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"Wait so... Explain to me again what you're doing?" Virgil laughed as Roman watched him work with an overly confused expression. 

"I'm sewing, Roman." Virgil was currently taking the scraps leftover from the costumes and was making something new. Thomas had given him permission to use whatever scraps he wanted so that they weren't put to waste. There were even several articles of clothing that were thrown into the trash pile because it either didn't fit or it wasn't going to be used. Virgil smiled as he pushed the needle through the cloth, sighing as his mind quieted down.

"Yeah, I see that. What I mean is..." 

"Ok, everyone. I think it's time we all head home. We can continue this next time." Roman frowned as Virgil started to put things away. He watched the anxious one move with a fear that just wouldn't leave him. He almost lost Virgil. Almost screwed everything up. He couldn't just stop fearing he never fixed it. That Virgil was still mad at him... Roman tensed as he smiled over at Virgil who had smiled at him and his heart dropped watching Virgil start to pack up. Virgil was leaving. He was going to go home and... and who knows if he'll ever actually see him again. Roman could have fucked up so badly that Virgil never comes back again.

"V-Virgi..." Roman reached out about to try and catch Virgil's attention before he could leave but he was cut off before he could.

"Hey, Roman! I heard you got into it with Lydia... I feel sorry for you bro." Roman frowned as he watched Virgil wave to him and start to leave. Roman was going to follow but the guy was persistent. "What even happened? She's been a ball of anger the whole class. Couldn't even stay for club time..." Roman sighed as he Virgil disappeared behind a closing door and turned over to the boy talking to him.

"Lydia was just being Lydia, I guess." Roman put on that fake smile as he started to pack up himself for the day. "So, what's got you so hyped Kai?" The boy giggled as he started to jump up and down excitedly. "I heard there's going to be another party  soon and I'm so ready for it."

"Remus never said..." Kia shook his head and Roman's eyes went wide. "Wait... you mean..."

"He's back." Roman smiled wickedly as Kai beamed.

"Who told you this?" Kai smirked as he started checking his finger nails as if giving the other so much sass.

"Oh no one special... just Emile Picani." Roman laughed startling everyone who was left as he threw his bag over his shoulder. "His fucking boyfriend."

"Holy hell... The king of party is back. Shit, Remus is gonna get pissed." Kai laughed as he shook his head.

"Nah, man... I already told him and he was jumping off the walls. You know he was friends with that coffee addict. Had the same kind of humor..." Roman chuckled as he shook his head smiling as they walked. "So... about earlier with that... Virgil guy." Roman stopped short making Kai frown. "Hey, I don't care what's going on there. I just want to know your safe. With Lydia on the prowl I just... I didn't want some new kid thinking he could do the same, you know."

"It's not like that." Kai grinned as Roman frowned looking away. "I was just being an ass. He's just a good friend."

"Just a friend?" Roman nodded even as his heart clenched in pain at the thought. Kai's smile died a bit as he sighed. "Maybe you should tell him that. Because to me... He seemed a bit too protective of you when Lydia tried her shit."

"You don't have to worry about it, Kai. Really... everything is ok." Kai nodded as he started to walk off again but Roman caught sight of someone watching him and frowned. "Hey Kai? I'll see you Monday..." Kai paused giving Roman a concerned glance as Roman just stared at the person hiding in the shadows. 

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now