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(I just realized... I TOTALLY fudged up all the ages and the dates and all that so Virgil's past makes absolutely no sense... I am sorry. Let's just... ignore it hahaha)

"Mr. Graves..." Virgil smiled as he looked over to see Willow standing beside his desk. He could see how Logan tensed up a bit the second she walked over and he had to stop himself from laughing. "If you wouldn't mind... I would very much like to ask you a few questions during lunch. I hope that wouldn't be too much of a problem?"

"Of course not, Miss." Logan paled as Virgil wasted no time packing up all his things giving the other a very obvious smile. 

"I'll... see you later then, Virgil." Virgil nodded as he quietly followed after. He held his books close just staring at the woman trying to get a read on her. He knew she could feel his eyes but that didn't stop him from staring. He wanted her as suspicious of him anyway. The more she focused on him... the less she cared about Roman.

"So, what exactly are you wanting to ask me? I'm not exactly sure what I would be able to help much with." Virgil lulled as he looked around to see all the random students in the hall just staring at them with this mixture of fear and awe. 

"The teacher mentioned you were from Washington. I figured if anything you could at least answer some questions about anything you might know about living there... and Anxiety." Virgil's eyes caught sight of a familiar face and he smiled sadly seeing the absolute petrified expression in Roman's eyes. He looked about ready to burst into tears, and Virgil could see the panic attack a mile away. Virgil simply shook his head only making Roman tense up worse. He was visibly panting and trembling as Virgil forced himself to turn back towards Willow. Just another reason to make the bitch suffer... his prince shouldn't have so much fear. "Plus I had a few questions regarding my brother's case, you see... He was here on one before his death so... I just want to know any info I can." Virgil rolled his eyes as he pulled his phone out sending a quick text to his panicking boyfriend before forcing himself to smile.

"Well, I do hope to be of help... I can be that is."

"In here please?" Virgil quickly walked into the room, with Willow closing the door behind, just as his phone went off. Virgil smiled seeing the texts roll in all from Roman begging him to be ok. Virgil sighed as he sat down in the chair watching Willow do the same at the desk across from him. "With the two murders in succession of each other both centering the school, I was lucky to have been given permission to have this office while I help to work on this case. If you're wondering why I'm here-..."

"Two murders... Didn't Lydia die from anaphylaxis?" Willow smiled slightly, the sound of Virgil's phone going off more, at the question. Virgil carefully clicked on a recorder before going to his texts to see them still continue to roll in. Roman was... well, he was still panicking.

"Well, yes, according to official documents. However, it's a bit suspect, considering she had no known allergies and had such a strong reaction when witnesses said she hardly touched her food before it happened."

"Are you saying someone poisoned her?" There was a beat of silence, the only sound coming from the constant texts from Virgil's phone, before Willow finally just laughed and shook her head.

"I'm simply saying, it's suspect. Unfortunately, I cannot divulge such information." Another notification sound and Virgil sighed as he turned back to his phone with a sad smile. 

"I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind. It's my boyfriend, you see... He has severe separation anxiety." Willow's eyes seemed to darken as Virgil started to text back. "He's been through a lot... lost a lot of people he's cared about... and with everything that's happened recently he's been a bit panicked."

"It's quite alright." Willow forced her words out in a cool tone making Virgil subtly smirk. He could tell she was already highly suspicious of them both. All Virgil had to do was get her to focus solely on him. "Although he has been texting a bit... is all well?"

"Well? No. Not really. He's panicking right now." Virgil muttered as he gave a 'tired' groan. "He's been having such a hard time lately. After Lydia's death and the whole thing between her and me..." Willow's brow quirked as Virgil finally looked back up at her. "He's been a bit overprotective. But I understand... He'll be ok, once he knows I am."

"He does seem to care an awful lot about you." Virgil just laughed as he nodded.

"Well of course he does. He IS my boyfriend." Willow just nodded with this off look in her eyes as she started to go through her papers.

"Ok, so for questions, I just have to know for starters... You're originally from Washington? Correct?" Virgil's eyes literally shined as he nodded.

"Yep. Born and raised. As I said, right in the heart of Seattle." Willow's eyes narrowed as she continued to just look everything over. "I spent a little over a year there at the orphanage, before moving in with my friend."

"Oh? And if you don't mind me asking... where did you live before that?" Virgil's eyes instantly dulled as he gripped his phone tight in his hands. 

"What?" He growled a bit making Willow's eyes narrow. 

"I was asking where you lived before the orphanage." Virgil groaned as he forced a breath making himself fake a smile as best as he could.

"The outskirts of the city. My parents wanted their privacy... as well as the protection of large expanses of land. Not many people are going to go out of their way to rob them if it's such a long drive. My family was pretty uh... well off, I guess you could say." Willow frowned in confusion as she shook her head.

"I don't know of any well known 'Graves'-..."

"Oh no. I had my name changed. I'm the only son of the late Whitaker family." Willow's face just fell right then and there as she stared at the other with such shock. "Were there any more question's you needed or..."

"Uh... yes. Right..." Willow shook herself out of her thoughts, quickly writing everything down as before smiling back up at him with a nod. "Let's get to that then. Now... uh... about Lydia..."

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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