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The day went peacefully for the most part until lunchtime. Roman waited at the door unable to do anything until he saw Virgil again. His mind was seriously reeling. He needed proof that Virgil wouldn't leave him otherwise his mind just kept telling him he would.

"Roman, is everything alright kiddo?" Patton had been with Roman for all his first half classes and it was clear something was wrong. Suspecting what had really happened, Patton understood. After all, he and Logan had gone over what those boys were like. Patton knew Roman's fear... is possessiveness... is need... Just as Logan knew about Virgil's extra curricular and dependent personality. "If there's anything you need..."

"Virgil." Patton froze up with a sad smile as Roman tensed. "That's all I need."

"I understand." 

"No, I don't think you do Patton!" Patton didn't even flinch at the anger in Roman voice, which of course confused Roman because even Logan will flinch. Patton just smiled as he took the boy's hand and Roman's eyes widened.

"Logan told me." Roman jumped pulling his hand from Patton who simply went and grabbed it again. "It's ok, really. I'm not scared... or worried... I understand, Roman. I understand."

"But... But I don't understand... why aren't you going to the cops..." Patton laughed making Roman's eyes narrow as he shifted.

"Oh, Kiddo, I'm the last person you should ever have to ask that to. You don't have to worry about me. When you care for a boy like Virgil, you learn there are things you cannot control or change. You can only control your reaction to it and the action you take." Patton's eyes darkened as he shifted a bit stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I'm not going to tell you to stop. I'm not going to say you don't have to do this... I've learned all that will do is hurt you. You can't control that side of you. I just want you to know I'm here if you need me. I'm pretty handy to have in your corner." Patton smirked up at Roman who was just... stunned. "I've learned alot... like how to get blood out of literally everything."

"Patton?" Patton beamed as he looked over to see Virgil giving him this look. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing you need to worry about there kiddo. So did everything go alright over the weekend?" Virgil smirked deviously as he nodded and Patton's smile softened. "Did you clean everything up?"

"In a way." Roman frowned in confusion as Virgil glanced up at him. "I've got everything handled..." His eyes darted about the room searching as his hands clenched and Patton's eyes widened knowingly. "...save for one thing."


"No." Virgil's eyes darkened as Roman tensed hearing the growl. "I'm not waiting this time."

"But..." Virgil walked off forcing his clenched fists into his pocket as he left Roman and Patton standing there.

"I'm not waiting this time." He repeated as he spotted his target. Virgil twitched as his hand wrapped around the vial in his pocket. He took a deep breath forcing his steps past only for his eyes to dart back hearing the sudden silence.

"Hey, freak!" Virgil smiled feeling that sudden rush as his hand gripped the vial tighter. Check and mate, bitch.

"What?" Virgil turned around flashing the girl a snark as Lydia pushed herself out of her seat. "You gonna be a bitch again... are you gonna back the fuck down?"

"Virgil?!" Virgil smirked seeing Roman try to come to help him only for Patton to hold him back knowing exactly what Virgil was doing. Lydia fumed as she screamed in rage.

"You're such a..."

"A what?" Virgil took a step closer making everyone else tense up at the tension. "Go on, Lydia. I'm listening. What am I?" Lydia clammed up as Virgil laughed. "God, you're pathetic. You can't even come up with a good dis. You're a nobody, Lydia. Your only claim to popularity is what you leach off of others. You're dependent... and dispensible. Stop being a queen bee when your not apart of the hive... and you never will be." Lydia's eyes flashed as the whole room went silent. "You're so desperate for attention you're throwing yourself against an openly gay man... who JUST lost his boyfriend. That's a bit... whorish... don't you think."

"Watch your tongue, freak." Lydia's voice was a growl as Virgil just scoffed. 

"What are you going to do about it, Lydia? I'm a nobody too, but at least I know it. I know where I stand. I'm the emo loner that fades into the background. I'm content with where I belong... you... you try so damn hard it's sickening." Virgil fake gagged making Lydia's face go red with rage. "Stop selling yourself for a free ticket... we all know those diamonds are fake." Lydia literally lashed out at Virgil who only smiled as he used the opportunity to pull a cube out of the vial and drop it into her soup without anyone noticing. Well, it wasn't like they could when all they saw was Lydia trying to beat the shit out of him as she pressed him against the table. 

Suddenly Lydia was on her with Remus holding a plastic knife out towards her. Her eyes went wide as she looked around only to find Patton and Logan both holding Roman back, who had this obviously murderous look in his eyes. Virgil pushed himself up with a wince, of course it was all to look the part, and whimpered as he stumbled forward.

"See... you're so fucking obsessed with appearance... you nearly killed me for what?" The whole room was ablaze with murmurs as their full attention was on the bitch on the floor. "What did I ever actually do to you? What made you have to target me?" Virgil's eyes shined and Lydia's eyes went wide in realization. Virgil wasn't hurt at all... he was manipulating everything. "What? Was it because I'm friends with Roman? Did you feel threatened?" Virgil shook his head as he took a step forward and 'collapsed' into Remus who caught him just in time to see the smirk the boy gave Lydia. Lydia met his eyes as Virgil whispered so quiet only she could hear it. "Colt said hi by the way." Her eyes got impossibly wide as Virgil just smirked. "Next time you feel like targeting someone... Lay the fuck off my boyfriend."

"Virgil?" Virgil put all his weight on Remus who groaned in annoyance knowing full well it was all an act. "Let's get you out of here." 

"VIRGIL!" Roman literally ripped Virgil out of his brother's arms picking the boy up bridal style with tears in his eyes. "What did she do to you? She hurt you... I saw... I... I'll fucking kill her." Virgil saw that look in Roman's eyes and this shiver went down his spine. He pressed himself against the boy and just breathed him in as Patton met his eyes only to freeze seeing the look of happiness Virgil had. "It's ok, Virgil. Just wait... That bitch..."

"It's ok, Princey." Roman faltered as Virgil wrapped his arms around him. "I'm ok. I just... I want to get out of here." Roman nodded as he turned away just as Lydia forced herself back into her seat. Virgil watched from over Roman's shoulder as Lydia took a bite of her soup with tears in her eyes. The sound of coughing made Roman freeze up. His eyes darted over to see Lydia struggling to breathe. Virgil smirked as he buried his face into his prince just as Patton quickly pushed them both out of the room. Logan and Remus shot each other a knowing look before following them out just as Lydia collapsed, heart as still as the stale air around her.

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now