Chapter 25

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The next day was over faster than she wanted it to be. Only one hour left until the meeting with Carla. She was pacing around the room, watching Damiano who was just anxiously sitting in bed, biting his nails from time to time. It was obvious how much it really scared them...both of them. "You're making me nervous, Vic...", Damiano suddenly stated, watching her still pacing around. "I know, honey...and I'm sorry...but I'm just as nervous as you are...", she sighed, now sitting down next to him. "Just remember: After tonight, it'll be over.", she spoke gently, not sure if she was trying to convince him or herself. "I'm not sure it will be, Vic...the people online...they will keep saying fucked up things." She grabbed his hand, gently but in a firm way: "I wish I could tell you something else but it's the truth and we both know it. But that doesn't mean we can't handle it. You and I...we are a strong team...we always have been, right?" He looked her directly in the eyes and she was absolutely sure that she had never seen him that scared before: "R-right..." She pulled him into a hug: "Don't be discouraged. In one and a half hours max, it'll be over. I promise."

Soon enough, they found themselves outside a pretty old looking motel. She had parked a few blocks away, so Carla wouldn't suspect anything. "I love you,'s gonna be okay...I promise", she hugged him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek one last time before letting him go inside. She waited anxiously for about ten minutes, constantly pacing around in front of the hotel, kinda scared, not only because of Damiano but also because they were in a sketchy area, where the people looked like they would definitely do bad things if you caught them in the wrong moment. The minutes seemed to last forever and it was almost unbearable for her to think about the things that Carla was probably doing to him right now. Then, finally, it was her time to call for help. "911, what's your emergency?" She took a deep breath: "Hello. This...uhm...this is Victoria DeAngelis...from Maneskin. I need the police to come help me. friend...and band member is currently in a hotel room with a woman who wants to rape him and use him for sex...please hurry.", she then proceeded to tell the operator, who was actually quite a nice lady, her current address. Once again, the minutes passed, feeling like at least a million years to her. She heard screaming every once in a while but couldn't tell if it was Damiano or some other guy who was being robbed, stabbed or God knows what just around the corner...probably wasn't uncommon in this part of the town. She checked her phone at least every 30 seconds but the time just didn't seem to go by. Really nerve wrecking 5 minutes later, the police arrived. A young officer with ginger hair, freckles and dark blue eyes, got out of the car, together with his slightly chubby, blonde partner. "Excuse me, Ma' name is Officer Jordan...that's my partner Luigi. You are Victoria?" She nodded: "That's right." She wasn't sure but she thought she could see a little blush on his cheeks: "I'm a big fan...I wish we could have met under better circumstances." "I really don't want to come across as rude but we really don't have time for chitchat right now. Damiano is in there and I don't even want to imagine what his ex is doing to him." Jordan instantly became more serious:" Yes Ma' us the way." She nodded, her palms becoming increasingly more sweaty due to the anxiety she was having. The stairs seemed to be never just about everything within the last 20 minutes. 20 fucking minutes...she didn't even dare to think about the things that had probably happened during that time. They reached the fifth floor, room 50B. Already she could hear the whimpering, the quiet crying and the muffled screaming, cracking her heart in two. She had raped him again...and that was entirely her fault.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

Back with a chapter again :)

What do you think will happen next? Was her plan good or bad? How is this going to affect their relationship? And how will Damiano deal with what happened?

Let me know what you think in the comments.

As always, thanks for reading :)

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now