Chapter 5

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"This needs to stop...we need to make a statement. We can't just sit and watch it happen, right?", she asked the others after breakfast the next day, referring to the photoshopped picture of Carla raping Damiano that was now all over the internet. "Think about it logically, Vic. Do you really think it's a good idea to appear on social media when not even a full week has passed? I think we should wait until the situation dissolves a bit. You know, until everyone has calmed down a little.", Ethan countered, serious as always but Victoria had had enough: "So you just want to sit around and let people post pictures like that? I'm pretty sure we could sue them for that." Ethan shook his head: "Keep calm, Victoria. We can't just go and make random statements filled with rage. We have to think carefully before appearing on any kind of public media...otherwise we're just gonna make everything worse." She shook her head, looking worriedly at Damiano and then back at Ethan: "No, I can't just do nothing. Have you read the comments? They are fucking disgusting." She hadn't shown them to Damiano but she was pretty sure that he had seen some of them anyway. Again, she scrolled through them:

"Haha, yeah...the attention whore just wants pity."


"Does he really think anyone is gonna believe that pathetic story? Men can't be raped. @Ykaaar Stop claiming women's problems as your own."


"He probably just said that so he can fuck poor Carla over. Men are trash. #JusticeforCarla"


"If he is so fucking depressed, why doesn't he just kill himself already? @Ykaaar Just admit that you only wanted people to hate her because you suck in bed and she found someone better."


And those weren't even the worst comments. The more she read, the angrier she got. Without thinking about it, she grabbed her phone, starting an Instagram Live. Almost immediately she had half a million people watching. They were commenting stuff...mean stuff but she decided to ignore it. Ethan, Thomas and Damiano just stared at her, knowing they couldn't do anything because she was on Live right now. "You listen real fucking close now.", she began, almost spitting it at them because she was so filled with rage. "If you think that posting photoshopped pictures like that is a great and funny idea, I sincerely hope that you get raped and nobody believes you afterwards because that is the only thing you deserve. Did you ever even consider that what we're saying isn't a lie and that you are supporting a rapist while emotionally slaughtering the victim? I will probably get cancelled for this but I don't give a shit...if Damiano was a woman and Carla was a man, you would believe his story because you are fucking sexist motherfuckers. There, I said what I said.", she wanted to turn it off but hesitated: "Also, don't let the crowd pull you with them. If you still support us...if you believe Damiano, speak up...because staying silent is just as bad as actually doing something. Keep in mind that we are human and we have feelings and try to imagine yourself in a situation like that. Not fun, right? If I ever meet you in the streets and you say one fucking bad thing about or to Damiano, I will end you and this is no joke." And with that, she ended the Live.

"Are you fucking mental?", Ethan immediately snapped at her. "This should have been a group we're just gonna get more hate." She glared at him: "A group decision, huh? A group decision where you decide to sit around and watch people post pictures like that? A group decision where they say those disgusting things about your friend and you just decide to ignore it for now because "It hasn't even been a week"? I'm sorry, Ethan but that is bullshit. Something needed to be said, so I did it, end of the story. It probably didn't do anything but maybe...just maybe some people will listen. And if not, at least I spoke up, unlike you." He looked down and she couldn't tell if he was angry at her or not. "I'm sorry...I know, you're doing everything you can. Just...maybe consult with us next time.", he spoke calmly before looking up at her again. She sighed, now also having to apologize: "I didn't mean to say that you do nothing at all. That's not're helping a lot. But things like that make me angry...", after that, the topic was over and they went back to their normal day. Well, if you could even call that normal.

Damiano's mother was still calling all the time...and he just kept on ignoring her. By now, she had managed to keep him away from social media for most hours of the day but he was an adult, so she couldn't force him to. It was better like that though, because whenever he looked at the hate too much, he fell even deeper into his depression. It was raining that day, so they couldn't go outside, which bothered her a bit because in her opinion it was really important for his mental health to go outside and be in the sun. He was laying in bed, staring at the wall. At lunch, she had once again forced him to eat a bowl of soup. He had thrown up a lot but not everything, so at least that was good.

She sat down on the bed next to him, carefully brushing through his hair: "How are you feeling, Angel?", she asked because she noticed he was very tense again. "I just want to sleep but I can't. My stomach hurts and whenever I close my eyes, I see things...things she did.", he mumbled. She was already used to that by now. He could barely eat anything without having horrible cramps and lately he had been waking up because of nightmares pretty often. "I can try to make you feel better, baby...", she suggested but before he could respond, they were both shocked to hear the doorbell ring. Nobody ever came to visit them out, who could it be?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

So, after my break yesterday, I am back yay. If I can somehow manage, I will post a second chapter today but for now, here is this one :)

What do you think about the hate they are getting? What do you think about the comments? Was it a good choice to speak up or should she have kept quiet? And who is the person coming to visit? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now