born. It's quite hard to grieve someone you never knew.' He sniffed tears and I rubbed his back comfortingly.

'I have seen pictures of her but that's all I'll ever have, pictures. Sometimes I wish that I had atleast one parent but dad isn't there too. I only remember vague memories of my childhood with him. He had a small garden to plant fruits and vegetables; Eldon and I never helped him plant them but we always harvested and ate.' Tiago released a pained chuckle but decided to continue after a few breaths.

'One vivid memory was the day that he took Eldon and I to a local park. We sat on the grass and enjoyed a family picnic, we also ran around, played games and he flew me in the air like a plane. As simple as it was; it was the happiest day I had with my dad. I thought my dad was a good man until one day when he left me at a foster home. He told me that it was for my good and that I'd love my new family. And like that I never got to see Eldon or dad ever again. I hopped from foster family to another because of my mischief but I never found a family that loved me as their own. They all treated me like an outsider and for sure I was.'

Tiago took a few sips of water as if all the talking had dried his throat. 'When Eldon found me, he told me that dad had gotten into a tragic accident. We both didn't know what it was or even if he was alive. Till this day I'm not sure if Johnny is still out there of I'm now a full orphan.' He told me.

'You've been though a lot.' I said hugging him for comfort.

'As if a lot wasn't enough, I almost lost Eldon too.' He said agony sounding in his voice.

'Tiago whatever happens you'll still have me. I'll be your sister. I'll be your bro. I'll be your cousin. I'll be your friend. I'll even mom you at times. I know it doesn't suffice but in me you'll always have family.' I assured him.

'Well you're annoying as is so I'm sure you'll qualify.' He said chuckling and I smiled as I had won back the funny sarcastic Tiago.

'You'll always have me too.' Riker smiled from the door.

'Were you eavesdropping?' I asked.

'Why would I need a broody businessman with a dying company.' I didn't know if Tiago was serious or joking.

'Too much.' I told him looking at a disturbed Riker.

Riker then asked me to follow him as he led me to an interrogation room.
'Why am I here?' I asked confused. Silently, he pulled out two piece of papers from a brief case and lay them on the table. My heart began to pound unnaturally fast as I saw the two threat notes that I kept in my cubicle.
'Did you go through my room?' I asked him.

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