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Walking into school the three instantly went their own ways. Logan, being in his advanced placement courses, needed to hurry and get to his calc class before the bell rang. Remus was in special ed so he had to go and get situated. Normally that meant going in and fucking with the teacher until he was forced to leave in which he would ditch school altogether. Roman, however... Roman was left to deal with the aftermath of yet another broken heart.

"ROMAN!" The princely man stopped short hearing the woeful cry. A young lady he instantly recognized as Melody Rider, Jacobs cousin, came running over with tears in his eyes. "Roman... I... I'm so... I'm sorry."

"About what Mel?" Roman put on the princely smile as he reached out to brush her tears away. "Oh, please don't cry. You know how much Jacob and I love that smile of yours." Play dumb and charming and that's how he's gotten through every single one. Surprisingly if you act like a pure-hearted angel no one ever suspects you. Of course, they all only lived here for about a year and a half so not everyone knows of all the boyfriends that have 'died' on Roman. "Speaking of my dashing Prince, have you spoken to him? I was supposed to meet him but I couldn't break away from my brother last night. I wanted to apologize for having to miss out." Her tears only fell harder. 

"Jacob... Jacob he... He... I'm sorry Roman but... Jacob's dead." Everything went silent as Roman started to break. It was all a show of course but it had to be believable. "I am so sorry. I told them they should've..."

"No... He can't be... We were on the phone just yesterday." Her sobs carried down the hall catching everyone's attention including a few people who came out of their classrooms to see what was the matter. Logan, being one of them... He shot Roman this knowing look as watched the scene before going back to what he was doing. Roman just stood there doing his best to comfort the crying girl in his arms. "Shh... I-It's... It's going to ok. We'll... We'll get through this so-somehow."

"I'm sorry, Roman."

"Hey now. He was your cousin. I'm sorry." She hugged Roman tighter as he rubbed her back. Bystanders and passerbys watched in an uncomfortable silence unable to break it out of both respect and anxiety. When she finally started to calm down, Roman brushed her hair back with a sad sympathetic smile. "D-Do... Do you know... what happened?"

"Aunt Diane said the po-police came by at 11 at night... A-Apparently, Jacob had been in a car accident. When they found his car... Roman, he had so much alcohol in there that when he crashed there was enough of a spark to ignite it... P-Poor Aunt Diane." She was a mess again within seconds. Roman let out a breathy sigh hiding his relief with fake tears. "They ruled it as drunk driving... Jacob just... I can't even!"

"Mel? Maybe you should go home and rest? You should be with your family right now." Mel just shook her head as she clung to Roman tightly. "Come on, Mel... It's all going to be ok. Tell Aunt Diane I give my condolence... and go rest. I'm sure the school will understand."

"C-c-come w-with m-m-me?" Roman smiled softly as he hugged the girl one last time wiping the tears from his face with a broken laugh.

"I would, Mel. You know I would. But Jacob would have my ass if I missed a single rehearsal and I don't want an angry actor haunting me." That was enough to make her laugh a bit as she slowly started to pull away. "Do you need me to call anyone..."

"No, I got it. Thank you though." She started to turn away when she stopped and shot him a sad smile. "I really am sorry though Ro. I know this must be very hard for you too. After everything you've lost already... I hope this won't make you lose hope. Jacob wouldn't want you to give up."

"Thank you, my sweet princess, but go rest. You look like you're about to drop." With a slight nod, she left him standing there amongst the silence and all Roman could think was... finally! Now that that was overall he had to do was keep up appearances. The relief he felt over her telling him 'what had happened' had him reeling. 

Just then the bell rang signaling it was time to get to class and Roman couldn't have been happier. What better way to distract himself from everything than with class. Even if most of it was pointless and crude at least it did its job at keeping him busy. 

He sat himself down at his desk making sure to give a 'heartfelt' thank you to everyone who gave him their condolences. Of course, all the drama quickly quieted down the moment the teacher walked in with a new face. 

"Have a seat wherever you like." The teacher said half-heartedly as the blonde boy looked around. His eyes met Roman's with a smile and the prince internally groaned. Roman watched as he walked over a question clear in his eyes.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He gestured to the desk beside me and Roman shook my head. In all truth, he would much prefer to be alone but as the prince of Sandsvale high, he was not about to refuse to let a new student sit where he comfortable. It would only give him a bad rep. 

"The names Roman Holiday." Roman reached out a hand in an offer to shake as the boy sat down placing his bag under his desk. He turned around with a bright grin accepting Romans offer to shake with a laugh.

"Patton Harris. Just moved here from Washington." Roman's face paled as Patton pulled out a notebook seeing the teacher start his lecture. "Glad to meet a friendly face. Maybe we can even be friends."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now