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"Roman got thrown off a building by this asshole. It was totally unfair." Colt gripped the chair tightly as tears fell from his eyes in a steady pace. Virgil had switched the character of his story from himself to Roman several stories ago and now was at the point of just making random shit up. "But enough of that nonsense. You were telling me about why you came here?"

"I was?" Virgil smirked as he nodded. He had been slowly using less and less dosage of the serum as the day went on. It was around Midnight now and Virgil was proud to see the man already falling. And Colt said he'd never get what he wanted... "Oh, right, I was."

"So? Who was it that asked you to look into Roman?" Colt narrowed his eyes as he looked around and frowned. He looked down to see his leg chained up and he frowned. 

"I-I don't... I think I..."

"Colt, you know you can tell me." Virgil smiled softly as he shifted into character. Muddy up his mind and he'll start to unravel. "I'm here to help you, but I can't do that if you don't talk to me. And we'll never finish our story..."

"B-but you don't want to... you want to... T-to help?" Virgil nodded as he took undid the straps. Colt smiled weakly as he held his arms up in awe, as if he'd been locked up for years.

"I want to help you but I need this information. How else are we going to put Roman away?"

"Roman's a bad bad person..." Virgil nodded fighting the urge to punch the guy as Colt started to tear up. "You'll get him right? You'll tell my sister... Y-You won't let him hurt me?"

"That's what I'm here for. As long as your here, Roman won't touch you. I play the part of his helper and you give me the info to send to Willow." Virgil smiled as Colt nodded. It's amazing what people will say in their sleep. Snag a name from a sleeping man and suddenly you have a ticket for trust. After all, Colt never told Virgil his sister's name so how would he know unless he was being honest.

"Mr. Johnson..." Virgil moved to the edge of his seat as Cold looked off as if trying to sort through his thoughts. "Mr. Johnson... His son was one of Roman's victims. He never believed his son just disappeared. He didn't think it was Roman but I had to look into the possibility."

"Who told you Roman was here?" Colt smiled proudly as he hugged himself shivering against the cold.

"Willow did. My sister is amazing. She managed to track him down no problem." Virgil put on a fake smile as if in awe of there abilities. "I was just gonna ask some questions but... then I heard about the Rissoti kid."

"Oh, the boy who died in a car accident, right?" Colt laughed but it was hoarse and devoid of any actual feeling.

"It was staged. There is no way that what happened to him wasn't staged. The amount of alcohol that caused such a big explosion... it's just not possible." Virgil frowned as his mind went to his and Roman's talk in the bathroom. Was it actually possible that Roman killed him? Was Roman really a killer? A shiver went down Virgil's body as a deep guttural growl escaped him. His whole body tingled with a need. Please let this actually be real. Virgil clenched his shaking hands as he tried to hide his excitement. He really needs to figure out just what exactly he is feeling because he's getting tired of just describing it as a need. "V-Virgil?"

"It's ok... I believe you. Now... how did you know about us? Roman and Me..." Colt's eyes flashed as Virgil pretended to shiver in fear. "I mean t-to think... I might have been next."

"I had an informant. She texted me during one of her classes that Roman seemed to be getting close to someone. I stopped in during the last class and well uh...  I warned you. I tried to warn you. During Thomas's club time I was out canvassing when I spotted you getting closer so ducked into the bathroom but then you both suddenly shot in so I hid in the last stall before you could catch me." Virgil tensed as Colt started shaking. He was there?! Virgil was livid. Colt was there during that conversation. "I heard what you both were saying... what he said to you. You can't trust him, Virgil. He a very bad person."

"I don't Colt. I trust you. You showed me the real Roman. Saved my life... Now let me help you, yeah? Who was this informant? I want to make sure she's safe. Can't have Roman finding out about her..." Colt's eyes widened as Virgil frowned. "Please Colt?"

"Lydia Green." Virgil jumped up and stabbed Colt with the injecter again this time doubling the original dose. He watched as Colt's eyes dilated till they look nearly black as he screamed out in agony. 

"That. FuCkInG. BITCH!" Virgil dipped the chair back and dragged it over to the 'bed' Virgil made only to literally throw Colt onto it before locking the chain against the pipe.  He then walked back to the table trying hard not to snap only to throw everything onto the floor as he screamed with rage. "I'll kill her. I swear, I'll fucking kill her." Virgil laughed as he fell against his chair with a broken grin. "I was already going to kill her... but now... now I won't wait." Virgil glanced back over at the man writhing on the floor and smirked. That was way too much serum... might as well make the most of a mistake. "Colt? Are you awake, bud?" A choked scream tore through the place making Virgil sigh as he carefully brought his chair over. "Well ok then, Let me start the story over. Let's see how long you last this time, huh?"

"Once upon a time there was a boy named Roman. He was a simple boy with a simple dream. He wanted to find love. You better hold on, my dear Colt, because this story is about love and death... mystery and conspiracy. Let me tell you about the Holiday curse..."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now