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(Warning... Lemon/smutt-ish... Sorry not Sorry lolz)

Virgil was not one for parties. The anxiety alone when dealing with that many people could set him off, but Patton was a very social butterfly and on top of that he was clearly wanting to get closer to a certain nerdy individual. So obviously Virgil couldn't refuse. If there is one person Virgil would do anything for it was Patton. 

That's how he found himself standing there in front of this giant house. Patton opened the door only for the music to spill out into the cool night air. Why was he doing this? He glanced over at Patton and sighed. That's why... the smile Patton had was practically infectious.

He hung tight to Patton's side as they maneuvered through the overstuffed house. Virgil was certain if the house had been alive it would be puking drunk teens for the next three days. The smell of alcohol was dizzying as he gripped his hoodie tightly.

"Hey... It's the man of the hour!" A sharp voice filled the space as Virgil froze watching a very energetic and drunk Remus jumping off the table spilling whatever was in his cup as he nearly slammed himself into the two. "Hey... Virgil glad you could make it! Patton... you too!"

"Uh... thanks?" Virgil could feel that slight itch as he shrugged the drunk teen off of him. "What exactly is going on here?"

"It's a party! Parent's are out of town so like usual I have free reign to do whatever I please." Hey threw his arms out into the air only for one of them to get caught before Remus could smack them in the face.

"Free reign? Please... The only reason you can even have parties like this is because I manage the alcohol and Logan gets this place spotless before they come home." Virgil tensed up as he looked up to see Roman glaring over at his brother. "Without us, you wouldn't even have a rep let alone a party." Roman glanced between everyone only lingering a bit on Virgil as he scowled. "I can't believe you actually invited him."

"Excuse me." Roman laughed as Remus jumped quickly pulling Patton away before a fight could break loose. It was quite clear that Patton didn't want to leave Virgil alone obviously not wanting the boy to snap but Remus would take no for an answer. Virgil just stood there staring at the man before him in anger as his skin began to crawl. 

"Why are you even here Virgil? Don't you have souls to haunt?" Virgil scoffed as he watched Roman turn to head back to the kitchen. 

"EXCUSE ME ASSHOLE!" He ran after him slamming the revolving door and watching as all the people in there quickly ran out to avoid getting caught up in whatever this was. "I'm not the fucking Grim Reaper."

"Could have fooled me?" Roman was already downing his like 4th cup as Virgil went and grabbed a bottle. His fingers twitched wanting to smash the bottle across the princes head but instead, he forced himself to open it to drink. He was not a drinker. But drinking it was better than why he grabbed it in the first place. "Why the fuck would you even want to come to a fucking party?" Virgil frowned as he finally noticed the way Roman's voice slurred. "An emo loser like yourself probably hates this shit." Roman chuckled as he poured himself another cup. He pointed over at Virgil spilling his drink slightly as he smiled. "Don't worry though pretty sure it hates you too... I fucking hate you so."

"Don't worry the feeling mutual. Moron!" Virgil watched as Roman's eyes slowly narrowed as he drank the very last drop of his bottle. "I wouldn't be caught dead at one of these things but I came for Patton. I certainly wouldn't go anyway near you. You're a fucking bitch." Virgil glanced down at his empty bottle with a smirk. "Probably have fleas you mangy mongrel."

"Shut up." Virgil tensed up as a hand grabbed his pushing him hard against the wall. The sound of glass shattering brought his attention up to the face glaring down at him. He didn't even notice Roman getting closer, but now that every man had him boxed against the wall. "You have no fucking right to say anything, Shithead."

"You can go fuck yourself, Roman." The prince's green eyes seemed to flash as he moved in a smidge closer.

"I said shut your fucking mouth." Virgil only scoffed as he stared the guy down in an obvious challenge.

"Bite me, Fucker." Virgil's eyes narrowed as a devious smirk played on the other's lips. "Now, Get the fu..." Roman smashed Virgil's head back against the wall as he moved in and pressed his lips against Virgil's. The anxious man's eyes went wide noticing the door open and Logan walked in... only to immediately walk right back out. Virgil snapped out of his shock and bit down hard on Roman's lip causing him to pull away with a wicked grin. He brushed his hand across his mouth messily wiping the blood that spilled from where Virgil bit him. 

"Now I thought you said for me to bite you, yet..." Roman grabbed Virgil's arm tightly as he whipped the boy over to the counter with this dark glint in his eyes. An anger... that Virgil felt in himself too. "... you're the only one doing the biting... so far that is."

"I'll kill you." Roman laughed as he pressed himself against Virgil. The anxious boy could feel the burn under his skin. The itch telling him to fuck something up. "I fucking hate you..." Roman smirked.

"The feelings mutual." It took only a second. But in that second Virgil launched himself into the prince slamming him into the wall as the man picked him up making Virgil wrap his legs around him. Roman placed him on the counter pushing all of the bottle and cup to the ground completely ignoring the broken glass as the two literally attacked each other with anger filled kisses. Virgil started to take off his hoodie and smirked as he shoved the man off of him. The growl he got in response only served to fire him up more.

"I think we should maybe..." Roman narrowed his eyes as he grabbed the boys wrist roughly with that same devious grin. 

"Upstairs... now." Virgil barely had time to react as he felt himself getting quite literally dragged off. People barely paid any attention to them as Roman took him up the stairs. In fact, there was only two people who really noticed. Remus who was catcalling from his group over by the couch and Logan who was watching with a very serious look in his eyes. As the two tumbled through the hall towards the room Virgil could feel Roman's grip getting tighter. Not in an I'm going to actually kill you type of way, no... in a you're never leaving me... EVER type of way. And as much as Virgil probably should have thought about it bit more he was to busy getting pressed up against a door for him to care. 

He griped at Roman's shirt clawing at it as he bit down on Roman's neck drawing another low guttural growl out of the man. He felt an arm snake around him pressing him harder against Roman as the door was finally opened and they spilled into the room. Virgil tossed his hoodie onto the floor as he started to take his shirt off. He never got the chance to finish. Roman hand him on the bed before the door even closed. The look in his eyes was scary but the look in Virgil's could stop a heart. 

"Don't..." Roman growled as he moved until he was practically startling Virgil. "I want to tear that off of you." 

"Lock the fucking door first, moron." Roman laughed as he got up and did just that only to freeze as he turned to see Virgil's undoing his belt buckle. His green eyes went wide as he watched the belt drop to the ground, the sound it made as it hit the floor echoing in his mind. "At least you've proven you can do one thing right." Virgil moved closer and closer forcing Roman against the wall and smirked as he traced his fingertips lightly against Roman's skin before quickly slicing his nail against his neck drawing a thin trail of crimson. Roman shuddered as slammed Virgil onto the bed pinning the man's hand above him as he bit down on Virgil's neck. Roman honestly was not prepared for the sweat carnal sound that tore through Virgil as his body shook. Roman looped his hands up in the shirt and before either of then really registered, he had torn it into. 

Roman lifted Virgil closer to him as the boy laid limp in his arms lost to the sensation Roman was given him, and he quickly discarded the shirt as fast as he could. The moment Roman pulled away taking his own shirt off Virgil growled kicking himself out from under the prince and slamming him down on the bed.

"I'm not a whiney fucking bitch Roman. Trust me when I say this..." Virgil pressed his hands into Romans exposed stomach with a twisted smile. "This will be an experience."

"Fuck you." Virgil purred in response causing Romans eyes to go wide as he dug his fingernails into Roman's skin.

"Isn't that what your doing, Princey." Virgil let his voice drop to a deep animalistic growl as he ground down on Roman basking in the quiet choked back moan the other let off. "Fucking me?"

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