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"Wait... anaphylaxis?" Virgil nodded as Roman sat beside him with this look in his eyes. The whole crew stood around the bed Virgil was laying in all with varying looks in theres. They had quickly brought Virgil to the nurse's who was to out of sort with the whole Lydia dying thing. "Are you sure?"

"That's what the nurse said." Virgil frowned as his hands started to shake. "I mean... to think she was... she was..." Virgil's hand went to his throat and Roman's eyes burned with a fire. "Now she's dead. How does that happen?"

"Karma." Roman growled as Virgil smiled a bit seeing just how angry Roman was over what Lydia did. 

"Virgil..." Virgil's eyes darted over to Patton who froze up seeing the rage in them. "Are you ok?"

"Depends... Lydia was a complete bitch... but no one deserves to die." Patton narrowed his eyes as Virgil's darted up to the camera. Logan tensed in realization as he glanced back to see the nurse talking to some police. "I just... I feel bad for the family. To lose a child like that... Why didn't she have an Epi..."

"That's exactly what we were thinking?" Roman jumped hearing the sudden voice of police and Virgil frowned seeing the fear in him. The police officer slowly moved closer giving them all a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, no one's in any trouble. What happened was an unfortunate accident... we just want to cover all our bases." Roman went to say something but Virgil squeezed his hand effectively shutting the boy up who looked back in shock to see Virgil nodding calmly. "We were informed of an altercation... before the event took place?"

"You mean when she attacked me?" The man frowned as Virgil sighed. "That's why I'm in here, sir. She... didn't go easy on me. Then again, I wasn't very nice." 


"It's ok, Pat. There police they have to know everything." Virgil smiled as he shook slightly, again for show. If there was one thing that never caused him anxiety it was this. He was to good at manipulation. "I said some pretty mean things to her. She... She was hurting a friend of mine and when she tried to target me I... I stood my ground. Or I tried to... I hadn't expected her to take it physical." The man nodded as Virgil started to tear up. "To think she... The things I said... If I knew those would be the last words... I-I wouldn't have said them. I wouldn't have..." Roman pulled Virgil into a hug as he 'sobbed' and the police officer sighed sadly.

"It's ok, son. Things like this... no one is ever prepared for them. All I can say is... none of this is anyone's fault." Everyone just stared over at Virgil who sniffled in Roman's arms as he nodded sadly. "Rest up son. Soon this whole tragedy will be behind you."

"Th-Thank you." The man smiled as he walked off and Virgil sighed as he pushed himself out of Roman's arms. "Police... god I hate them."


"I'm fine Pat." Virgil's eyes darkened as he looked over to see Roman's eyes focused solely on where the police officer left. Roman didn't even care about what was actually said. His mind was only paying attention to the fact that the man-made Virgil cry. "Roman?" Virgil lightly pushed Roman's face over towards him as he attempted to get his attention, only to laugh as it didn't really work. "Roman..." Virgil pressed himself against the boy shocking him as Virgil smiled. "I'm ok."

"Are you sure? She hurt you... and them the guy he... Virgil, I just want you to be ok." Virgil smiled as Roman wrapped his arms around his protectively. The others watched awkwardly as Roman's eyes shined dangerously. They all knew that look. Well, not Patton but he was a fast learner. "I just want to take all the pain away. I can do that." Logan and Remus both flinched as Roman held Virgil tighter. "I can take it all away, if you want."

"You don't have to, Ro." Roman frowned as Virgil pushed away only enough to be able to look up at him. "I told you before... Leave it to me." Logan's eyes went wide as Virgil hummed into Roman's arms. "I'll take care of  everything, so you don't have to."

"But, Virgil..." 

"Forget about it Princey." Virgil laughed as he let his eyes close feeling completely safe in Roman's arms. "What's done is done. Just... stay with me." Roman's eyes darted to Logan with a clear question in his eyes. Logan tensed as he nodded giving Roman permission who immediately jumped into the bed making Virgil laugh as they just laid together.

 Logan stared at the two as Patton and Remus left to give them some space. The plan was for Roman NOT to be in a relationship with Virgil to save his own skin but Virgil just killed someone for him. If Roman were to pull away, who's to say Virgil wouldn't do the exact same thing Roman would and kill the boy. Virgil's a literal serial killer. He has the mindset and mental capacity to kill all of them with ease whilst talking his way out of any and all blame. Roman didn't stand a chance against that. If Logan wanted to keep Roman safe... they had to be in a relationship. Not that either party was complaining. The same could be said if it was reversed... had Virgil rejected Roman like the man was so afraid of the Roman would have lashed out. It wasn't a very... good relationship but considering the parties involved it was the most committed and healthy those two were ever going to get. 

Logan's only job at this point was keeping the two of them out of jail. Easier said then...

"GUYS!" Logan jumped hearing Remus yell out. The boy ran into the room, eyes blown wide with fear and awe as Virgil just smirked again. Roman frowned as his twin shook and stammered about with his worlds until... "Anxiety!"

"What?" Logan glanced over to see Virgil smirking again and his blood went cold. Two... Virgil's killed two. Roman narrowed his eyes as Remus swallowed his hyperactive energy and just laughed crazily from the tension. 

"Anxiety... He's here."

"What do you mean? That psycho is in Washington." Logan paled as Virgil frowned glancing over at Roman. "I've told you, Remus. The guys a basket case. Why do you..."

"Roman!" Logan snapped shutting Roman up as Virgil shook with anger. Roman, though it was fear of course and pulled him in more as Virgil's eyes narrowed. "Forgetting that... Remus, what are you talking about?"

"The police... They were leaving when... when they spotted something in the ally by our school." Roman tensed glancing down as Virgil who was still shaking. "It was another body, Logan. A body with pure white air... this time though... Anxiety left a fucking message."

"What did it say?" Logan was tense that's for sure. I mean wouldn't you be when the killer you were literally talking about was currently in your brother's arms... directly behind you. 

"Logan, it was call... or well a threat." Logan's eyes darkened as Remus shifted uncomfortably. "It... It said this was his territory." The room was completely silent as Remus's voice shook. 

"The victim?" Remus's eyes darkened as he glanced over at Roman who's eyes widen the moment it truly hit him. 

"Colt Winters." Roman shuddered as Virgil pressed himself further in. Their eyes met and Roman's heart dropped. 

"Virgil, how..." The boy just smiled as he closed his eyes again happily in Roman's arms. 

"I told you I would take care of it."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now