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"VIRGIL!" Virgil froze up the moment that loud voice tore through the room. He was slammed into right off the bad shocking him out of it to find this man in his arm. His black hair fell over his amber eyes but there was just something about them. "Virgil, oh my god! I can't believe you're actually here!" 

"Remy!" Virgil frowned as the man pulled away with a loud laugh. Everyone stood there frozen as Remy held Virgil's hands tightly. 

"Happy fucking birthday emo!" To say Virgil was confused was an understatement.

"Wait... I'm sorry. Do I know you?" Remy's eyes darkened as he quickly pulled away again and frowned.

"Right... I forgot you... you didn't know." Remy bit his lip as he looked around and groaned in playful annoyance. Remy placed both his hands on Virgil's cheeks with a soft smile and Virgil's eyes widened. "Maybe this will jog your memory." Remy leaned in pressing his lips against Virgil who tensed up only to relax and lightly push the man away. The entire room was absolutely silent. Patton and Logan immediately moved to Roman who was smiling but clearly about to snap. Remus looked utterly horrified. When he offered to bring Remy he hadn't once thought this would happen. Virgil's eyes narrowed as he smiled a bit and brushed Remy's hair back.

"Jackie?" Remy smiled as he pulled away and rubbed his arm awkwardly. 

"Actually Vee. I go by Jeremy now... Remy for short. I finally officially transitioned." Virgil laughed as he pulled Remy in again practically squeezing man despite the man behind him who was clenching his fists so tightly he was sure to break something. He just didn't know what yet.

"Fuck me..."

"No thanks." Remy laughed as Virgil punched his arm. "Not into psycho's."

"Obviously, asshole." Patton was confused but he was stunned at the glimmer in Virgil's eyes. "So what... You've been here the entire time?"

"Here, PA... spent a few months in LA. I actually just got back." Remy looked like he was in heaven. He was just so happy. "I can't believe you're here." Virgil smirked as he shifted a bit and shrugged.

"It's been a while hasn't it?"

"Hasn't it?" Remy literally collapsed into the man making Virgil support him with an eye roll. "Virgil, I'm wounded."

"Still as dramatic as ever huh?"

"You know it!" Remy jumped up smacking Virgil's arm light with a laugh. "God, I've missed you. When Remus said you were here, I honestly didn't believe him."

"Oh... So it was Remus... who told you?" Remus tensed horribly as Roman turned his icy gaze over at him still smiling. 

"Yep!" Virgil sighed happily as she shook his head over his friend's energy. "I'm still reeling."

"So am I." Virgil frowned hearing the whisper that came from Roman. His eyes narrowed as he looked back to see the way Roman's eyes were trained on Remy.

"Hey, Remy... You said you just got back right?" The man nodded as he smirked deviously."I wonder if you heard the news."

"What, my sweet little angel cake?" Roman flared as Remy just smiled at Virgil. Logan groaned as he shook his head resigning himself to the reality that there was going to be a mess he was going to have to pick up. "Did something happen to my darling?" Remy winked making Virgil scoff in realization.

"You're laying it on a bit thick don't you think?" Remy just shrugged as he pulled Virgil into a dramatic dip making Roman involuntarily reach out before stopping himself.

"Yep..." Remy looked up with a bright smiled before he tossed Virgil over to Roman who caught him no problem. "I just wanted to see Roman squirm."

"Wait, what?"

"He knew." Virgil laughed as he pulled Roman's arms around him tighter being Roman focus to him. "He was flirt just to mess with you."

"Yeah, Ro... You all know I have a boyfriend. Why would I try to get with emo rick kid here, when I have a loving and devoted MAN at home?"

"I am NOT a kid." Remy's face paled as Virgil seemed to breathe Roman in. "Not anymore." Remy squealed with delight as he stumbled back from all the excitement. 

"Oh, this is just to perfect. I heard the rumors. Of Roman having a secret love... I never heard the name but I heard the rumor. To find out that it's you is amazing considering but..." Remy had to cover his mouth to hold himself back as he choked on his laughter. "Now you're telling me you... Virgil Graves... The same boy who said he'd rather rip a dudes dick off before going down on it." Virgil laughed as everyone seemed to choke around him. Even Roman who was so red now, it was safe to say all the anger he felt turned into pure embarrassment. Remy wiped away a fake tear and he smiled and awed. "My little man growing up."

"Go fuck off, Remy Buxaplenty." 

"Stuff it, Violet Parr." The two just broke into a fit of laughter as Roman subconsciously held onto Virgil tighter. Obviously Virgil noticed who just smiled softly as he sighed and calmed himself down. Remy on the other hand practically fell onto the floor in a fit of giggles.

"Hey, Diva... You still addicted to that crap in a cup?" Remy froze up instantly shooting the other a look.

"You are so evil!" Virgil just smiled as he looked over at Patton who was as pale as a ghost staring at Roman knowingly. He could see the fear and anger in the man. Logan was very specific on what triggers the man and he was surprised he hadn't snapped... though it doesn't look to far off, to be honest.

"Patton, do you mind making Remy some coffee. You all can eat or something... I think Roman wants to have a chat." Roman's eyes went wide as he hugged Virgil even tighter and the younger frowned at the pain he had from the embrace. "Princey, if you don't let me go I can't..." Roman picked Virgil up making the other shoot him a look and sigh as he rag-dolled on purpose. "If your gonna be this way... I'm not gonna make it easy."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora