Chapter 27

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"You betrayed me, Victoria!", he barked at her. In the two days that had passed since the incident he had somehow rebuilt the walls she had broken down a few months ago. But of course, this time, he didn't fool anyone. She could look right through him, no matter how harsh or strong he tried to come across. "I didn't...I really thought this would help.", she responded calmly even though she was boiling with anxiety and fear inside. If he could put up an act, she could as well. "Help?! How the fuck would being....being forced to have sex with her help me?!", he was clearly avoiding the word rape, probably not being able to keep up his act when saying it out loud. She stayed strong, though her heart was cracking a little more with every word that was said: "You know that I never meant for it to turn out the way it did. Yes, it went horribly wrong but at least she's gonna be in jail now. All I ever wanted was to help you..." He turned away from her, scoffing: "You know what? Go fuck yourself, Victoria. You're fucking selfish...I could have lived on without her and never hear from her again but you made me do that because you were ashamed of the fucking problems I had. Yeah, you probably thought you could get rid of those problems by getting her put in probably thought that I would have sex with you after that because that's what you always wanted, isn't it?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing: "Are you crazy? I never touched you in a sexual way even once in all those months and you have the audacity to tell me I want to use you for sex? You're fucking delusional. I don't even like you in that way." She didn't know why she had said the last had just slipped out after debating whether or not she actually loved him for a few weeks. He turned around abruptly: "Oh, great, so you faked the whole relationship, or what? Go to hell, Victoria. Leave and don't ever put your nose in my business ever again. We're done." She scoffed, tears of anger and sadness building in her eyes: "Fine then. Have fun cutting your wrists open without someone to take care of them afterwards. Have fun waking up from your nightmares without someone to comfort you by your side and have fucking fun trying to deal with your trauma and anxiety alone. Good fucking luck with that." Then, she just left, hearing him break down as soon as she was out the door but not turning back.

"Vic...what the fuck are you doing?", Ethan asked when she loaded her suitcases into her car the next morning. "What does it look like Ethan? I'm going home." He grabbed her arm: "What do you mean 'home'? What about Damiano? I know he is acting up but you can't leave him like that...he needs you." She shook his arm off: "What I mean is I'm going home to my Rome. He doesn't fucking need me. If he needed me he wouldn't have said what he said...I know I fucked up too and I already apologized but if he doesn't want my help, he can take care of himself. I'm tired of constantly having to worry about someone else and I'm tired of constantly being portrayed as the bad guy here. I'm done with this." She walked to the front door of her car, ready to sit inside and drive away but Ethan wasn't willing to let her go like that: "You can't possibly mean that. How are we supposed to handle him? He doesn't trust us." She shrugged her shoulders: "I don't know...have fun figuring it out. We'll be in touch, okay? See you." And with that, she got into her car, driving away from their dreamy Villa on the countryside. Driving away from her problems, her responsibilities and her concerns but also leaving behind her friends, the memories of the past months and her love, not knowing what would come next or what would happen to her band. Was it selfish? Maybe. But it was the only solution she could think of.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

So, what do you think? Was he in the right? Was it okay of Victoria to drive away like that? Will she come back? What will happen next? Tell me what you think in the comments.

As always, thank you for reading :)

- Thalia

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