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Roman Holiday... age 18... Rich kid... Star performers... President of the martial arts club... Self-proclaimed 'Prince' of Sandsvale High. A Knight through and through... At least that's what he 'shows' everyone.

Roman was standing there in front of his mirror feeling... anger. Once again he had been rejected. He was so tired of that. He was a prince god damn it. He was kind and caring. He was daring and graceful. He was strong and dashing. Charming... He was the valiant knight so many dream of having. So why would none of his love interests ever accept him?

He narrowed his eyes pressing a cold cloth to his cheek to wipe away the red that threatened to dry there. He was getting tired of all the rejections. Had he not woo'ed them with romantic gestures that could make even the devil swoon? Had he not put his best face forward showing them love and compassion? Had he not been there for him when they needed a shoulder to cry on? Why is it that after EVERYTHING he's done none of them would be his? That's all he asked for. That all he wanted. They were his and his alone. His love was not something they can enjoy in small moments while fraternizing and prancing about with others. THEY WERE HIS! They just couldn't accept that. They just wouldn't ever choose him.

"Roman are you done in there? We have to be at school in 10 minutes." Logan Reynolds best friend since the 1st grade and housemate since his homophobic parents decided it was better to ignore his existence than continue to care for their out of the closet son. Also extremely annoying... "Roman I know you were out late with Jac..."

"Who?" Roman opened the door to see Logan's blank expression as he quickly grabbed his red backpack.

"Jacob Rissoti... Your boyfriend for the past 2 months?" Roman just shrugged as he closed his door and laughed.

"Oh right... Yeah, He and I are over." The flash of emotion that past Logan's eyes were quick and nearly invisible had Roman not been through this many times prior. "Don't worry, It's not like I through him off a bridge."

"No that Ashton Knight if I remember correctly. You had taken him sightseeing when he got a little too personal with a few of the ladies... What happened this time?" Roman wasted no time in walking off, using his fingers to brush back his ginger locks as he walked into the kitchen to find his twin sitting on the counter eating an apple. "Roman, what was it this time?"

"He said I was obsessive." Remus tensed up as Roman reached out to grab a banana with a grin. "Said I made him feel... trapped. Called it an unhealthy relationship. Told me I should work on getting some help before getting into a relationship. He then told me, and I quote... 'I wish you luck in the future Roman, but it's just not going to work out for us'."

"Where is he?" Roman paused only slightly staring at the banana he started to unpeel. Logan sighed as he shook his head grabbing the keys off the counter. "Did you at least use the methods we spoke about?"

"Would you think about poison when the love of your life just broke your heart into a million billion trillion pieces like it was nothing. Sorry but I don't think your 'methods' are gonna work." The room went quiet as Roman ate his banana humming to himself slightly. And like usual, Remus was unfazed by what was just said.

"Dude, you're like a ligament Serial Killer. OOOH, YOU'RE LIKE THAT ANXIETY BITCH!" Everyone froze at that, even Roman, who actually started to choke on his banana.

"I AM NOT! I am NOTHING like that psychopath." Logan glared over at the man with a 'seriously?' look that make Remus break down into giggles. "I'M NOT! Anxiety is a crazed killer who kidnaps people and does sick shit to them for a weak until they randomly pop up with white hair, all bloody and broken."

"Well, actually no one really knows what Anxiety does to them just that the white hair reminded people of that stupid myth that fear turns peoples hair white." Logan groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "And speaking of Anxiety... Turns out their lastest victim was burned in an abandoned building. It was all over the news for weeks now. They keep saying they're going to catch him but it nothing but false hope."

"What do you mean?" Logan raised an eyebrow at Roman as he watched him grab another banana for later. "The guy burnt his hideout down leaving the body there. Don't you think they'll be signs?"

"Anxiety has been a threat for years now. They never once got caught or was forced into hiding. The police have absolutely no leads or clues or anything. My guess is they are highly intelligent and capable. Probably able to think several steps ahead of everything. They've managed to keep themselves relatively under the radar save for the bodies they deliberately expose and the initial kidnapping that no one can say with absolute certainty was them. Nobody even knows their pattern or motive." Logan had thought about this man times. In fact, he often used other known killers to help him formulate ways to help Roman and his... issues. Going as far as to research and discover a word that fit the creative man perfectly... Yandere. "Never once has Anxiety use fire. Never once. Due to the lack of evidence the fire left,  they can't even be sure Anxiety was the killer in this instance."

"What are you saying specs?" Logan rolled his eyes as he grabbed his own backpack ignoring the looks the twins were giving him.

"I'm saying that given the lack of data there jumping to conclusions. HOWEVER... If that was in fact Anxiety's kill then I have reason to suspect... that was his way of saying goodbye. The only question now would be..." All three of them shared this look before they jumped up heading for the door. "If he's saying goodbye to Washington, where is he going?"

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now