Chapter 36

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She couldn't really see a lot at first. They didn't have a light on. Not because they didn't want to but because the light on their balcony was broken. She could only guess that there were at least two cuts on his arm by the outlines of dry blood that were significantly darker than his skin. "Come on, then. Let's take care of that.", she told him in a soft tone. There was no judgement in her voice. She had gotten so used to taking care of him and his wounds that she wasn't even too stressed about it anymore as long as he wasn't panicking or in immediate danger. He nodded and followed her inside. She didn't lead him to the bathroom like she usually did. She didn't even know why but she kinda just hoped that it would be a bit more comfortable for him to not be in a sterile bathroom for once. "Sit, Angel...I'll get some stuff to get you all cleaned up." She told him as she disappeared into the bathroom to grab the first aid kit she had bought in France just a few months ago. She had restocked it, of course, but it was still the same kit with the same tools as all those months ago. She returned to the dimly lit bedroom, sitting down on the bed next to Damiano. She looked him up and down real quick; he looked content...not agitated at all, so that was good. His sleeve was still rolled up when she pulled his arm onto her lap. "They're pretty deep, honey...", she stated quietly. It wasn't in a judgmental way...just very matter of factly. "Yeah...I know..." His reply was calm and collected which felt almost eerie to Victoria. They hadn't had a calm talk about his self harm or what had happened to him in a while...or ever, really. She had brought a wet washcloth and now began to clean the dried blood off of his arm. It wasn't bleeding anymore, so she wasn't in a rush. She really took her time to clean it all up, caressing his arm and the countless scars on it in the process. He shivered a bit, but she got the sense that it was in a good way. "I know it's so fucking weird to say this, but I kinda like those moments.", Damiano said once Victoria was done patching him up. She turned her head to face him, smiling lightly: "It's not weird, honey. For years, you've only known pain, so it's only natural that you crave comfort now. It's totally normal that you like being taken care of." "You think so?" "I know so." She did in fact not know so, but it was a logical conclusion in her mind and over the past months, she had definitely learned that it was best to tell him things with confidence. "Do you think we'll hear from the lawyer soon?" She shrugged...she really wasn't too familiar with the legal system. "I don't know, Angel. I think they might reach out soon because they have to build their case, but I don't know. Could be in a week, in a month...for all I know, it could be tomorrow. Try not to worry about it too much yet, alright? Until they actually reach out, we should continue to put our focus on you and your well being."

After that, they didn't do much talking anymore. Damiano was clearly exhausted and fell asleep rather quickly. Victoria on the other hand couldn't sleep at all. She played it off well in front of Damiano but she was anxious as well. Her stomach was turning and she felt kinda nauseous. How couldn't she? As much as she wanted this trial to happen, she was also scared that the people and more so the jury wouldn't believe them and that Carla would walk out as a free woman in the end. After all, they didn't have much evidence. All they had was hearsay. Sure, they had lots of that with both her and Damiano as witnesses but if Carla had good lawyers, they'd probably accuse them of lying or something. She would definitely pull the prosecutor aside as soon as she could, so she would be able to talk to him or her privately. Discuss what was going to happen so she could assure both herself and Damiano. She knew the trial would be hard regardless, but she really hoped that with the help of the prosecutor, she could make it a little easier for Damiano. And even though she knew that the trial would be torture, she had no idea how hard it would actually be. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey :)

So, what do you think? How is the trial going to play out? I would love to know your opinion, so please leave a comment down below ;)

As always, thanks for reading.

- Thalia 

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now