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(Warning~Death, murder, details about corpses and how they died, self-harm, torture)

"Ok class, so last nights homework was to review those pictures  and form an hypothesis on what might have happened." Virgil groaned as he pulled the pictures out. Logan only watched as he did the same. To be totally honest Logan was observing Virgil, to see if anything was different about him since what had happened with Roman. He wanted to make sure Roman actually didn't fuck it up yet. He didn't know what he would do if Virgil was... affected, but he did know that he didn't want Roman to go through another heartbreak. Especially one so close to the last one. Roman had never fallen so close to the last heartbreak. Logan didn't know how he would react to another one so soon. "Can anyone tell me what they got from picture one?" Virgil raised his hand.

"Seriously? You just gonna have people tell you all this for what?" Mrs. D'laney frowned as Virgil examined her up and down. Logan sighed as he pulled the pictures out on the desk for him to see everything. "I take it you are after the bounty then?"

"Mr. Graves, please refrain from such implications. This is merely an assignment." Virgil rolled his eyes as Logan went to examine the picture. "Now... Picture one."

Picture one was an adult female, around the age range 25-30. She had to bruise around her throat and clear indication of asphyxiation. There was a contusion around the right eye and cut on the lip. It was clear by the bruising and physical damage that there had been an altercation before the alleged strangulation that may have resulted in her death. Logan suspected the strangulation was what killed her and that she had fought back. However, usually in a fight, there is DNA leftover... well, it's hoped that there will be. 

"You can't add this into the group." Logan froze shooting a look over at Virgil who was gripping the picture tightly in his hand as he glared over at the teacher. "This wasn't Anxiety's kill."

"Excuse me?" Virgil sighed as he shifted the pictures about and Logan watched quietly beside him. Virgil was to occupied with getting this shit cleared up. He absolutely hated being credited for her death. Virgil did not kill her. 

"This was not Anxiety's kill." Virgil repeated as he stared down at all the pictures he placed in order. He jumped up out of his seat and brought the pictures over to the bored where he put them up, while the teacher just watched with narrowed eyes. "First off you had all the bodies out of order. Out of the 10 pictures you gave us  picture seven was actually the first one, and 1 wasn't even one of his victims."

"Virgil?" Virgil spun around as he pointed to the woman and frowned angerly. Logan narrowed his eyes in confusion but let the boy continue.

"Firstly, her name was Olivia Warren. She was 26 and had a little boy who now lives with his Grandfather in New york." Virgil rolled his eyes and frowned more. "It was all over the news. She was a kind woman who never brought any attention to herself... not the Anxiety ever really chooses his victims with a set description." He laughed a bit as he shrugs. "Or if he does no one's figured out what it is yet."

"Why are you so adamant that she isn't Anxiety's kill? Look she's even got the white hair." Logan noticed the way Virgil clenched his fists behind his back as he smiled but remained quiet.

"Because Anxiety never ONCE killed with strangulation. Never once. Plus that dye was done post mortem and not by Anxiety. He always makes it look natural, whereas this moron was sloppy and did a very poor dye job." Virgil grabbed a marker and start putting bullets under the picture, writing things like shitty dye job and strangulation. "This poor woman was no doubt killed by her husband who then thought he would get away with it by blaming it on the local serial killer."

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" Virgil groaned loudly as he snapped his fingers repeatedly.

"Come on Richard... I know now you're a dick but you need to pay attention." The boy paled as Virgil narrowed his eyes. "Get with the program." He slammed his hand on the board directly under the next victim. "Nicholas Warren, age 34, and yes... Married to Olivia. Known to be a tab aggressive and thought to be abusive but no one even thought to suspect him because of how well he staged it..."

"Except he didn't do it well." Virgil glanced over at Logan and smirked a bit.

"No, he didn't. Unfortunately, he didn't have to for people to believe it. However, it didn't save him because the very next target was hi..."

"You just said Anxiety never killed with strangulation but he has the same bruising." Virgil clenched his fists tightly as another student cut him off. He gripped the marker tightly frozen just staring at the board with an off smile. "If he doesn't kill with strangulation then why was both done that way?" Virgil turned just in time to see the teacher about to say something but Virgil stopped her.

"Actually as the teacher can attest to... The bruising on the husband was postmortem. Anxiety... He took his time with him as you can see with the cuts on his arms and legs... all of which look to be self-inflicted." They were but Virgil wasn't going to give everything away. Virgil had used that special serum on him twisting his mind with the pain until the man did whatever he wanted. He wanted him to suffer the same pain he put his wife through so... That's why there were cuts. After the guy broke Virgil poured the serum in a high dosage with poison down his throat and just watched him flail. "I can't be certain... about anything at all but..."

"He was getting revenge." Virgil froze as Logan cut him off. He was going to try and turn this around and push for maybe anger and shit so that people don't actually learn anything but damn it... Logan was smart. "He was getting revenge for the woman"

"But the bruises..."

"Shut up Dick!" Logan and Virgil yelled at the same time before Logan cleared his throat. "The bruising was done postmortem, yes but everything else no. If you look at the woman, she too had self-harm scars as well as bruising she could not have self-inflicted. On him... everything was staged just right except... there was no bruising other than around the next. Anxiety didn't lay a finger on him... like he would have his other victims. This wasn't like his other victims." Virgil capped his other markers as he watched Logan with growing concern. "This time he was getting revenge for another, making some feel another's pain but... He was far to good. He knew exactly what to do to make the other feel it which means... This wasn't the first time he'd gone into it with that intention. In fact... I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he does. Makes his victims feel another's pain. But who's..." Virgil tensed up feeling the anxiety building as the two's eyes met. Virgil made no outward reaction but Logan didn't miss the way Virgil's hands twitched before clenching. "His ow..."

The bell rang cutting Logan off and Virgil let out a breath of relief as the teacher started telling everyone about homework. Logan never took his eyes off of Virgil.

Logan knew a killer. He's lived with Roman long enough... helped Roman enough to know the mind of at least someone like him. It was like a flip switched. Anxiety had to be incredibly smart. Anxiety had to have moved away from Washington. And lastly... Logan just managed to discover his motive... meaning Anxiety had to have anxiety. Virgil had to be Anxiety.

Honestly, Logan was smiling.

He just needed to confirm it.

*Discontinued* Killers in Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें