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"Wait... What?" Roman frowned seeing Logan looking through his wallet with a frown. "What did you just..."

"It's Virgil's birthday today... apparently." This wave of cold washed over the princely boy as Logan pulled all his money out and started to count it. "Patton invited us over for a small get together."

"It's Virgil's birthday?" Logan frowned more as he looked over to see Romans' face fall. "And I didn't know..."

"None of us did, Roman. According to Patton, Virgil doesn't celebrate his birthday..." Logan put his money back into his wallet as he rubbed his temple. "Which is why he said not to worry about gifts or bringing anything but... Knowing you..."

"I have to get him something." Logan shot the boy a look that clearly said... 'my point exactly' and shook his head. 

"So I thought we'd leave the gift to you and I'd just get a small platter or something." Roman beamed as Logan smiled softly. "Remus is already out trying to score some alcohol..."

"Who's all coming?" Logan paused a bit scrunching his face in confusion. 

"I'm not entirely sure. As Virgil is adamant about not 'celebrating' his birth chances are it's not going to big at all. Plus with his anxiety and..." Logan's eyes darkened making Roman tense up. "... quirks, I'd have to say it'd just be the five of us."

"Six." Logan narrowed his eyes as Roman shrugged. "Virgil and Patton were picked up by someone the night of the party. I didn't get a good look at them but Remus said his name was Janus."

"Ok so the six of us..." Logan smiled as he shook his head. "I might as well get more than just a small platter then. Who knows what Remus will bring?"

"What should I bring?" Remus frowned as he looked at all the alcohol and laughed. His hand brushed a box of beer and bit his lip in thought. Maybe bringing beer to Virgil's wasn't a good thing? After all, the man did kill... "Roman has too and that stopped me before."

"Roman's done what?" Remus froze up, a giant smile forming on his lips as he spun around to see his literal best friend standing there with a smirk as he held his coffee. "Hey, Babe?"

"REMY!" Remus literally jumped into the man's arms who shifted just enough so that his coffee didn't spill. "You ARE back! I was told but I didn't know..."

"Yeah, I am. Finally got out of recovery and all that... bleck..." Remus giggled as Remy pretended to gag. "Confirmation crap."

"Did you really have to leave for months just to do it all?" Remy smiled as he shook his head.

"No, but when your boyfriend is a legit Therapist you end up having to go through all this... He just wanted everything to go well for me. After all that shit I went through in Washington..." Remus's eyes went wide as he started jumping around full of excitement.

"YOU SHOULD COME WITH ME!" Remy frowned in confusion as Remus just giggled. "I'm going to a friend's place for his birthday. He's from Washington too!"

"Oh, what's his name?" Remy winked and Remus just rolled his eyes.

"Virgil Graves." The complete shock that filled Remy was palpable. So much so that even Remus could see it and he stopped right in his tracks. "Rem? You ok?"

"Virgil... Virgil's here?" Remus nodded as Remy started to tear up. "He's here... in Florida?"

"Remy, I'm literally on my way to his house." Remy grabbed the boy's hand and beamed, dropping his coffee without a second thought.

"I'm coming to." Remus smiled widely as he nodded.

"Now, it's a party." Remus laughed as Remy just stood there just smiling away. "Now... you're 21. Buy us some beer."

"Virgil! People are here!" Patton yelled up to the kid's room only to frown hearing nothing but silence. "Virg... Nevermind I'll get it." The moral man quickly ran and opened the door. To see Logan standing there with several bags. "Lo, I said not to bring anything." Logan just smiled as he laughed handing some bags over for Patton to take. 

"I know. But it's accustomed in our family to... go big or go home as the twins saw. The first birthday of mine they ever celebrated with me they turned the entire house into a galactical museum." Patton's eyes shined with awe as Logan leaned in giving the man a hug. "How are you, Patton?"

"I'm great. Ok... not great but not bad." Logan frowned as the two headed for the kitchen. "Virgil's really only doing this for me but... I want him to have a happy birthday."

"What do you mean he's doing this for you?" Patton froze as he sighed and pulled this locket from under his shirt. Logan frowned as Patton opened it to reveal a picture of a 16-year-old boy and this small baby in his arms. The boy had stark dyed black hair curled and brushed back to show his bright beaming blue eyes that literally shined. He wore a plain black shirt with no sleeves revealing a tattoo on his forearm of a flat car's wheel with angel wings in flight. Logan glanced up to see Patton smiling down at it, his blue eyes shining just like the boy in the picture as his blonde hair fell into his face. "Patton?"

"Her name is Emily. She just turned three in November. I haven't seen her since she was 8 months. I don't even know where her mom went off to. Virgil's been there with me through it all. He... He was basically her big brother. He was the one that helped me to work past losing her." Patton sighed as he carefully closed the locket putting it back under his shirt before brushing his hair out of his eyes. "He knows how much being a father means to me and I may have... cried in front of him over missing her birthdays."

"It's ok, Patton. I'm sure Virgil understands." Patton nodded as they carefully started putting things away only to jump at the sound of someone slamming their hands on the table. The boys spun around to see Roman grinning like a mad man... a small box beside his hands as he laughed.

"Sorry, the door was unlocked so I let myself in... Where's Virge?" Patton laughed as he gestured in some vague direction. 

"In his room, upstairs third door down... also?" Patton smirked as Roman started to turn away. "If he hasn't gotten dressed yet... don't drag him out." Roman narrowed his eyes in confusion as Patton winked. "He's made it clear he'd rather enjoy it in his room. Lunch is at 2:30 so... have fun!"

"oh..." Roman's eyes slowly widened as his cheeked darkened. "Oh!"

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now