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Trigger Warning~ Mentions of Childnapping, Mentions of Torture, Mentions of Parental neglect, Mentions of abuse, Mentions of death, Mentions of Violence.

"I'm back!" Virgil sung as he stripped his hoodie off before grabbing the shopping bags and walking over to the man strapped to the chair. Colt was shaking nonstop. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin was a ghostly pale. "Glad to see you haven't died from shock." Colt coughed as Virgil sat down across from him. "I was legitimately worried about that but... you seem to be handling it quite well considering."

"W-Where were y-you?" Virgil smiled as he held up the bags before placing them at his feet.

"I went shopping. Thought I would get a few things... One of which is this." Virgil pulled out a large box and smirked. "Figured you might want one and I didn't want to give you mine. Because of the police investigation..." Colt's eyes followed the box that held a brand new laptop as Virgil placed it down on the table he had moved closer. "You know, Colt, you've handled the injections far better then I suspected was possible. You've got a strong will."

"I'm a-an i-investigator." Virgil nodded as he pulled out a bottle of water and Colt's eyes went wide.

"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything with it." He opened it and slowly brought it Colt's chapped lips. "I've learned prisoners respond better when they aren't sick from dehydration. It's only been a day yes, but you've been sweating and crying. You should drink."

"You've probably poisoned it." Virgil smiled as he watched the water bead down Colt's chin.

"Yet you drank it anyway." Colt frowned as Virgil set it off to the side fixing his gloves as he moved to check the straps holding Colt's wrists. "I didn't do a thing to it. If I was going to poison you now it would defeat the purpose. Besides... I am not going to poison you." Virgil's eyes glowed with hate as he grabbed Colts neck suddenly, knocking all the air out of the man. "You deserve worse." Virgil shoved the man as he backed up still glaring down at Colt. "Now start talking. Everything you know... and how you got it."

"And why would I tell you a thing?" Virgil sighed as he went over and grabbed the syringe again. Colt's eyes went wide as he tried to struggle against the straps. Virgil grabbed a vial with pinkish liquid and swirled it around before glancing back at Colt.

"I had hoped you were smarter than this. I've already told you I can't kill you yet so threating with death would be pointless, but don't think I won't snap if you test me. I will adapt and I will survive as I have always done. You. will. die on Sunday." Colt gulped as Virgil started to fill the syringe. "I will kill you on Sunday, regardless if you give me anything or not. I'm doing this to milk the opportunity I was given. If you give me what I want than..." Virgil held the syringe up squeezing all the air out of it before turning to Colt with a neutral gaze. "... I can use it to stop future attempts." Virgil carefully walked over holding the syringe tightly. "I don't need you to though. If I have to work with nothing. I will. I have survived with less."

"W-Who a-are you?" Virgil smirked as he sat down on his chair. "You aren't just some kid."

"I told you... I'm Anxiety." Colt's eyes widened with intense fear as Virgil grabbed him again. "I'll tell you all about me how about that?" Virgil injected Colt again and watched with a smirk as the man's eyes dilated as he strained against the straps. "You just have to be a good boy and listen. Think you can do that?" Colt bit his lip trying to hold back the scream that wanted to erupt through him. Virgil laughed as he brushed Colt's hair back softly. "Good boy. Fighting the pain... It's always best to fight. You live longer when you fight."

"A deal's a deal. I'll tell you about me. But you have to stay awake to hear it..." Colt whimpered as his hand twitched. The pain was immense and Virgil knew the longer Colt stayed awake while injected the more his mind with fray from the torment. 

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now