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Come 4th period and things had not gotten any better. Every single class so far that Virgil has had the teachers have all asked if he was in the right place. Of course, they handled it A LOT better than that Mr. Applebalm who was a straight-up ass. It didn't matter much though because Virgil just didn't care. Well, actually he did... His anxiety was starting to get to him. 

The only good thing so far that he's had was the fact that he's had one familiar face in every class. Logan Reynolds... The very man who has given up on ignoring Virgil and as come to terms with the fact that he is not going to be rid of him. At least for now...

Virgil suspected that Logan didn't have the same classes he had in the second half of the day. The school recognized Virgil's advanced IQ and even did placement testing to discover that he was actually in the 5th percentile. However, considering he was a year younger and suffered from anxiety they didn't want to put to much stress... so the put him in advanced placement for the first half allowing him to get the credits he needed to pass. You know, Engish, Math, social, and science... In this case, Calc, Modern Lit, Psych, and Anatomy or something like that anyway... Don't ask why the advanced courses are pretty much College cred, they just are.  

Right now he was sitting at his desk staring at the projection of a body... surprisingly it was one of his kills. When the teacher mentioned going over a murder he never mentioned which kind and Virgil wasn't feeling all to happy about a bunch of high school wannabe scientists scrutinizing his work. 

"Oh look it's Virgil." A voice piped in from the back making Virgil tensed up. On the screen was a young boy maybe 16 at the time. His dyed white hair was slightly matted from the red and Virgil slowly put his hood up. "Guess that means we have a ghost for a class..."

"Have you ever been to Washington?" The teacher frowned as Virgil slowly turned around glaring the boy down and even startling Logan who once again sat beside him. "Well have you?"

"Have you?" Virgil just laughed as he brushed his pure white hair back. 

"I've lived there my whole life." The looks on everyone faces said it all as Virgil turned around to survey the screen again. "April... 7th... no. I think that was Darien Grey. So that would make it... August 20th... Last year right?"

"Uh... y-yeah." Virgil smiled as he remembers just what he did with that boy. He wasn't one for extreme violence. Everything he did serve to make them panic. He exploited there fears. He was always able to figure them out. You could say it was a power of his... either that or he was really good at guessing. No... Virgil liked to think he had a superpower. A power to know your deepest and darkest fears just so that he could use them against you. Like how Pattons was spiders even though he's never actually told Virgil... and he's never freaked out over one in front of Virgil because the anxious man ALWAYS got rid of them before Patton could.

"Darien Grey was one of the few than managed to make it past a week. I think... 12 days was his mark if I remember correctly. What was it that killed him again?" A knife to the stomach laced with a homemade compound that attacked the nervous system making his death so much more painful than it had to be. Virgil didn't have to make it so painful but he was in a bad mood and once again they had refused to eat. So he used Darien as a lab rat for his compound... surprisingly it was very effective. He used it again later on as the torture itself and it had literally driven the man crazy. Now he only uses it for special occasions.

"Ahh, yes well that's what I was going to ask you, students. The purpose of today is to tell me everything you can determine from the pictures I am going to give you." Virgil couldn't help but groan.

"So basically what you saying is, is that the police are incompetent and are resorting to high schoolers for any clues they might be able to get... even though they are halfway across the country." Logan chimed in making Virgil laugh a bit as the teacher handed out these pictures.

"Either that or she's doing it or the bounty. What's it up to now? 5 billion for any information that leads to the capture of Anxiety?" The teacher froze up as Virgil growled a bit in frustration. "They should really just stop. All there going to do is get themselves in a pickle. All this publicity and shit... it's bad rep."

"It's not like they'll ever actually capture Anxiety," Logan grumbled under his breath catching Virgil's attention as the man started to peek at the pictures. "Anxiety is long gone by now. He's not even in Washington anymore."

"And how exactly would you know that Logan Dreary?" The logical man just rolled his eyes as the stupid nickname his fellow classmate threw at him. Virgil nearly snapped at the man again as Logan was actually correct and because his nerves were getting to much, but he stayed quiet instead.

"Simple... The last kill was a goodbye. It was written all over the crime scene." The bell rang singling for lunch and Virgil could not have been any happier.

"All right class keep these pictures on your person and go over them tonight for homework. Tomorrow we will be going over what you've all discovered."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin