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Virgil grumbled as he looked himself over in the mirror. He didn't know what to wear. Normally he didn't give to shits but everyone was coming over and Roman was going to be there and Patton said it was a very special day even though Virgil didn't understand why. His nerves were getting the better of him. 

Right now he managed to put himself in some nice form-fitting dress pants. He may not be a Whitiker in name anymore but he was still a Whitiker. His father taught him a good host makes an effort. Image is everything. This is his birthday get together... he had to pull himself together and get rolling. The issue is he still didn't have a shirt.

There was a soft knock on his door making Virgil growl in annoyance. This is ridiculous. He's half-dressed and moments from an attack because of some stupid day. It's just another flippen Saturday. It means nothing at all. The door creaked open a tad as more knocking sounded through the door. Virgil just sighed as he walked over to his bed and collapsed.

"Patton, I already told you to give me some time." Virgil dropped an arm over his eyes as he frowned. "I really don't understand why today is so fucking important. My parents never once celebrated it before. In fact if anything, they abhorred it." The bed shifted as someone sat down beside him and Virgil groaned. "I don't see what's so special about a stupid birthday anyway."

"Well, for starters I get to spoil the man I love without him being able to tell me to stop." Virgil froze up as he slowly moved his arm away to see Roman sitting beside him with a smile. "Virgil it may not be so important to you but... I think today's my new favorite day. My own being a close second... June 4th... you better put it in a calendar or something babe cuz I plan on spending the whole day with you." Virgil smiled a bit as Roman shifted until they were facing each other. "So your eighteen now?"

"Yep, Eighteen years old." Virgil laughed as he shook his head. "So basically... all today brings is another day closer to death and a trillion dollars with a mansion in a state I no longer live in. Shit that means all this paperwork..." Virgil yelled out in frustration as he fell back with a grimace. "I hate lawyers!"

"What are you talking about Virge?" Virgil frowned as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Since I'm eighteen now, I can legally access all of my inheritance from my parent's passing. As the Whitiker Orphan, I'm now the sole heir of a multi-trillion dollar fortune... and our family home." Virgil scoffed ignoring Roman's wide eyes filled with shock. "Which is complete honesty isn't worth shit. I'll just sell it the moment I can. I don't need it anyway. Plus my father's antique car collection and mother's priceless jewelry. I hate this so much."

"My parents always donate the things they don't need anymore." Roman jumped up throwing his leg over until he was literally sitting on Virgil's lap. "We only have a multi-million dollar fortune but it's still a pretty penny. Father says we should give to those less fortunate than us as their luck in life was not as fortuitous."

"Seriously?" Roman nodded as Virgil pushed himself up until he was leaning up again the headboard. "Donate, huh... Well, it would probably be good image-wise to give something to the orphanage." Virgil sighed as he shook his head. "That's still a lot Princey. I don't have any idea what the purpose of all this is. Why does any one person need so much anyway? It's all so..."

"Extra?" Virgil nodded as Roman leaned in. "So why don't we stop thinking about it?" Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman's burned with a desire. "I can give you a distraction... if you want?" By this point, Roman was so close their noses were brushing against each other. "Allow me to take your mind off those... troubles. It's your birthday after all." Virgil's eyes widened as Roman moved to whisper in his ear. " And I couldn't help but notice you were already half undressed." 

"Roman..." The man laughed as he let their lips touch shifting enough to press against Virgil who gasped allowing Roman to slip his tongue in. Roman rocked himself against the younger smiling as Virgil let out a soft moan. 

"God, I love you, Virgil." The younger pinked as they slid down a bit letting Virgil's head hit the pillow. Roman leaned in and began sucking on Virgil's neck feeling him squirm slightly beneath him. As Roman trailed his kisses down he fumbled with Virgil's pants only for another knock to be sounded. Virgil and Roman both froze up with this shared look in their eyes.

"Kiddo? Sorry to be a bother but Janus on his way and Remus just arrived... with a friend."

"And he was the one that said for us to have fun." Roman winked before the two burst out laughing.

"Is everything ok in... oh." Virgil only laughed louder as Patton giggled through the door. Roman simply stared down at his love with a fond expression. "Well, uh... Don't take too long kiddos."

"Don't take too long? What's the fun in that?" Roman whispered with a smirk as Virgil slowly stopped laughing.

"It's fine, Ro. Thank you." Roman beamed as he carefully moved away so that Virgil could get up. The younger grabbed a plain black shirt and just sighed as he put it on. "Might as well get this over with."

"Don't forget, Virge..." Roman pulled him in so that Virgil's back was against his chest as he kissed his neck. "I'm here if you need me, Love."

Virgil nodded as they pulled away. If it wasn't for Roman, Virgil would have been adamant about this. He cared about Patton, he did. But he didn't want his birthday to be made such a big deal of. It was simply another Saturday. It didn't matter. Seeing Roman though... It made him happy. It made all this nonsense worth it.

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now