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Warning- Smut. Yep... Smut again lolz Triggers: Choking, possessiveness, mean words, threat of death, agressiveness

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Roman practically threw Virgil, who just laughed as he landed with a thud on the bed, not even bothering to shut the door as he paced in anger

"What was what?" Roman growl viciously and Virgil couldn't help but shudder under the murderous look in the other's eyes. That sense of danger and familiarity... It was like looking in a fucking mirror. Or well his eyes anyway. It was like looking in a mirror and seeing a very hot and sexy man with the same dark deadly desire. 

"THAT FUCKING KISS IS WHAT!" Roman yelled grabbing the closest thing, a lamp, and chucking it at a wall making Virgil jump with a beaming and excited smile. Roman just stood there torn between his fear and anger. His chest was burning and his heart beat so fast. He was so sure... SO FUCKING SURE Virgil wouldn't do this to him. Logan, his own adopted brother, told him Virgil was just like him. So why... Why would he... Why can't Roman ever find someone who would choose hi... Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil wrapped his arms around him and kissed him deeply. He hadn't even noticed he moved.

"Awe, did Princey get jelly?" Roman's eyes raged with a literal fire as he Virgil smirked at him. "All because I got kissed by another man?"

"Virgil... You're mine." Roman's voice dropped to a growl so deep it shook the earth and Virgil literally felt it in his blood. It was getting a bit to hard to think... literally. "You're mine, do you understand me?"

"Am I?" Virgil pressed himself into Roman who was far to lost in his yandere thoughts to notice something was a bit 'off'. Or well, the opposite really. Something was a bit too... on. "I don't think I ever signed myself over to you. Did it put my name on some dotted line without knowing..." Roman slammed Virgil against the wall ignoring how things crashed to the floor as Virgil's eyes practically glowed.

"Don't talk to me like that. You're mine. No one else's... MINE!"

"I'm nobody's bitch, Ro." Roman's hand went to Virgil's throat making Virgil tense up at just how familiar those eyes really were. In that moment, there was no denying it. He didn't have to question or wonder. He believed every word that stupid dick PI had told him. The man who held him... choking him with a fire in his eyes... he was killer. Just. Like. Him. "I'm no one's. Not even yours." Tear's fell from Roman's eyes as Virgil quickly brushed them aside. "I told you before, Roman. I'm not some bitch you can control. I'm an experience."

"You're mine." Virgil frowned seeing the pain in Roman's eyes. His hand squeezed tighter around Virgil's throat cutting the air from filling his lungs as he leaned in so close their lips were just moments from touching. "You're mine... or you're nothing." Virgil couldn't hold back the moan he had as Roman kissed him roughly. Virgil gasped as sputtered as his body begged for air he was not getting. Roman pressed him hard against the wall as his other hand gripped his wrist so tight it was definitely going to bruise badly. Roman forced Virgil to look up at him despite how red he was getting and growled editorially. 

"You're mine, Virgil. Mine alone. My love isn't something you can just... throw away. I'm your one and only... or I terminate this... relationship." Virgil's legs wrapped around the boy as his hand moved to his boot. Here's something he's never mentioned. He can hold his breath for a very very long time. So this... This was nothing. Roman's grip tightened so much Virgil winced feeling as if his bones would break, yet no fear came. No, just exhilaration. Excitement and desire... He found someone who could truly and completely understand him. This side of Roman... in total honesty was a huge turn on. His free hand wrapped around the cool soft rubber of his knifes hilt and he smirked. "My love is not something you can enjoy in small moments while fraternizing and prancing about with others. I will NOT allow you to kiss another. YOU'RE MINE GOD DAMN IT!" Virgil stuck his knife into Roman's shoulder just enough to cause him some pain making the other scream out as he stumbled back tearing the knife out with this confused and horrified look. 

"No, Roman..." Virgil smirk deviously as he rubbed his neck reveling in the soreness of the already forming bruise. Roman's eyes widened as Virgil growl suggestively with eyes blown with lust. "You're mine."

"Virgil!" Roman was thrown back onto the bed by Virgil with one hand as the younger worked on tearing his shirt off. His eyes were wide with shock as Virgil literally crawled on top of him and palmed him through his jeans. "Th-The d-door!" Virgil chuckled as he leaned in close and smirked. 

"Fuck the door." Virgil tossed a pillow at it causing it to slam shut as he ground against the man below him. Roman just whimpered beneath him at his touch. "What happened Roman? I thought you were the alpha... or was I mistaken."

"V-Vir- AHHH!" Virgil gripped Roman's bulge roughly as he bit his lip. 

"I thought you were gonna show me just how rough you can be." Virgil started to undo Roman's pants as he moaned into him softly. "So worried I'm going to leave you... So scared... so possessive..."

"V-Virgil... Fuck." Roman couldn't stop how his hips rose aching for Virgil's touch but the younger didn't provide it. He simply continued with removing Roman's clothes. 

"So very possessive... so very scared... so very hurt." Roman's eyes widened as Virgil laid himself on top of him in a way where his legs where on his thighs and Virgil's clothes and very hard member was flush against his torse. "My poor sweet Roman..."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now